the opening to Raw was great. i actually marked out a little when HHH's music hit :oops:sephy37It was a great tease, but I probably marked out a little more when Triple H didn't come out, though.
And are we in freakin' Memphis? WTH is with this crowd?
And perhaps Orton isn't going to be Victim #1 anymore?
Jeff Hardy: From main event to this in a single week.
I'm not so sure that I'm behind Cody Runnels debuting tonight. I thought it would be something to come out of Rhodes-Orton, not build it. My reservations about that match continue to grow. I am excited to see what Cody brings to the table though.
I enjoyed the 4-Way. The winner was highly predictable, but it was a change of pace to get there. Santino was out before he had time to either do much damage or do himself any good. Regal and Shelton each got respectable performances, which was a nice change of pace for both men. I can't say Umaga vs Jeff Hardy is a match I'm excited about, but it ought to be an improvement over their previous matches, if they actually let Hardy hit some offense.
I was actually looking forward to H being back, so of course it had to happen while I'm in maine and lack cable.bulletproofcowHe's not. Booker T came out to the (still ridiculously awesome) King of Kings theme and proclaimed himself the only King on Raw, which lead to a sissy slap fight with Lawler.
that was an excellent debut from Cody. it would have been bad if Orton lost going into GAB. Cody can sell really well and for the first time ever that i can remember, Orton did a snap suplex. his punches look really weak tho and when he was going for a sunset flip it looked really awkward.
i was surprised the crowd was so into it.
i'm really looking forward to seeing Cody face someone more his size and style. i say have him wrestle Shelton a couple times.
[QUOTE="bulletproofcow"]I was actually looking forward to H being back, so of course it had to happen while I'm in maine and lack cable.The_Dude14He's not. Booker T came out to the (still ridiculously awesome) King of Kings theme and proclaimed himself the only King on Raw, which lead to a sissy slap fight with Lawler. I have to say, thats far cooler than him returning. I always miss something either funny or cool like that.
Well, Orton-Young Rhodes did absolutely nothing to ease my reservations about the GAB match. In fact, it only deepened them as that match served only to get the wrong Rhodes over.
And I'm really starting to get sick of Mickie James becoming the face version of Victoria to the Women's Division.
EDIT: And holy crap they are pushing Cena-Lashley hard. Its obnoxious.
How much better would Kennedy-Crazy have been had Super Crazy not been utterly and inexplicably demolished by Snitzky last week?
The match itself was solidly entertaining. Good intensity out of both men, as they really looked like they didn't like each other and that they were really going at it. And I really liked the Super Reverse Suplex finish.
However, the bone-headed move to follow up on this rivalry after Snitzky demolishes Crazy is just moronic.
Considering all the build towards Lashley-Cena, that final segment looked extremely poorly thought out. Cena tried to be funny, Lashley tried to speak, Coach... was there. On their own, each usually makes for a poor segment, combined it was rough.
However, Raw wasn't bad on the whole and compared to last week's show, which I believe has been classified as Government approved torture now, it was a massive improvement. The first hour, especially, flew by, while the second hour had some issues.
I don't think I mentioned it, but I like the music change for ECW. I think the entire world was sick of "Bodies," and Manson tune seems to fit well enough.
Burke-Punk was disappointing. Burke's status has really slipped the last few weeks for whatever reason.
This Nitro thing is interesting. If they are moving him, though, I think its a huge mistake.
So, they're giving King Mabel another push that will inevitably end in failure as it always does, while Matt Striker, the guy that can actually wrestle,does his talking. Its like the WWE is regressing to the things that nearly bankrupted them. Where's Uncle Ted when you need him?
King Mable :lol: that was on of the lamest gimmick ever, Ijust hope WWE can find someone else other than The Boogeyman, I think Big Daddy V should face someone like Dreamer, or someone like Dreamer like Mahoney.
I will get used to the new ECWmusic, I was wondering if it was new or not, because I turn ECW on at 10:05 last week so thanks for saying it was new.
Burke need to have something new add to his mix like either have Burke or Cor Von turn face, so they can face each other.
Personally, I think new look on Johnny Nitro is improvement and looks really nice. In short, good way of transitioning him into look that is on more of "main event" level.
However, in regards to the "big announcement," l look at it as being definition of "pointless."
I think it's a better gimmick but he doesn't need to have a rock stars name, or whatever.
ECW was and has been better in the past weeks even though ECW has a superstar shortage.
He's a heel, he isn't supposed to please the people. So frankly, it was a good thing IMO.Personally, I think new look on Johnny Nitro is improvement and looks really nice, however, the "big announcement" of name change was completely and utterly lame and pointless.
This Nitro thing is interesting. If they are moving him, though, I think its a huge mistake.The_Dude14Yeah, never mind, I was wrong. It wasn't interesting.
So, now, instead of being Johnny Nitro, a catchy name that people know, can remember and already associate with Johnny Nitro, he is now named for his passing resemblance to Jim Morrison? ... I'm tapping out.
Weak edition of ECW. Very weak.
And the key to Nitro's promos should be less is more.
[QUOTE="Link256"]He's a heel, he isn't supposed to please the people. So frankly, it was a good thing IMO.Personally, I think new look on Johnny Nitro is improvement and looks really nice, however, the "big announcement" of name change was completely and utterly lame and pointless.
