WOTU RT Presents: WWE Extreme Rules RT Build Up Thread (5/19)

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#251 killerband55
Member since 2003 • 107961 Posts

*Takes place during a backstage segment on WOTU Raw*

As Josh Mathews is interviewing Killerband while on his crutches.

Josh: Well Killerband, thank you for joining me here.

Killerband: No problem Josh.

Josh: Killerband, I want to ask with everything that's going on, how's Brie Bella doing?

Killerband:  I'm not at liberty to say right now, she's still very shaken up and she did talk to me over the phone recently, and she's so shaken up, she didn't come to the arena tonight, she will be here next week, but until then, she's being protected by security at an undisclosed location.

Josh: Okay, thank you for that Killer, also Speeps challenged you to a match one-on-one at Summerslam, do you accept?

Killerband: Well before I answer, I just want to say someone that has been under my skin for the past year or two being a part of TV.com, and now being in tWo is now trying to over throw the WOTU.  Well not under my watch, Speeps you want a match with me at Summerslam in August in Los Angeles with the lights on bright?  You got it, I'll be glad to take down tWo single handled, and put your ass in your place.  Cya in Hollywood!

As Killerband leaves leaving Josh there as Raw goes to the next match-up.

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#252 Crulex1369
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Possible 3 team fight between Killer and a partner (Joe?), French and Icon and tWo's Nick and a partner as well as Killerbrand accepting to take on Speeps at SummerSlam!? This Elemental Demon right here has his *ss in his seat! I want to see French try to get his revenge, and Speeps/Killer has been brewing for years!!! Hell yeah! Where's my popcorn? #ThisIsGonnaBeGood! ElementalDemonTwitter

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#253 TwistofFate14
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I said I was going to get my redemption. The Twister is going to raise hell on those who did not respect me. #Redemption #tWo #Twistify Twister Twitter

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#254 TwistofFate14
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*This happens on RAW*

Twister comes out in a white jacket with "tWo" on the back in black spray-paint. He receives massive boos. Twister grabs a mic.

Twister: Going into WrestleMania, I thought that would be my final match. I thought that after I faced Killer, win or defeat, I would hang up the boots, but there was something pulling me back in. I wanted to call it quits, but I just couldn't do it. Then I got a text from TWF_Legend, asking me to be a part of a tWo revival, and I had to do it. The TWF was the place I made my name, and the place where I was my career peak, then I fell. I loved that place, and most of the people in it. It was my home. When it dissolved, I was crushed. So, naturally I joined his group, and made sure that the people in here would not forget me. I am the source of untapped rage and distruction, and now I finally have a place to unleash it. I will get my redemption for not being given the chance to succeed in the WOTU. This is my time, this is my redemption.

Twister drops the mic and leaves. 

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#255 jediknight52501
Member since 2005 • 69715 Posts
*the following takes place on WOTU RAW.* plays as Jedi makes his way to the ring. he gets some nice cheap pop from the crowd as he gets in the ring. Jedi asks for a mic as he looks at the WOTU Universe. Jedi: "well i got to admit, i love the new Theme. i see you all like it as well. first off i want to say it feels nice to finally hold some real gold here in the WOTU. to all of you that know my story i have been here for almost 2 years now. for 2 years i clawed and i bleed and i sweated my ass for for the WOTU. i know at first i was quite the whiner. i know i have told this story before and look at me now. not only am i a serious Wrestler with serious goals in my life. now for one thing i want to get off my chest, i am a tried and true WOTU guy. i am here because a friend of mine said i should join the WOTU and that person was you Killer. at first i was not sure if i would last here and i was in matches that i won and lost but i never could find my place then i met you Shoe_Crap and that is when my career really took off. i was an old school John Cena wannabe who rapped his way to the ring and i would would throw words in people's faces. after that i decided to become an All-American after a success in High School and College Wrestling in Iowa where i was an All-American twice at Iowa University and helped the Hawkeyes win two NCAA Tourments two years in a row. though i never got a chance to wrestle in the for the Gold, i decided to take a couple of years off and then i got the call from Killer asking me if i ever thought about becoming a Pro Wrestler and the rest is history. after i decided to ditch the All-American ego i had i joined Gamerguy who i faced in some great matches last year. me and my Tag Team Partner Legen who helped me form the All-Americans after a few successful Tag Team matches together, we stayed a Tag Team and we are still chasing Tag Team Gold. when we joined Renegades Of Honor i made a bad call that i fell bad about to this day and that was kidnapping Static. a guy who i twisted and when it was all said and done, he formed a Team we all know called Corrective Chaos. they would torment us and a soon we would face each other for the Intercontinental Championship after i was handed the Intercontinental Championship Money In The Bank at Survivor Series when Crulex won the X-Division Title. every day i thought about cashing it in when i felt the time was right and that time was 3 weeks ago at Wrestlemania and you know what, i did what no other Wrestler has ever done and i won at Wrestlemania. i still say i got lucky winning this Title and now at Extreme Rules i face Big_Evil in a Stretcher Match. a match i never wrestled in before and that is why i asked for the match, to prove i can wrestle in any type of match here in the WOTU. now i think i have talked enough tonight so i am here to make a statement. Big_Evil i am looking forward to our match at Extreme Rules. oh and i am here to make one more Statement. Renegades Of Honor is still alive and kicking so Gamer, French, Icon and anyone else who still wants in, we have plenty of room and CKY guy, you are still apart of us and we will fight for the right and just. so i think it is time for me to stop talking and i will let you enjoy the rest of RAW. the time for talk is over and the time to fight is now." Jedi then drops the mic as the crowd cheers for Jedi as he decides to leave the ring as he heads back to the R.O.H. Locker Room.*
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#256 spideynerd3
Member since 2007 • 11049 Posts

The Following takes place on Monday Night Raw:

*"Down with the Sickness" hits, as the crowd gives a mixed reaction. Out steps Spidey, who isn't wearing his Guy Fawkes mask. Instead, he appears to be letting his hair grow out, both on his head, and his face. He also is wearing robes, compared to his usual attire of a suit and tie. Ali is at his side in her usual attire. She skips around Spidey as he slowly makes his way down to the ring. Once in the ring, he pulls out his mic from his robes, and begins to speak*

Spidey: I just want to start off by saying the following, Randyspeeps is painting me as the villain of this story... And he's right, I AM the villain of this story! Randyspeeps is a god like myself, only no matter how much he thinks of himself, his relam isn't in Chaos. Speeps isn't even that bad of a guy, he acts it, but he is a teddy bear once you get to know him. Me, I'm not like that. Speeps is already focusing on Killerband at Summerslam, but everyone knows the outcome of that match. The darkest days of the WOTU are upon us, because at Summerslam, it will be one year since I beat Killerband and won the WOTU Championship for the second time in my career. If I can beat Killerband at Summerslam, so can Randyspeeps. The fans, that being you all, want to see a battle of immortals, two gods doing battle with each other. The fans want to see Randyspeeps vs. Spideynerd... But you guys aren't going to get that match any time soon.

*The crowd boos at this, which shocks Ali, but doesn't effect Spidey*

Spidey: Now to the next subject, that moronic tag team partner of mine, Cpman. If he thinks I'm just going to let him have his half of MY Tag Team titles back, he can think again. He has to EARN back my trust. How am I to know he won't quit again this week? I don't know what he'll do, he is unpredictable in that matter, but his insanity has become perfectly clear to him, so that's at least a start. Luckily my wife is a psychologist, and will be working with Cpman. If she gives him the clear to tag with me at Extreme Rules, we'll beat Slick and EFC and once again retain the tag titles.

*Spidey lowers his mic, and looks up at the rafters, almost as if he knows someone or something is up there, before looking back at crowd level and raising his mic*

Spidey: Finally, the last thing on my list of things to address tonight... It's actually two subjects that I'm combining into one because they have a common theme. Earlier tonight we all witnessed what was painfully obvious, and that was Nick and Twist joining the t.W.o, and then the group kicking Icon and French to the curb. Reality check t.W.o, before you know it, Twist is going to leave the group for whatever reason he comes up with this time, while Nick disappears once again. Listen, I know you guys have more people hidden in the rafters, I knew what I was doing when I signed Speeps to a contract, because I'm not stupid. I'm the villain of this story, we've already established this. But back on topic, Killerband through out the challenge to Icon and French, while Nick through in a twist, pun intended, of his own, asking for a triple threat tag team match... Contested in a steel cage. That match is signed!

