You know you watch too much wrestling when you act as if you're the Undertaker at Wal-Mart and you say to the 80 year old register lady "!" And she gets a heart attack and you say "thats wasnt my fault"Chicago_Nut
that was a good one, YKUWTMW when you hit your brother with the pedigree and then get a hammer and hit him on the head!
[QUOTE="lilhbk"][QUOTE="Pack_Man"]You watch too much wrestling when you decide to play WrestleMania 21.Pack_Man
do u mean it in a good or bad way?
that was low!!!! im playin that game right now!:(:cry: and i like it! so that means that i watch too much wrestlin, i gotta go play raw 2 then, or raw 1, cuz i have them all, but raw 1 is the worst!
[QUOTE="Pack_Man"][QUOTE="lilhbk"][QUOTE="Pack_Man"]You watch too much wrestling when you decide to play WrestleMania 21.lilhbk
do u mean it in a good or bad way?
that was low!!!! im playin that game right now!:(:cry: and i like it! so that means that i watch too much wrestlin, i gotta go play raw 2 then, or raw 1, cuz i have them all, but raw 1 is the worst!
[QUOTE="lilhbk"][QUOTE="Pack_Man"][QUOTE="lilhbk"][QUOTE="Pack_Man"]You watch too much wrestling when you decide to play WrestleMania 21.Pack_Man
do u mean it in a good or bad way?
that was low!!!! im playin that game right now!:(:cry: and i like it! so that means that i watch too much wrestlin, i gotta go play raw 2 then, or raw 1, cuz i have them all, but raw 1 is the worst!
you know wat you right! everyone thinks different!!!! so we cool now ! :D:P:wink:8)
YKYWTMWW you are in a swimming pool full of girls and say,"Alright everyone,I'll judge the Bikini contest!"and they agree.reyrey11
hehe good one! YKYWTMWW the bikini contest is on and the you scream if u smellllll wat the...(u say ur name) is cookin u come out and say we dont want you in a bikini contest, we want you in a pie eatin contest.
you know u watch too much wrestling when u agree with vince mcmahon.
also, u know u watch too much wrestling when u try to do the moonsault on ur brother and end up breaking a bone.
last, u know u watch too much wrestling when try a big splash on someone and break his leg because u just weight over 200 pounds more than him
You know you watch too much wrestling when you build a hell in a cell, lock it, but you left the keys outside and now you're stuck forever in the cell. Theres no one to help you cause you live in a forest with no kids and children :P
You know you watch too much wrestling when you go to a deaf man and say "you cant hear me"
You know you watch too much wrestling when you build a hell in a cell, lock it, but you left the keys outside and now you're stuck forever in the cell. Theres no one to help you cause you live in a forest with no kids and children :P
You know you watch too much wrestling when you go to a deaf man and say "you cant hear me"
the first one was good!!:D:lol:
YKYWTMWW your cousin is sleepin in the floor, and you look at him, you do the five second post(os that thename) and you do the five knucle shuffle(i dont think thats spell right)
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