Wondering what the hell this thing is? Well, I'll tell you. This is the reality game of all online wrestling dreams. Ever watch Fear Factor? It's mainly that type of game, although here's how it works:
Each person will take one guess at a superstar. If they get it wrong, they have to answer a trivia question to stay in the game. If you answer it wrong, you're eliminated. If you get the picture right, you're still in the game with no questions asked. But, here's the catch. Each picture has a secret amount of points that it's worth. If you get it wrong, you not only have to answer a question to stay in the game, but you immediately get the amount of points that it's worth deducted from your score. If you get below zero, you are eliminated. However, each person signed up will start off with 10 points. But be careful, because there are some of those pictures that have 5 points on them. Remember, the points work in your advantage as well. If you uncover one, you get the amount of points that it's worth.
We'll have 15 people start this game. If it goes well, we'll have a second edition! Have fun!
Signed up so far:
- Kitanya - 10 Points
- Dark_Hylian8 - 11 Points
- ssj4josh - 10 Points
- demon565 - 10 Points
- seve15 - 10 Points
- keiblerfan69 - 10 Points
- realdeal316 - 10 Points
- hbk91 - 10 Points
- SwimPUNK - 10 Points
- sephy37 - 10 Points
- Chicago_Nut - 10 Points
- reyrey11 - 10 Points
- Joaooooo - 10 Points
- ToTheBank - 10 Points
- lilhbk - 10 Points
Uncovered so far:
Ryan says: "dRehkJY you're up to guess"
dRehkJY says: "I'll guess Number 13 is Ultimate Warrior!"
Ryan says: "That's correct it's worth 2 points!"
Ryan says: "Kitanya you're up!"
Kitanya: "Umm, is number 2 Vince McMahon?"
Ryan says: "Sorry, incorrect, you lose 4 points. Answer this question: Who won royal rumble 2004?"
Kitanya: "Uhh, Brock Lesnar?"
Ryan says: "Incorrect, sorry you're eliminated."
And so on.
Teh prize is a mystery ;)
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