*The crowd pops for this*

Spidey: Shut up and let me finish... I said this was two things that were similiar. You see, Nick wanted a steel cage match, and that got idea's in my mind for the third stage of hell in my match with Shoe_Crap. The WOTU Fans get to pick the match, and they get to do so by twitter. The choices are, #HellInACell, #PunjabiPrison, and #LethalLockdown. Voting ends on Friday, results will be revealed on next week's Raw. That's all I have to say, the God of Chaos has spoken.

*Spidey leaves the ring, as Ali follows. Raw then cuts to a commercial* 

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#257 jediknight52501
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*JediKnight via WOTU Exclusive.* Jedi: "tonight i was going to show video footage of Ali's fake Therapy sessions but after watching the tapes over and over again, i was able to determine that the footage was a fake. so Ali i am dropping the Therapist act and letting you handle the cases from now on. i was wrong to call you a phony and it will not happen again but i will also tell you that as long as Spidey is a corrupt Co-GM, i will never kneel before him for any reason and that you can take to the bank. as for putting people in Straight Jackets, i am far from done and my Offices are now closed but that is not stopping me from putting the right people where they belong, in a Straight Jacket. so expect more people to get what they deserve. see you all on Impact when i put my next victim in a Straight Jacket.*
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#258 Theplayer8505
Member since 2011 • 2533 Posts

*The Following happens on WOTU Raw.*


(The Player and Kayla comes out to all Cheers, and as The Player and Kayla walk down to the ring, and they get into the ring, and The Player hands Kayla a Mic and he then grabs a mic and the Player starts off.)

The Player: I first off want to say I'm very excited to be back in Ohio, Columbus is a City that is very close to my heart, I want to thank everyone first off for coming to see WOTU, I also would like to say Cp you my friend are a nutcase, and if you want to face me and not worry about other things such as you going to the nut-house, but enough about you being a crazy ass, I want you versus me, in that Tables, Ladders, and Chairs, match and yes I heard that you accepted the match but I want to still know what match you want to face me in if it's not a TLC match then what match would you face me in it's up to you Cp.

Kayla: I think you Player should be the one to decide since it's your Rematch, but that isn't what you decided, on, Player, but that is what I think you should do.

The Player: Cp you can do what you want, you can say what you, BUT if you want me I'm right here Cp, ready to go, sooooooooooo I would like to know Cp, what are you thinking right now as you are standing there in the backstage, watching me, talk about you and as you hold on to your WOTU Tag Team Championship, and your also holding on to MY WOTU Championship, and you better keep it nice and shined up, just for me, I want you also to doone other thing don't come out here thinking your the one that will stop me from winning BACK, what is rightfully mine, THEE WOTU Championship, I want that Strap, back and I will get it back Hell or high watert, I WILL get that DAMN Championship back, I want it, it should still be Mine, not yours.........

Kayla: Um Player what about it being Ours............

The Player: Oh that right Kayla, Cp That Championship you hold is like a target and I will hit the Bulls-eye, and bring BACK OUR, WOTU Championship, and when I do win it back I want you to know right now, that whether it's a Last Man Standing match, a Inferno match, old fashion Extreme Rules match, a Backstage Brawl, or even a TLC match, I will win that match, and We will then be holding  OUR WOTU Championship AGAIN, but one last thing Cp, if you do somehow beat me at WOTU Extreme Rules, I want you to know that Me and Kayla will be getting it back sooner rather then later, and when WE do get OUR WOTU Championship back I will of course reign supreme a-gain, but also We will be the Best Power couple know  here in WOTU, not Gamer and K2, not Spidey and Ali, NOT even Crulex and Karma, are up to the leavel that we our at I want everyone to know this right now that Me and Kayla, will be knwo as The Greatest Power Couple........................ EVER.

Kayla: Yeah Cp and everyone else in the back stage can go to Hell, and Static if you thin k that's the worst me and player can do then watch this.......... (Kayla jumps into the Players arms and they share a very passionate kiss, as Raw goes to a commercial.) 

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#259 gamerguy456
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*backstage at raw*

striker: im here with Gamer thank you for joining me

*crowd cheers*

Gamer: no problem matt

Striker: now gamer please explain the story again ?

Gamer: well

*kelly kelly appears*

K2: what happened as that Eve that worthless bimbo got gamer a contract but then those nasty corrective chaos guys attacked him poor gamer :(

*gamer rolls his eyes*

*kelly kelly grabs gamer's arm*

K2: but now he is back and together we will dominate wotu just like we did last year :D

Gamer: im gonna go now

*gamer leaves*

striker: kelly kelly ?

K2: yes

strker: i dont think gamer likes you

K2: dont be silly josh

striker: matt

K2: whatever gamer's mind was poisoned by that wench Eve trust me Gamer is sticking with me

striker: this is crazy


striker: nothing


*striker backs away*

*layla appears and her and K2 have a staredown*

layla: what are you lookin at ?

K2: not much

layla: what did you say ?

K2: you heard me you little crazy bi***

layla: oh im crazy yeah go run around stalking the guy who dropped you last year

K2: oh yeah who was slamming her head into a table a few months back huh

*K2 and layla both tilt their heads to the right and staredown eachother*

*layla leaves*

K2: hahahahahaha ohhhhhh gamer you stupid stupid guy you will come running back to me before you even know it

random employee: who are you talking to ?


*segment ends*

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#260 TheNewEraIcon
Member since 2009 • 12196 Posts

***After RAW Promo-

*I stand in the hallway, with a calm expression despite being banged up*


Me: Don't you think if you jump someone, you should finish them off? thats  what i think. So if you guys are gonna be back stabbing punks, then be that . If yall are just gonna be f*cking up a dudes clothes, do that. Cause thats all yall ended up doing was f*cking up my clothes. i was out the medical exam room in 20 minutes, i know you heard about me.

You clowns didn't stop nothing. It's Icon, I thought ya knew! So you guys cut that out. If you're gonna come jump me, then take me out, if you're not gonna take me out, stop trying. Don't come for me unless you're gonna finish me off for real. Cause I'm with you I'm in the game too, but don't be half ass doing it.

*Matt Striker comes into the room to get an interview

Matt: Icon sorry to bother you but after what transpired on RAW tonight what are your thoughts moving forward:


Me: Disgusting, isn't it? The way they manage to bastardize everything they touch. All this time we thought they were supposed to be brilliant strategists. In reality, their short sighted punks. So tell me, TWO what's it like acting in a constant haze of stupidity? Out of your whole plan, you made one moronic mistake. You went and pissed me off. Being stabbed in the back sits very poorly with us and it makes us a bit irrational.....  sometimes impulses just jump in.

It makes you wanna do something drastic, like clap somebody.... You know when we go to get our points back, to even the score up. We don't care about whose out there with them, their moms, their dads, their kids. Its on.... right there on the spot..... 


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#261 StaticKornSlipX
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Static's Raw Promo 

*Raw comes back from commercial*

Cole: Welcome back to Monday Night Raw!!!! We've had an eventful night so far. Goldenagenick and TwistofFate are with the tWo-

King: More like GoldenagePr*ck and TwistofHate.

JBL: Come on King!! The tWo is the most exciting thing to happen to the WOTU since-

*At that instance, the lights in the arena dim and a red ambient lighting similar to the lighting for Kane's entrance shines on the lower bowl of the arena as a video feed pops up on the titantron. The shot is zoomed in a white surface which appears to be illuminated by red lighting similar to what appears in the arena. The camera zooms out and this is revealed:


The van is white but it and the surrounding area is lit up by blood red parking lot lights. Atop the van sits a megaphone. Suddenly, a hooded man vaults himself on top of the van. The camera zooms in on the cloaked man but his face is hidden except his menacing grin. The man extends his right hand in front of his body. He holds it there for a brief moment and then lowers it downward. A coordinated commotion is heard behind the camera and the camera turns toward the commotion....Good golly, a crowd of 1000+ people is kneeling in front of this van. Each appear to be wearing Guy Fawkes masks in the style Corrective Chaos members wear. The camera pans over the extensive group as the hooded man speaks into the megaphone.

Masked Man: Kneel in reverence to the God of Chaos!!!

*The camera turns back around and the hooded man is holding the megaphone up to his face with one hand while he holds up a replica of Spidey's Guy Fawkes mask in the other.*

Masked Man: Now rise Disciples of Chaos!!!

*The gathering of people all rise in unison as the hooded man tosses the Spideynerd Guy Fawkes mask into the crowd. The camera turns but just misses the person putting the mask on. The camera turns back and refocuses on the hooded man. The man slowly lifts his hood above his head, revealing a blood-red Guy Fawkes mask.*

Cole: It's Static!!!

JBL: Shut it, Cole!! Let the enlightened virtuoso have his spotlight!!! 

