I doubt WWE'd make this knee-jerk reaction, especially when they learned that the rating was faulty. I wouldn't be surprised if it was suggested, but I doubt it was give that much consideration. The brand split, after all, is still making them money. Plus, the old folks home will all be back eventually. Things'll have to get worse before I think ending the brand split becomes a real option. I'd be shocked if it happens soon.
Personally, it'd make practically no difference to me. I'm more apathetic towards the WWE than I can ever remember right now and combining all the rosters isn't going to truly provide me with any "dream matches." I suspect that we'd get one, if we're lucky. two months of better TV simply from the prospects offered from the recombine that even WWE can't screw up, then it'd be back to business as usual, bad matches, bad writing, broing TV, just with more Cena, Trips and Taker.
And I wouldn'tstamp a guarantee on that elevated month. Afterall, who'd of thought you could **** up WWF vs WCW, but they sure as hell found a way, didn't they? And, IMO, things were much better then than they are now.
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