I knew it was coming. I knew it was coming from the very day the tourney was announced. I knew that Triple H would pin RVD to go on to wrestle John f'n Cena at Wrestlemania.
Even knowing this and doing everything in my power to prepare, its ****ing bull****. I still believed that somehow, someway, RVD would win, that WWE might see the errors of their ways and give Van Dam the shot he so richly deserves. When RVD hit that ridiculous Frog Splash on Show, I honestly believed it would happen. I believed the ref would count in spite of Trips holding him and RVD would win. Instead, its just as I predicted, in spite of all overwhelming support, the loud ass chants, the signs in the crowd, the WWE.com polls, Triple H hit RVD with the Pedigree, rolls him over and pins his shoulders and squashes my dreams one more time. No kick out to a massive pop, no come back, no living out the dream, instead the three comes crashing down like gate to freedom from imprisonment, crushing dreams of something more.
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