*At that exact moment, behind the van Static is standing on, a dozen spotlights light up the sky blood red. The camera zooms in on the structure these spotlights have illuminated. It gets in nice and close on what appears to be a logo on the side of the building...a TWF logo.*

King: He's in Connecticut!!! 

Cole: Static is at what was just recently the TWF's corporate headquarters.

*The audience in the arena lets out a collective gasp at the sight they are seeing. The production crew returns to the feed as the camera zooms in on the top of the roof as this flag flies on both flag poles atop the building:


Static begins to speak into the megaphone from underneath his Guy Fawkes mask*

Static: Disciples of Chaos, the building you see before you is a relic. But is the relic worth saving? No!!! Because it is an obsolete legacy!!! The video archives, the past championship titles, and all the other cherished memorabilia in this building....are not in need of salvation.

*Static unsheathes his staff, Salvation, and points it out to the mass of followers in front of him.*

Static: But unlike you all, who have found salvation and now follow a purpose which transcends beyond this world of decay, the remnants of the TWF must be eradicated....

*Static turns toward the TWF headquarters and he speaks into the megaphone as his voice echos off the buidling*


*Static sits in the lotus position on top of the van.*

Static: I promise to protect and defend you both against any and all threats. I am your weapon to wield, I am your weapon of chaos.

*Static stands up and turns to face the camera below him.*

Static: Chaos transcends time and space. And as my kinsman put it, "We are Chaos". Thus, this stable called the 2, and yes this is what you would call a slap in the face you grotesque simpletons, Corrective Chaos will put an end to you on our terms. So have yourself some fun in with the WOTU's cannon fodder in the meantime. We'll let you know when it's your time....TO FALL VICTIM TO CHAOS!!!!

*Static hops off the van right in front of the camera. The Disciples of Chaos erupt into thunderous cheers and applause behind the camera. Static directs the camera man to follow him to the back of the van. Static opens each backdoor of the van and the camera peers in the van. The van is full to the brim with TNT. As the camera looks at the explosives, Static hops back on the megaphone.*

Static: Disciples of Chaos!!!! Tonight, Chaos flies, while this obsolete legacy of the TWF dies!!!

*The camera catches Static pointing at the headquarters of the TWF.*

Cole: What is Static doing?

King: He's nuts!!! 

JBL: Don't do it, Static!!! Don't open that can of worms called the tWo.

Cole: It's other way around, JBL. The tWo has just opened a can of worms called CORRECTIVE CHAOS!!!!

*Static walks through the camera shot, and walks around the van and hops into the driver's seat. The camera re-focuses on the explosives as two disciples walk up behind the van and close the doors. The van revs up, forcing the camera man to back up. The van revs up for 10 to 15 seconds, which keeps the audience in the arena on the edge of their seats. Static yells out.*


*The disciples both outside TWF's headquarters and those in the arena explode with cheers. The van peels out and heads straight for the underground garage directly under the building. The camera pans over to the flags on top of the building and they unfasten from their poles and fly off in the wind. The camera zooms out so the entire building is in view. The microphone picks up a crash. And unexpectedly, fireworks start going off a distance beyond the building and as the disciples start to engross in the magnificence of these fireworks. The TNT in the vans goes off. Flames shoot through the windows, and glass comes raining down ways in front of the mob of people.*

JBL: I guess tha-

*More explosions are set off, engulfing the entire building in flames. The building starts to balloon to one side. As the grand finale of the fireworks go off in the distance, the building finally collapses. The WOTU fans in the arena rain down deafening applause in response to the event they are witnessing.*

King: He really did it!!!!

Cole: Static is a man of purpose but this... this is regretful.

JBL: Shut up you two!!! The man just gave his life for Chaos.

*The camera man moves closer to the blazing rubble and sets the camera down in a spot with the TWF logo in the background. A man wearing a cloack walks forward into the frame and turns around in front of the camera. He is wearing a Spideynerd Guy Fawkes mask. He then removes the mask and he is wearing yet another mask which looks like this:


A flock of Disciples of Chaos run into the shot and obscure the view of this masked man*

Cole: Cpman?!?! That was Cpman!!! 

JBL: It can't be that son of a gun!!!

*The feed cuts off as emergency sirens close in around the scene. Raw ends with a split screen view of Corrective Chaos' locker room and the tWo's locker room. Both are in a state of disbelief.* 


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#262 Joemcmark
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WOTU.com EXCLUSIVE...if, ya know, you don't count youtube and twitter and tout and...where was I going with this? 

*Joemcmark shows up and looks at his watch.*

Joe: Late again? W-wait, it's already over!? Ugh, I swear, sometimes I just...

*A car horn honks at Joe and he quickly moves out of the way.*

Joe: Drivers these days, I swear...

*He looks at his phone, it reads "10 new messages, 14 missed calls." Joe drops his briefcase and sighs.*

Joe: I-I just can't keep hiding from these things anymore...I can't disappoint Killer and i sure wouldn't even think about disappointing the WOTU, that's Spidey's job, after all. Then again, I guess I already put AJ down, put my fans down...I've done a lot of things I regret. Today is a new day, though. I'm not a hero, nor will I ever be, but I can at least make everyone proud! 

*Icon and French are seen entering a car together from the distance. Joe quickly hides behind another car and silently watches them enter the car. The two drive off and leave the arena. Joe smiles a bit*

Joe: A little ambush never hurt anyone, right? All is fair in love, war, and the WOTU...at least I think that's how it goes. See you at Smackdown, guys.

*Joe laughs and then winks as the camera fades* 

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#263 killerband55
Member since 2003 • 107961 Posts

It's nice to see @Joemcmark finally taking a stand against @Icon and @French, it will be interesting to see what he does on #Smackdown this week, I'm sure to be tuning in #AboutTime

Killerband Twitter

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#264 FrenchDynasty
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OOC- Good promo Joe, but hey since Iconn and i got attacked by  the TWO and that more or less made us look like chumps, is it cool if you wait a few days if you're gona attack us? i think we need to get our momentum back
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#265 killerband55
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OOC- Good promo Joe, but hey since Iconn and i got attacked by  the TWO and that more or less made us look like chumps, is it cool if you wait a few days if you're gona attack us? i think we need to get our momentum backFrenchDynasty

OOC: he may wait to attack you, but i won't as i got nothing but retribution on my mind ;)

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#266 FrenchDynasty
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[QUOTE="FrenchDynasty"]OOC- Good promo Joe, but hey since Iconn and i got attacked by  the TWO and that more or less made us look like chumps, is it cool if you wait a few days if you're gona attack us? i think we need to get our momentum backkillerband55

OOC: he may wait to attack you, but i won't as i got nothing but retribution on my mind ;)

OOC We thought something up for this week so maybe u could pm one of us and work on an idea together? that way we can all look strong 

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#267 killerband55
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[QUOTE="FrenchDynasty"]OOC- Good promo Joe, but hey since Iconn and i got attacked by  the TWO and that more or less made us look like chumps, is it cool if you wait a few days if you're gona attack us? i think we need to get our momentum backFrenchDynasty

OOC: he may wait to attack you, but i won't as i got nothing but retribution on my mind ;)

OOC We thought something up for this week so maybe u could pm one of us and work on an idea together? that way we can all look strong 

OOC: let me know what you come up with (i'm still reeling from that ass whooping i got from you two in that parking lot, much less you being the serial killer to Brie a few days back)

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#268 FrenchDynasty
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[QUOTE="FrenchDynasty"]OOC- Good promo Joe, but hey since Iconn and i got attacked by  the TWO and that more or less made us look like chumps, is it cool if you wait a few days if you're gona attack us? i think we need to get our momentum backkillerband55

OOC: he may wait to attack you, but i won't as i got nothing but retribution on my mind ;)

OOC We thought something up for this week so maybe u could pm one of us and work on an idea together? that way we can all look strong 

OOC: let me know what you come up with (i'm still reeling from that ass whooping i got from you two in that parking lot, much less you being the serial killer to Brie a few days back)

we wont hurt u this week... lol :P

we'll make it so you almost get  payback but we outsmart you 

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#269 killerband55
Member since 2003 • 107961 Posts

we wont hurt u this week... lol :P

we'll make it so you almost get  payback but we outsmart you 


OOC: what about the Brie situation?

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#270 FrenchDynasty
Member since 2009 • 1383 Posts

(Outside a big building I'm shown with Icon. Decorated with all sorts of signs and with limos and all kinds of people out front)

 (College prom-

Icon (What are we doing here? i thought we were going to a club?



Me (We are . But we were in town and i figured why not. ever since monday, mate i've been irked!


(We go inside the building and it turns out to be a prom!


