Chris Jericho Vs. Randy Orton for the WWE Championship, Jericho may win this but WWE doesn't want to take the Championship off Orton, so I would say that Orton has a slighty better chance to win, but who really know what WWE is going to do.
HBK Vs. Mr. Kenndey, WWE has beenwanting to put these two against each other but WWE, also wants for Mr.Kenndey to look good so this will be IMO a great match.
HHH Vs. Jeff Hardy, just like Mr. Kenndey Jeff Hardy is getting push to the next level, and WWE frist need Jeff to lose the IC Championship, he will most likely put the IC Championship on someone who needs the Championship more then Hardy, maybe Snitsky or Cody Rhodes or someone like that.
Finlay Vs. The Ungreat Khali, Khali will most likely beat the hell out of Finlay until Hornswoggle comes down and hits Khali with the Shillelagh andget Finlay DQ'ed.
Mickie James Vs. Beth Phoenix for the WWE Women's Championship, Mickie I hope wins but, Beth Phoenix will win and keep right on winning 'till theres a Women's Battle Royal for the Women's Championship, or a Triple Threat match.
Rumored Matches
Edge Vs. The Underaker Vs. Batista for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, Edge may win this match, but the Reason that The Undertaker is in this match is, to match the match look more interesting, Batista may keep it but hopefully not, Batista needs a reat and also this whole Batista Vs. The Undertaker is getting old.
Shelton Benjamin Vs. CM Punk for the ECW Championship, Shelton Vs. OPunk would be a great match but, Punk is the Best wrestler in ECW and with Shelton faceing Punkthis could be a really great match.
Rey Mysterio Vs. MVP, this is a non-title match for the reason that REy doesn't need the US Championship, and that what Championship Matt Hardy getting a shot at when he comes back close around Wrestlemania time.
That is my WWE Armageddon PPV Preview, these are not predictions, but what I think about every match.
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