I am not talking about pleasing the audience - I am talking about making sense. I am talking about that when you make "big announcement," that it should be some where remotely close to being that, instead of being exact opposite.
Ladies and gentlemen, The Great Khali is your new World Heavyweight Champion. :|
Hey how much bleach will I be able to drink before I forget this event ever happened?
You'll be dead by then. >_>
- RAW did a 3.4 rating on Monday off hours of 3.3 and 3.5. The show has done 3.4 ratings the last two weeks. Those are the lowest back-to-back ratings for RAW since October of 2004. [Credit:]
- ECW On Sci-Fi did a 1.34 rating last night, down from a 1.37 last week. The rating is the second lowest rating the show has done in over a year. The lowest remains the 1.24 that the show did two weeks ago. [Credit:]
Nitro's promo was horrible. That guy can't cut one to save his life. It's an embarassment that not only is Khali is the WHC, but that Nitro is holding the ECW title.batistafan99Nitro can wrestle and speak English... Kahli can do neither.
[QUOTE="batistafan99"]Nitro's promo was horrible. That guy can't cut one to save his life. It's an embarassment that not only is Khali is the WHC, but that Nitro is holding the ECW title.trick_man01Nitro can wrestle and speak English... Kahli can do neither.
Nitro is better than Khali, but that isn't saying much. Nitro is a horrible wrestler, I can't wait until someone else is champ
wait Khali is the champ?!?!?! WTF is going on??? Am I in a nightmare that I can't wake up from or something? You see I'm gone for a week and this crap happens. Why Khali, WHY!!!Halo2_Norad
Clam down man, it's not like it's the end of the world or anything, I mean look at it this way Batista or Kane are going to face each other on Smackdown to see who face Khali at GAB, then Ka\hali will hopefully lose the Championship and then go on walking around beating up little guys that mean nothing to the fans, and also he will still walk like a Duck with Hemorrhoids.
So theres nothing to worry about.
Nitro can wrestle and speak English... Kahli can do neither.[QUOTE="trick_man01"][QUOTE="batistafan99"]Nitro's promo was horrible. That guy can't cut one to save his life. It's an embarassment that not only is Khali is the WHC, but that Nitro is holding the ECW title.batistafan99
Nitro is better than Khali, but that isn't saying much. Nitro is a horrible wrestler, I can't wait until someone else is champ
Nitro is not a horrible wrestler. Bad on the mic, good in the ring. He's not great, but would you rather have Lashley, who's neither?Why was the fans chanting You Suck to Edge, what he sucks just because he hurt?
Now thats just wrong. :(
Nitro is not a horrible wrestler. Bad on the mic, good in the ring. He's not great, but would you rather have Lashley, who's neither?bulletproofcowIn Lashley's defence, his charisma has most definitely improved contrary to when he first started on SmackDown! with the US Title so I whole heartedly disagree with that statement. You only had to watch RAW this past week to at least get where I'm coming from here. I'm not a big fan of Lashley but I really don't feel he deserves to be discredited as a wrestler - I agree that he's been practically shoved down our throats but he's managed to pull some big and totally unexpected moves in the ring (more like out of it but you know what I'm saying) and has had some great matches this year regardless of his push.
Smackdown was decent, but I just hope WWE doesn't have The Ungreat Khali keep the Championship for more than a month, because who else will be able to beat him, it's notgoing to beRey Mysterio, or anyone else other than The Undertaker, but who knows maybe this will be for the better of WWE.
I like how MVP is always saying that he's the best US Champion, and that he will beat Matt Hardy at GAB, I just think once MVP loses his US Championship, he will beclose to getting a World HeavyweightChampionship shot.
Smackdown just needs to stop thinking all about the World HeavyweightChampionship, and focus on the other Championships, I think the only reason why WWE doesn't want to take the Cruiserweight Championship from Chavo, just because WWE has no one elseis Cruiserwieght Champion materel.
Deuce and Domino, are getting the same treatment there is enough time to push The Major Brothers, and have them face a good tag team that isn't a cople of jobbers.
Smackdown needs alot of help, and having this whole Torrie Wilson Vs. Victoria thing isn't helping matters either.
In Lashley's defence, his charisma has most definitely improved contrary to when he first started on SmackDown! with the US Title so I whole heartedly disagree with that statement. You only had to watch RAW this past week to at least get where I'm coming from here. I'm not a big fan of Lashley but I really don't feel he deserves to be discredited as a wrestler - I agree that he's been practically shoved down our throats but he's managed to pull some big and totally unexpected moves in the ring (more like out of it but you know what I'm saying) and has had some great matches this year regardless of his push. I actually was away from home on Monday so did not see Raw :P[QUOTE="bulletproofcow"]Nitro is not a horrible wrestler. Bad on the mic, good in the ring. He's not great, but would you rather have Lashley, who's neither?hbk91
And I feel like a hypocrite considering after seeing the Defense of Cena thread, I saw some things in there that could be said for Lashley as well. I guess I was just using him as an example of who is considered the worst ECW champ so far. As for charisma, he needs to talk if they want to get him over.
As for TNA, the only "wrestling" of the week I saw, the highlight of the show was Borash saying he freeballs.
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