Icon (French?.... what the hell are we doing here?


Me (Trust me okay?


(Continuing on)

Me (Hey icon you want some punch?

Icon (Nah I'm good homie! I brought tupper-ware so I'm gonna stock up on the food!



(I appraoch a guy dressed like a rapper, who looks eerily similar to twist-off-ate trying to pose and act like a rapper)


(Guy rapping to his friends)


Rapper (My rhymes are so vicious they shouldnt be legal!

i spit it hotter than anyone in the world could do!



Me (Hey! vanilla ice! and whats your name?


Rapper (yo man dont be comin up around here dissin me better check yo self homie! its OG MAC! Aka! Cold G-Ride Bouncer!

Me -To his friends 

 Me( Whats his real name?

 Friends a little embarassed


Friends (Its Jeffrey....


 Me (Jeffrey, thats pretty intense! Where are you from Jeffrey... I mean OG Mac?

 Jeffrey (Tha streets homie!

Me (Which streets are those?

Jeffrey (Lake Oswego Oregon! Thats my town!

 Me( Woah! sounds more hardcore than Compton!

 Jeffrey (Hey I walk the walk! You know what im sayin!

Me (Fresh.... Yo im down! I'm into walking to!

 Jeffrey (You bein funny?!

Me (i'm trying to be

Jeffrey (Watch it fool! i warn you! i got the streets! i got a rep! i've been gang bangin since i was 3!

Me (Gang banging? I dont get it you mean.... doing it with other people in the room? ew....

Jeffrey (Im ice cold B! dont make me dump on you!


(Icon creeps up behind him and dumps a tub of ice water on him and I hit him with a sweet chin music!


Icon (Couldn't take listening to that dude perpetrating like he's banging





(I approach these jocks standing around talking about picking up women

  (One of them happens to look a little like goldenagenick!


Me( Hey whats your name son?


Jock (Johnny! who wants to know?!


Me (My foot does!

(In a split second I give him a sweet chin music!)


(Icon stands up and salutes

Icon(That was a thing of beauty!


Me (Damn TWO lookalikes! 




 (Out of the corner of our eyes, we spot two guys trying to charge girls admission to dance with them and they wear black and white just like the TWO so I sneak up and hit one with the sweet chin music! while Icon german suplexes the other!


(Both of us climb up on a table)


Me (We run this town now!

Icon (Us! Thats right! You dweebs just got got!

Me (We're the prom kings now! 

Icon (All you other dork-wads listen up! empty the contents of your wallets into this paper bag right here! Cash or credit card only! naturally!

Me (And if you have any hot older sisters, mothers, or aunts. kindly pass my cell phone number around on this businesscard! one at a time!

Icon (None of you are really all that hot! Gather round please for the scores!  in the front you ladies score 5, 1, 6, 2 & 7 at the same time, in the back 5, 3, 4, 8, 5 In that order. Not a 10 amongst yall! 

 Me ( And to the professors here! Whether we would shag it no, no, in a dream, no, ehhh maybe, no, depends how tipsy, no!

(Icon finishes putting the food in the tupper ware and gathers the money and we leave! 


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#271 FrenchDynasty
Member since 2009 • 1383 Posts

(Youtube exclusive


Me (Bonjour Killer!  I noticed you've been mentioning us quite alot lately! Icon and I never knew we had such a loyal fan! Since you're sooo busy playing tough guy who wants revenge what do you say to a little street racing? Thursday night?  that is if you have half of the bravery you talk like you do. Then you'd be up for a little game of No Signals'

We'll be waiting for your response! 

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#272 FriezaDBZ
Member since 2011 • 42 Posts

Wednesday Night Main Event

*Late into the hour of Wednesday's WWE Main Event, Lord Frieza walks out to the parking lot of the arena, making sure that none of the psychotic enemy WOTU and tWo and Corrective Chaos individuals are around..........*

Frieza: Hmm, I really need to get some allies. Oh, yes, of course, that reminds me, I do suppose I should go make that call before Dude returns from Kami knows where. Now, where did I park that gigantic two mile radius-sized ship of mine? Oh, yes, section C.

*Frieza crosses the parking lot until he reaches the massive oval humorously taking up ten parking spaces under a hole in the parking garage roof. Frieza climbs inside and powers up the main monitor. After a few minutes, a single individual flashes on the screen. Only his siloutee can be made out, but Frieza cackles to himself.*

Frieza: Why hello there. Been some time since I've had to contact you.

?????: Ah, sir! I thought you had retired when the other company went under! You conquered and destroyed it just like you said you would!

Frieza: Er, em.......no......not entirely. Most of that wasn't my doing. I mean, yes, I was obviously in the top five at least, but uhh.......no.

?????: No?

Frieza: No. It imploded on itself just when I was making a killing so to speak. I mean, I had just received an open invitation to join Ortonism, and not even two months later I'm already out on a technicality of a little thing called "it doesn't exist anymore". But at least I have a fresh start. Still, I fear for my sanity. WOTU wrestlers.....are not quite right in the head. Even more so than TWF wrestlers.

??????: So what is the mission, sir?

Frieza: The Dude. Or rather, "just" Dude as he would say. I have him as my first opponent. Inside a Torture Chamber. This is where you come in. Gather the boys. It's time for you all to join me here in the WOTU for this one.

??????: How exactly will we do that sir?

Frieza: It's in the rules of said Torture Chamber match. We both bring in a few allies to toss us weapons a few minutes into the match, and it's legal. And who else am I going to call besides my personal extermination squad?

??????: I see. It will be done! We will prepare lift-off as soon as possible!

Frieza: Excellent! When can I expect your arrival?

??????: I would calculate Friday at the latest my Lord!

Frieza: Oh good.........I can't wait. This Friday........I can feel it! My career will be taking a new direction soon........hahahahaha!

*To be continued on Friday................

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#273 TwistofFate14
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Nick & Twist will destroy at Extreme Rules, and we will dominate the WOTU soon after. #Redemption #tWo #Twistify Twister Twitter
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#274 killerband55
Member since 2003 • 107961 Posts

@French Street Racing? What is this Fast and the Furious?  I'll be at #ImpactLive instead where I'll show you first hand what your desmise at #ExtremeRules will be like #PayAttentionClosely

Killerband Twitter

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#275 FrenchDynasty
Member since 2009 • 1383 Posts

(Short exclusive)


So it turns out Killer's got no  guts after all... not surprised. Americans usually don't unless their holding a gun! I mean Killer, when did you become such a little old man? Your style and pizazz left alongside your youth! 

Unfortunately we haven't been re-hired yet so we can't make IMPACT tonight as we have better things to do! Which you may have heard somewhere before! So until then you can stew in your little vengeance talks! Au Revoir! 

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#276 spideynerd3
Member since 2007 • 11049 Posts

The following takes place on WOTU Main Event:

*The ring is decorated like a psychologist's office. Ali Chino is sitting in a chair, while Cpman is laying down on a couch. Ali has a note pad in hand, and is wearing her usual mic pack, while Cp is forced to use a hand held mic*

Ali: Mr. Reborn, or is it Mr. Frato? Cp, or Jake? Who is here with me right now?

Cpman: Cut it with the jokes Ali, this is serious! Clearly you paid attention to what happened last week!

Ali: I did... And that's why I was asking who is here with me right now... Also, please address me as Dr. Chinoclothe-Nerd.

Cpman: Well who do you think is here with you, "Dr. Chinoclothe-Nerd"?

Ali: I don't know, that's why I was asking!

Cpman: No need to raise your voice, Ali! I'm Cpman.

Ali: DR. CHINOCLOTHE-NERD! *Calms down* Good, good. *Writes something on her note pad* Now, let's start with something simple. What was going through your mind last Thursday night.

Cpman: I... I don't remember.

Ali: Hmm... *Again writes on her note pad* Okay, the following night on Smackdown is when you realized that everything wasn't as it seemed in your eyes. Since you've now had a few days to look back and reflect on this, what are your thoughts five days later?

Cpman: I'm embaressed! Wouldn't you be as well if you thought you had a brother, and everyone played along, even though they knew something was up? On top of all that, I can't help but feel sad, alone, and depressed. I've been living a lie for the past two years, and realizing it... It sucks, you know?

Ali: Not really, but I can see why you'd be feeling the way you are. Let's talk about Monday, shall we?

Cpman: What about it?

Ali: We were suppose to have a session, but you didn't show... Where were you?

Cpman: Honestly, Monday is a blur to me, so I have no idea.

Ali: Are you sure about that?

Cpman: Yeah... I mean, I'm suppose to tell the truth here, right?

Ali: Yes. *Writes something on her note pad* This next question comes straight from your boss, Spidey, he wants to know where Static is.

Cpman: I don't know... Knowing Static, I'm sure he is off somewhere doing something. I don't get why Spidey would ask that question though, and I certainly don't see how it is suppose to help me get better.

Ali: Um, yeah... I don't know why either... *Writes something on her note pad*

Cpman: You seem to be writing a lot down, "Dr. Chinoclother-Nerd".... Care to share?

Ali: Of course not! Don't you watch tv or movies? What I'm writing is for my eyes, and my eyes only.

Cpman: But you'll show it to Spidey as well...

Ali: Ah, but that's where you are wrong, I will do no such thing. I will give Spidey a detailed report, but will not show him what I've written.

Cpman: Whatever... So, is there any hope for me, Doc?

Ali: First of all, don't call me "Doc". Secondly, it is too early to tell. You keep visiting me until you feel you are your usual self again, or until I deem you aware enough to compete.

Cpman: So... Is this session already coming to an end?

Ali: Yes. Typically I'd tell you to come back next week, but we have a lot of stuff to address, and little time to do so. That's why we are doing this again Friday on Smackdown, the one week anniversary of your melt down.

Cpman: But, but... I'm not sure I can handle that!

Ali: It's the doctors orders, Cpman. I want to help you, and even though he won't completely admit it, Spidey wants to see you better as well, and not just because you guys are tag team partners. Friday we go deep into your past, today was just a start, not much was addressed, and I did that for a reason. Things will be tougher for you from here on out.

Cpman: I'll try to manage, Doc.

*Ali rolls her eyes as we cut to commercial* 

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#277 Big_Evil666
Member since 2004 • 13817 Posts

we're back from commercial asan unfamiliar theme starts to play;



Big_Evil makes his way to the ring to a mixed chorus; he grabs a mic and prepares to address the WOTU faithfull;


Big: quiet down quiet down, i'm about to speak! well well well Jedi, it does seem to me like you're ready for our match at Extreme Rules! good for you. I want to let u know that I am also getting ready for our match at Extreme Rules. in an undisclosed location i've been training these last few weeks. doing major prep work with my team, Camp Big_Evil and they've been helping me in many ways to prepare for our match. I've been practicing stretcher matches, watching tapes of stretcher matches and also watching tapes of you over the past few years, and i must say i'm quite impressed with your in ring work my friend. and i think i've managed to come up with a pretty damn good strategy as to how i'm going to kick your a$$ and take back what is rightfully mine! and i just want to let u know that if any members of ROH or the new boys in town, TWO, try to get involved at Extreme Rules, i will not be held accountable for what i'll do to them, and i will equally not be held accountable for what I will do to u at Extremem Rules my friend! so Jedi, i say this unto you, bring your 'A' game as only i know u will and i shall bring mine as well, and in the end we shall indeed see who the undisputed Intercontinental Champion will be and i guarendamntee u that i will be the one left standing tall with the gold as your carcus is hauled away on the stretcher to the waiting ambulance to take you to the local medical facility. 

now i leave u with my famous parting words of wisdom....SORRY ABOUT YOUR DAMN LUCK B*TCH!!


Big drops the mic and exits the ring, as he walks up the ramp he stops and makes a title motion around his waist as we cut to another commercial break...fade out.

OOC: i look forward to what you have cooking up for us Jedi! 

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#278 jediknight52501
Member since 2005 • 69715 Posts
*the following takes place on WOTU Impact Wrestling.* plays as Jedi makes his way to the ring as the crowd cheers for Jedi/ Jedi gets in the ring as he looks at the WOTU Universe and he starts to smile. Jed then asks for a Mic as he looks at the crowd. Jedi: "damn. Big Evil i got to admit i like what you had to say. you see i am so looking forward to our match at Extreme Rules that i am going to challenge you to a Tag Team Match tomorrow night on Smackdown. you see Metal is facing my Tag Team Partner Legen at Extreme Rules for the X-Division Title. so i thought we should have a warm up match together against you and Metal in a Tornado Tables Tag Team Match. now if i know you and Metal, i am sure you both do not have a problem accepting the challenge for tomorrow night." as Jedi finishes Legen comes out and he gets in the ring. he asks for a mic as the crowd cheers for Leghas been in one already. en. Legen: "wow Jedi. i am all for that Tag Team Match tomorrow. i am so ready that i am willing to put either Metal or Big through a Table. and after that i am taking my Title back from Metal and that is a promise." Jedi: well now we have to wait and see if Metal and Big are up to the challenge? honestly i hope they accept the challenge as one of them is getting put in a Straight Jacket and Metal has been in one already." Legen: "i think Big is due for one, he thinks he is a beer drinking cowboy wannabe and that is scary." Jedi: "i think you are right Legen, so Big, Metal, see your asses on Smackdown if you got the guts to get in the ring?" Jedi and Legen then drop their mics as they start to leave the ring and they head back to the R.O.H. Locer Room.*
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#279 killerband55
Member since 2003 • 107961 Posts

*Takes place on WOTU Impact Wrestling*

As "Another Me" plays as Killerband & Brie Bella come out on stage as Christy Hemme does their introduction and they enter the ring as Killerband is about to face Bret Roberts.  

As the bell rings, Killerband proceeds to pretty much start kicking Robert's ass all over the ring in frustration to what happened to him and his manager Brie Bella over the past number of weeks, as Brie is outside cheering Killerband on his a nice black dress.

Killerband runs up the turnbuckle as he delivers the Whisper of the Wind to Roberts, but he doesn't go for the cover.  When after 5 minutes of a beatdown, Killerband gives Roberts a Stunner, then goes straight into a Crossface as Roberts has no choice but to tap out.  Killerband doesn't let go of the Crossface as the referee prys Killerband off of Roberts as Killerband is declared the winner.  As Brie gets back into the ring, she hugs Killerband tightly then she gives Bret Roberts the "loser" finger gesture on her forehead as Killerband faces the camera as he says...

Killerband: Icon & French, this is only a taste of what will happen to you pieces of crap at Extreme Rules.

As Killerband & Rikku head to the back as Impact goes to commercial.

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#280 thedude200512
Member since 2005 • 199 Posts
I know that we were supposed to promo at least once a day, but I recently just stated a new term at school so I have been basically busy trying to get my grades up to par. I will still be very much active though. Speaking of active with Torture Chamber Match with Frienza fastly approaching, I need some guys to help me throw weapons into the chamber. I am looking for three. So if I have any takers please PM and let me know what weapon.
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#281 killerband55
Member since 2003 • 107961 Posts

I know that we were supposed to promo at least once a day, but I recently just stated a new term at school so I have been basically busy trying to get my grades up to par. I will still be very much active though. Speaking of active with Torture Chamber Match with Frienza fastly approaching, I need some guys to help me throw weapons into the chamber. I am looking for three. So if I have any takers please PM and let me know what weapon.thedude200512

OOC: well you don't have to promo once a day, just whenever an actual event happens, you can promo (just to keep up with the timeline), also posting just posting in the event threads also during those events (if you're available to post)

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#282 thedude200512
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[QUOTE="thedude200512"]I know that we were supposed to promo at least once a day, but I recently just stated a new term at school so I have been basically busy trying to get my grades up to par. I will still be very much active though. Speaking of active with Torture Chamber Match with Frienza fastly approaching, I need some guys to help me throw weapons into the chamber. I am looking for three. So if I have any takers please PM and let me know what weapon.killerband55

OOC: well you don't have to promo once a day, just whenever an actual event happens, you can promo (just to keep up with the timeline), also posting just posting in the event threads also during those events (if you're available to post)

Wait what?

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#283 killerband55
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[QUOTE="thedude200512"]I know that we were supposed to promo at least once a day, but I recently just stated a new term at school so I have been basically busy trying to get my grades up to par. I will still be very much active though. Speaking of active with Torture Chamber Match with Frienza fastly approaching, I need some guys to help me throw weapons into the chamber. I am looking for three. So if I have any takers please PM and let me know what weapon.thedude200512

OOC: well you don't have to promo once a day, just whenever an actual event happens, you can promo (just to keep up with the timeline), also posting just posting in the event threads also during those events (if you're available to post)

Wait what?

ya know like monday for Raw, wednesday for Main Event, thursday for Impact Wrestling, and friday for Smackdown, or somewhere close to those days

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#284 thedude200512
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[QUOTE="thedude200512"]I know that we were supposed to promo at least once a day, but I recently just stated a new term at school so I have been basically busy trying to get my grades up to par. I will still be very much active though. Speaking of active with Torture Chamber Match with Frienza fastly approaching, I need some guys to help me throw weapons into the chamber. I am looking for three. So if I have any takers please PM and let me know what weapon.killerband55

OOC: well you don't have to promo once a day, just whenever an actual event happens, you can promo (just to keep up with the timeline), also posting just posting in the event threads also during those events (if you're available to post)

Wait what?

ya know like monday for Raw, wednesday for Main Event, thursday for Impact Wrestling, and friday for Smackdown, or somewhere close to those days

Oh I see now
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#285 jediknight52501
Member since 2005 • 69715 Posts
*JediKnight Via WOTU Exclusive.* Jedi: "still waiting to on Big and Metal to accept the challenge for tomorrow night on Smackdown. so if you two got the guts, meet us in the ring and we will see who the better team is. just remember, someone is going through a Table tomorrow night."*
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#286 Legenkiller59
Member since 2008 • 6464 Posts
*JediKnight Via WOTU Exclusive.* Jedi: "still waiting to on Big and Metal to accept the challenge for tomorrow night on Smackdown. so if you two got the guts, meet us in the ring and we will see who the better team is. just remember, someone is going through a Table tomorrow night."*jediknight52501
OOC: Big, I do respect you since we were former partners and I still do repect but you are going down since you are on the other team. Accept our match
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#287 FriezaDBZ
Member since 2011 • 42 Posts

Friday Night Smackdown

*While Friday Night Smackdown gets well into the show, Lord Frieza is outside of the WOTU Arena, waiting in a bomb bunker for the arrival of his guests. As he looks up into the sky, he grins, seeing two specks sparkle. With a whistle, the two specks form into large orbs that crash into the ground with a fiery explosion, sending dust and debris into the shelter. Once the dust settles, Frieza climbs out of the bunker and walks towards the crater, frowning when he sees only two orbs. As the orbs open, a flash of purple and orange leap out and form a two man line in front of Frieza.*

Ginyu: Captian Ginyu....

Jeice: And second in command Jiece reporting for battle, sir!

Frieza: Ah, lovely. Two members of the Ginyu Force. It's a welcoming sight, but tell me one thing.

Ginyu: Yes sir?


Jeice: Ah, uh, well sir, you see, they seems to have had a bit of an accident in the midst of travel....

Frieza: What kind of accident?

Jeice: It seems from what I could pick up from the transmitter is that they collided with some space debris and where thrown off course. They're correcting it, so don't you worry about it, mate! Might take one or two.......months.

Frieza: Oh you must be joking.

Ginyu: Afraid not sir. Best you have for this Torture Chamber match is us. Ginyu Force reporting at 40%, sir!

Frieza: Just fantastic. Now I have to find another teammate to toss weapons into the chamber, and I have no allies here!

Jeice: Uh, sir?

Frieza: It's bad enough I get the silent treatment around here for the first two weeks, but there are weekly explosions and car chases and the like!

Ginyu: My lord, you may want to--

Frieza: And another thing, I get a note from Dude's agent, and he tells me that Dude is on extended leave for educational purposes!? Lofty as that might be, what good is getting his brain in shape when I'm just going to bash it in?

Both Ginyu and Jeice: SIR!!!!

Frieza: What?

*At that moment, a bowling ball sized piece of metal cracks Frieza on the skull, sending him to the ground and his Fedora hat flying in a comical fashion. Ginyu and Jeice hurry over to Frieza and help him up, trying not to stare at the lump forming on their master's head.*


Jeice: Sir, this looks like one of the things that knocked the other guys off-course!

Frieza: WELL GET RID OF IT! Of all the luck I have had to suffer in this barren wasteland--

?????: Oy, could yo-could you not do that? I've been floating for far too long and quiet frankly, I'm just glad to be out of space!

Frieza: What did you say?

Ginyu: I didn't say anything sir.

Jeice: Me nether.

????: That was me!

Frieza: Ack! Did the ball just talk!?

????: I'm not a ball! I am a highly technical piece of scientific equipment and I happen to have come a long way to get back here! Could you put me down, well, not down on the ground because I wouldn't be able to move, I mean could you put me someplace where I can move, that isn't on the ground, preferably away from birds, and--

Frieza: SHUT UP! Who and what are you?

Wheatley: Oh! Oh yes, of course, I suppose I should have introduced myself earlier. My name is Wheatley, and I am, or was, a.....well, let's just say it doesn't matter at this point.

Frieza: And how did you get into space?

Wheatley: I'd rather not talk about it. Bad memories and all.

Frieza: Seeing as I have no use for you, I wonder how much fun I can have dismantling you and turning you into a scouter?

Wheatley: Ah, no! I-I can be of a different kind of use! Don't toss me out or destroy me! Whatever you need, I can do!

Ginyu: You can't walk.

Jeice: You can't seem to shut up.

Frieza: And I need an ally to throw weapons to me in my debut two weeks from now, not a talking metal box.

Wheatley: I can do that! You come from space, yes?

Frieza: Yes.

Wheatley: You still have a ship?

Frieza: Yes.

Wheatley: Plug me in! I'll take it from there!

Ginyu: Sir, I'm not sure about this. I don't trust this one. Seems to be a moron.

Wheatley: I AM NOT A MORON! You'll see, just plug me in and you'll have yourself a fully functioning ally! Come on, what can possibly go wrong?

Jeice: Typically when someone asks that, something goes wrong.

Frieza: I agree, but as of yet I have no other choice. Very well, Wheatley, but know that the moment you fail me, it's to the scrap heap with you!

Wheatley: I see. Well, at least you three talk. You should have seen my last companion. Beautiful woman, she was. Had a mute thing going on though. Got rather boring talking to myself. And don't get me started on the Space cube. I swear, it was going from one woman who didn't talk to a cube that only said up to three words, one was always space. It's not that exciting to be honest, space I mean. It's vast but boring and--


OOC: Yep, I'm trying something different. First feud in the WOTU, I figured I might as well.

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#288 jediknight52501
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OOC: Interesting Promo Frieza. it was a good read.
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#289 FriezaDBZ
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OOC: Interesting Promo Frieza. it was a good read.jediknight52501

OOC: Thank you! We'll see how this goes lol.

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#290 TheNewEraIcon
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**Smackdown promo***


*Killer is standing out in the ring with Brie cutting a promo*


Killer: On Monday night I promise i am going to get revenge on those two cowards Icon and French for what they did to

Brie and I still haven't forgotten them assaulting me in the parking lot 2 weeks ago. So I promise that no matter what I---


*All of a sudden Killer is blind-sided by goldenagenick and twistoffate who ambush him,

and throw punches at him knocking him down to the mat and stomp at him*


*When out of nowhere a familiar theme hits*




Unearth- Grave of Opportunity-  


*The crowd out of surprise pops hard*


*Me and French run down to the ring, and go staight after twist and goldenagenick, punching at them like crazy and sending them reeling into the corner where we continue to assault them*


*I on the outside of the ring toss goldenagenick up against the steel steps, and position him so I can charge at him, and hit him with MVP's Drive By Kick straight in the jaw*



*French in the ring nearly takes twists head off with a sweet chin music. Laying him out cold*


*I glance around and the crowd cheers for us, purely because the surprise of it all*


Me: You didn't think Monday was that last you'd see of us, now did you?!   Now listen sunshine,

I know I just kicked your head in but maybe when you're backstage ice-ing it you replay this. I have to give it up to you guys.

You thought out this huge plan to get us out the way. Or so you thought!

It was almost perfect! Allllmost..... See you didn't want us to be getting the attention you could have been getting.

You felt threatened by us so you thought you'd try to play us like some punks so you could move up. Am i right?! Loyalty is just a word that p*ssies in expensive suits and ties say to avoid getting backstabbed themselves! 

And don't think for a second. They won't do the same to you! If you think this TWO 4 Lyfe garbage has any meaning behind it, rather than being sweet nothings. They played you harder than one of Ricky Ricardo's bongo drums!

 The entire idea behind the TWO is nothing but a cop out for mindless freaks of nature, trying to shield their previous failures from public memory by taking on an alternate identity in a group, sweeping their filthy past under the rug.

In an effort to at least save what little bit of dignity they may have had... 


The one thing you don't do us fuk with me and French. The biggest mistake you could have possibly made was laying a finger on us.

I hope whatever sick and sadistic pleasure you got out of it was worth it because I promise to make you pay!  

This little detour to Smackdown was just a small taste of what I have in store for you, sunshine!

When we beat you so badly that blood profusely escapes your broken and bruised body from every conceivable orifice, who is going to save you? 

It sure as hell won't be your TWO "family" because I'll see to it that they suffer the same fate!

 *I laugh to myself and run my fingers through my hair, as an even more intense expression comes over my face*


Legend may be delusional enough to think he can lead to conquering the WOTU  but reality check: He isn't worth the $2.00 sunglasses he uses to hide his ugly face with! Nexus, tried to conquer and look where that got them?

Near every single group has tried to invade the WOTU at least once! And look at where we are today? Not a damn one of them lasted beyond being cheap talk!


I  laugh to myself some more and then paces back and forth for a moment before noticing a fat guy in the front row wearing a faded "TWO 4 Lyfe T-shirt.

Me: Excuse me sir, are you seriously wearing a "TWO 4 LYFE" T-shirt? Explain to me how anyone in their right mind would spend their good hard earned money on a TWO t-shirt.

You may as well be wearing a shirt that says "I'm an Idiot" with a big arrow pointing up at your fat greasy face. You should be ashamed of yourself. Don't tell me you came all the way out here to see TWO!


That shirt, will be worthless in a few months time! I am going to make it my own personal mission to beat every  one of them. We'll start by making short work of these two, then! somewhere down the road!

I promise I'll take Randyspeeps on  and make him tap out!  THEN I am going to beat that lunatic Legend, and send you strait back to the hell you came from! A building without a foundation will surely fall to ruins, after all.

It will begin to crumble away, before we cross paths. 

 Too many of the new groups the WOTU get each year are nothing more than children when it comes right down to it, believing as all children do that they are invicible and that nothing can stop them from reaching their goals, and they think they'll be famous mercenaries by the end of their first match. In one repeating cycle....


When and it is only a matter of when I meet with them, it won't be some light and fun thing. No this battle will be dark, bloody, messy,  merciless,  painful, and cruel. Despite all that. I wouldn't have it any other way. 



 In the mean time here's my start to it all..... 

 *I pick a fallen nick up off the floor and hit him with a curb stomp-


 *Slowly lifting my head up and smiling like a wild hyena*


*For a moment I tease wanting to do the same to Killer, but I decide to leave him alone*


 *We begin to leave althought I sees two busty, large breasted blonds, one holding a sign that reads "I Icon" while the less intelligent of the two holds a sign that says "French will u marry me???"

I walk up to the two young ladies and kisses the Icon fan on her hand, causing her to blush and cover her mouth with her hand, her picture perfect complexion turning redder and redder by the second*


 * And then drop the mic and shoot the crowd a peace sign and a condescending grin as our theme music plays over the PA system and we exit*






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#291 killerband55
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OOC: damn that's some promo Icon, so you got back tWo, but you weren't technically helping me out correct?
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#292 TheNewEraIcon
Member since 2009 • 12196 Posts

OOC: damn that's some promo Icon, so you got back tWo, but you weren't technically helping me out correct?killerband55

OOC- Kinda, helping you a little but me and French are basically going back to tweeners it looks like so it was to get them mainly 

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#293 killerband55
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[QUOTE="killerband55"]OOC: damn that's some promo Icon, so you got back tWo, but you weren't technically helping me out correct?TheNewEraIcon

OOC- Kinda, helping you a little but me and French are basically going back to tweeners it looks like so it was to get them mainly 

OOC: so overall it's i hate you two, you two hate tWo, and tWo hates everyone?

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#294 TheNewEraIcon
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[QUOTE="killerband55"]OOC: damn that's some promo Icon, so you got back tWo, but you weren't technically helping me out correct?killerband55

OOC- Kinda, helping you a little but me and French are basically going back to tweeners it looks like so it was to get them mainly 

OOC: so overall it's i hate you two, you two hate tWo, and tWo hates everyone?

OOC- Indeed, sorta like how even the other heels hated the Nexus in WWE 

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#295 thedude200512
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Friday Night Smackdown

*While Friday Night Smackdown gets well into the show, Lord Frieza is outside of the WOTU Arena, waiting in a bomb bunker for the arrival of his guests. As he looks up into the sky, he grins, seeing two specks sparkle. With a whistle, the two specks form into large orbs that crash into the ground with a fiery explosion, sending dust and debris into the shelter. Once the dust settles, Frieza climbs out of the bunker and walks towards the crater, frowning when he sees only two orbs. As the orbs open, a flash of purple and orange leap out and form a two man line in front of Frieza.*

Ginyu: Captian Ginyu....

Jeice: And second in command Jiece reporting for battle, sir!

Frieza: Ah, lovely. Two members of the Ginyu Force. It's a welcoming sight, but tell me one thing.

Ginyu: Yes sir?


Jeice: Ah, uh, well sir, you see, they seems to have had a bit of an accident in the midst of travel....

Frieza: What kind of accident?

Jeice: It seems from what I could pick up from the transmitter is that they collided with some space debris and where thrown off course. They're correcting it, so don't you worry about it, mate! Might take one or two.......months.

Frieza: Oh you must be joking.

Ginyu: Afraid not sir. Best you have for this Torture Chamber match is us. Ginyu Force reporting at 40%, sir!

Frieza: Just fantastic. Now I have to find another teammate to toss weapons into the chamber, and I have no allies here!

Jeice: Uh, sir?

Frieza: It's bad enough I get the silent treatment around here for the first two weeks, but there are weekly explosions and car chases and the like!

Ginyu: My lord, you may want to--

Frieza: And another thing, I get a note from Dude's agent, and he tells me that Dude is on extended leave for educational purposes!? Lofty as that might be, what good is getting his brain in shape when I'm just going to bash it in?

Both Ginyu and Jeice: SIR!!!!

Frieza: What?

*At that moment, a bowling ball sized piece of metal cracks Frieza on the skull, sending him to the ground and his Fedora hat flying in a comical fashion. Ginyu and Jeice hurry over to Frieza and help him up, trying not to stare at the lump forming on their master's head.*


Jeice: Sir, this looks like one of the things that knocked the other guys off-course!

Frieza: WELL GET RID OF IT! Of all the luck I have had to suffer in this barren wasteland--

?????: Oy, could yo-could you not do that? I've been floating for far too long and quiet frankly, I'm just glad to be out of space!

Frieza: What did you say?

Ginyu: I didn't say anything sir.

Jeice: Me nether.

????: That was me!

Frieza: Ack! Did the ball just talk!?

????: I'm not a ball! I am a highly technical piece of scientific equipment and I happen to have come a long way to get back here! Could you put me down, well, not down on the ground because I wouldn't be able to move, I mean could you put me someplace where I can move, that isn't on the ground, preferably away from birds, and--

Frieza: SHUT UP! Who and what are you?

Wheatley: Oh! Oh yes, of course, I suppose I should have introduced myself earlier. My name is Wheatley, and I am, or was, a.....well, let's just say it doesn't matter at this point.

Frieza: And how did you get into space?

Wheatley: I'd rather not talk about it. Bad memories and all.

Frieza: Seeing as I have no use for you, I wonder how much fun I can have dismantling you and turning you into a scouter?

Wheatley: Ah, no! I-I can be of a different kind of use! Don't toss me out or destroy me! Whatever you need, I can do!

Ginyu: You can't walk.

Jeice: You can't seem to shut up.

Frieza: And I need an ally to throw weapons to me in my debut two weeks from now, not a talking metal box.

Wheatley: I can do that! You come from space, yes?

Frieza: Yes.

Wheatley: You still have a ship?

Frieza: Yes.

Wheatley: Plug me in! I'll take it from there!

Ginyu: Sir, I'm not sure about this. I don't trust this one. Seems to be a moron.

Wheatley: I AM NOT A MORON! You'll see, just plug me in and you'll have yourself a fully functioning ally! Come on, what can possibly go wrong?

Jeice: Typically when someone asks that, something goes wrong.

Frieza: I agree, but as of yet I have no other choice. Very well, Wheatley, but know that the moment you fail me, it's to the scrap heap with you!

Wheatley: I see. Well, at least you three talk. You should have seen my last companion. Beautiful woman, she was. Had a mute thing going on though. Got rather boring talking to myself. And don't get me started on the Space cube. I swear, it was going from one woman who didn't talk to a cube that only said up to three words, one was always space. It's not that exciting to be honest, space I mean. It's vast but boring and--


OOC: Yep, I'm trying something different. First feud in the WOTU, I figured I might as well.


Frienza I have to give it to you... I really like the way you are taking this match seriously, note I am not on "an exteneded educational leave" as you so put it I just have to put a lot of time and effort into that first then worry about this

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#296 goldenagenick24
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*Continuining off from the last promo, Nick and Twist are backstage healing their wounds.  Legend comes in and Twist immediately sounds off.*


Twist:  Just what in the hell was that?!  They think that they'll get away with this so easily?  Wait until Extreme Rules.  Or do we even wait till then?  Next Monday I'll..


Legend:  Don't.


Twist:  And why not?  These asshats think they're better than us!  


Legend:  Let them think that?


Nick:  Yeah, who really has the advantage here?  The ones with the chip on the shoulder or the one with an inflated ego?


Twist:  I guess you're right.  I'm definitely ready now.  I'll see you Monday man.


*Twist and Nick say goodbye, and when he leaves the attention turns to Legend and Nick.*


Legend:  You okay?


Nick:  Yeah, my jaw is feeling a little loose but I'll be fine.


Legend:  I'm sorry I couldn't get out there to help you guys, Speeps and I were...


Nick:  Don't worry about it.  I know.  I'm not even mad.  Let them think that they're superior.  It's the best thing we have going for us in this fight.  I don't get back, I let it build.  I'm going out there right now and letting it all out.  Don't worry.  


*Nick walks out of the locker room and is ripping off the bandages and taped up body parts, leaving all the world to see his open scars from the attack.  Kanye West "Power" hits but Nick grabs the soundboard guy and rips him off.  He places a cd in and it begins to play this:*


*Nick comes out and is looking around.  He calmly goes down to the ring and grabs a mic.*


Nick:  French.  Icon.  Hats off to you.  You got the best of us.  Killerband and Joe, I haven't seen much of you so I can only imagine I'll be hearing from you two soon.  The thing that all four of you don't get is that a war isn't won by physicality.  It's won mentally.  If you wanted to really ruffle me and my partner you could've done anything besides beat us up, because that should be saved on Sundays.  


*Nick, who has keeping a calm demeanor since the attack, suddenly picks up intensity.*


Nick:  IN fact.  I think you gave what the audience wants.  You want to see my ass get kicked right?  All of you want to see the tWo fail, right?


*the crowd cheers like crazy.*


Nick:  Well do I have a surprise for you!


*Nick goes under the ring and brings out a Kendo stick!  The crowd starts chanting "French" and "Icon" for them to come out for round 2 but as they die down Nick blastes himself over the head!  The crowd seems horrified.*


Nick:  YES!  You all want to see destruction but once it happens you act surprised.  I'm here to set one thing straight:  I'm not here for entertainment, I'm not here to ponder to the crowd like some of the superstars on this roster and I'm definitely not here to fade to obscurity while people like Killerband assert their dominance over me.  I want to make a splash, and Extreme Rules is my debut, so why don't we make things really "extreme"?


*Nick still has the kendo in hand and begins to stare contently at it.  He starts to repeatedly bash his skull off it and blud starts to pour from his forehead.  He gives one good crack as the kendo stick breaks and he falls to the ground.  The referee at ring side runs into check on him only to be grabbed by Nick and cracked with half of the kendo stick.  Nick laughs as he rolls in his own blood and gets up to pick up half the kendo stick.  The crowd is in dead silence as he walks up the ramp.  His music plays again and he hoists up the Kendo stick like a trophy as we had to commercial.*



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#297 thedude200512
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OOC: The following happens on the WWE active app while SD is on a commercial break

Renee Young: Excuse me Dude, I hear you have an announcement for the WOTU universe. May I ask what it is?

Dude: Do I know you, where is Scott Standford my interviewer?

Young: He doesn't get screen time except for PPV Pre Shows. Anyway your announcement?

Dude: Oh yeah that, I am hearby announcing that I am looking for anyone to form a stable with. I will form a stable with someone new or someone old. If anyone is interested please PM me thanks

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#298 Randyspeeps
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*The tWo (NWO) theme song plays.*

Cole: I can't wait to see what the tWo has in stored for us.

King: I don't care. This has been an incredible disgrace to the WOTU. They think they could just come in here and take over.

*no one appears*

Cole: Where...where are they?

*Titantron changes to Randyspeeps standing at a podium with Stephanie McMahon on one side and Paul Hemyan on the other. The front of the podium says tWo. The video feed is in black and white.*

Paul Heyman: Ladies and Gentlemen, as the official commentator for the tWo, and Randyspeeps personal assistant, lawyer, and agent it is my pleasure to welcome you to Randyspeeps first offical press conference as a member of the WOTU. Randyspeeps will answer about 5 short questions.

*Camera zooms out to show a lot of WOTU shareholders in the room, and a lot of popular media outlets.*

Man from TMZ: Randyspeeps, when can we expect your first match here in the WOTU?

Randyspeeps: Payback.

Heyman: Next question.

Lady from CNN: Randyspeeps, it's great to see you in the WOTU..

Heyman: Enough ass kissing, ask your question.

Lady from CNN: Okay, um, is there a reason you are against Wrestling at Extreme Rules?

Randyspeeps: I'm injured. At Wrestlemania, I delivered a RKO to Majin on the steel ramp. During that time period, I bruised a rib. Plus, there's really no one worthy for me to compete against in this place.

Man from Wrestlezone: Can you go into detail about what your contract looks like.

Randyspeeps: It's a 5 year deal, worth $100 million dollars. I get 10% of all merchandise sales, own personal tour bus, private jet, and decide storylines and outcomes of matches...oh, and I also get to sleep with any of the women in the company.

Man from Wrestlezone: And how does Stephanie feel about that?

Stephanie: Randyspeeps and I's marriage is strictly business. He makes the money. I invest and manage Ortonism inc. He screws whoever he wants. I screw whoever I want. The only thing that unites us is our bank accounts.

Heyman: One more question

Lady from Pro Wrestling Weekly: On Raw we saw you challenge Killerband to a match at Summerslam. He quickly accepted. Can you touch on that subject a little?

Randyspeeps: There's not much to say. Killerband and I's history is well-documented. We don't like each other. Come Summerslam. We'll settle it. It's that simple.

Heyman: Thank you ladies and Gentlemen for attending this press conference.

Randyspeeps: Paul, I'm not done.

Heyman: Sorry Mr. Randyspeeps sir. Proceed.

Randyspeeps: I'm looking for an opponent for the Payback PPV. I will consider all takers. But there's one catch. In order to face Randyspeeps, you'll have to pay. So this is how it's going to work. Outside the tWo locker room there will be a sign up sheet. If you're interested in facing me, all you have to do is sign it. At Extreme Rules, I will announce the person on the list, that I will wrestle at the Payback PPV.

Heyman: Ladies and Gentlemen,

Randyspeeps: God Damnit Paul...I'm not done.

Heyman: I'm sorry sir. Proceed.

Randyspeeps: Also, when you sign the sheet. Make sure you put what you would put on the line. For example: Your career, your title, your wife, first born son, your arm, your sister, your mom, your signature. I don't care. The person who puts the best thing on the line, may very well win.

Stephanie: Don't get too cute.

Randyspeeps: And lastly, this is open to everyone except Killerband. And remember, the tWo is just tooooooo sweeeeet!

*Titantron cuts out.*

Cole: Did you just hear that?

King: Uhm, I think everyone just heard that Cole.

Cole: Can you believe it? Randyspeeps is auctioning off an opportunity to face him at the Payback PPV. All you have to do is put what you want on the line. I can't wait to see who steps up to the plate. 

*Raw cuts to commercial*

OOC: This is legit. Anyone who wants to face me at Payback, just post it in the forum, and tell me what you would put on the line.  

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#299 jediknight52501
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*the following happens on WOTU Smackdown.* Jedi comes out the ring and has a mic in his hand. Jedi: "tonight was supposed to be the night where me and Legen were supposed to fight Metal and Big in a Tornado Tag Team match but they never accepted the challenge we made. so Metal and Big, we are extending the challenge to Monday on RAW. so Big and Metal i hope you watch this and i hope you both got the guts to go through a Table. oh and i also promise someone will get put in a Straight Jacket on RAW. now tonight was going to be an amazing night but now i stand here upset and pissed. so if someone makes me mad tonight, i will put someone in a Straight Jacket. so if anyone has the guts to get in the ring with me tonight, you better hope i end it quickly when i put you in a Straight Jacket. that includes you Metal and Big, you have been warned."*
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#300 jediknight52501
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*Jedi Knight Via Tout.* Jedi: So Speeps. i hear you want a challenge at Payback and you want someone to pay to get in the match, well i am full of money and win or loss at Extreme Rules, i would love to pay whatever it takes to take your ass on in a one on one match. all that Therapy money i made paid me very well and i would love to get your ass in the ring and show you why the WOTU is better then any Wrestling Company in the world. so SPeeps, i hope you watch this and think about my offer. oh and if i lose, i will join the t.W.o. and i will disband Renegades Of Honor as well. that is what i am willing to offer to get you in the ring.*