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I will be at Friday Night Smackdown to talk about #MITBPPV, and some other stuff, hoping also to hear some stuff from @Big_Evil sooner rather then later, I would also like to know what he's going to bring as his Favorite Weapon............ but I hope everyone enjoys what I have to say on Friday Night Smackdown. #Big_EvilBetterBringAllThatHesGot. ;)
Theplayer8505 Twitter
@Joemcmark you may have been born into nobility but i was born into wealth. You better check over both shoulders at Money in the Bank. #TheSnobIsPenthouseSuite StaticKornSlipX Twitter
*Takes place on Friday Night Smackdown*
As "Burn In My Light" plays as both Killerband & Tmaclabi come out to a huge crowd of boos to the ring as Killerband and Tmac grabs a mic and speaks.
Killerband: So this sunday at Money in the Bank, Tmaclabi the new up-and-comer and the future of this business will team up with yours truly, YOUR WOTU Champion, Killerband will take on the team of some very weak girl who can barely stand on her own two feet WrightTime and her tag team partner, the most corrupt GM in the history of the WOTU RT, Spideynerd.
(as the crowd cheers wildly for Spideynerd as they chant, "SPIDEY, SPIDEY, SPIDEY")
Killerband: This will be a taste of things to come for Spidey for our match at the Summer extravaganza, Summerslam in August when I will defend and retain my WOTU Championship in the City of Angels, Los Angeles, CA. Where the lights will be on bright and shining right on your star of the WOTU, Me.
Tmaclabi: That is right Killerband, you are the greatest WOTU Champion in this generation, the past generation, and in future generations. As for me, I will make a name for myself at Money in the Bank, when I destroy that puny little girl, WrightTime and show that I will be a force to be reckoned with in the WOTU.
(as the crowd chants, "TMAC SUCKS, TMAC SUCK, TMAC SUCKS")
Tmaclabi: You people do not know me, I come from the great country of the Philippines where we believe in honor and loyality to one another, which I can't say the same for this piece of garbage of a country, you call the US.
(as the crowd boos Tmac and chants "USA, USA, USA")
Tmaclabi: This sunday at Money in the Bank...
As Tmac is interrupted as "Black Sheep" plays as the crowd is on their feet as Spideynerd & WrightTime come out on stage.
*Spideynerd and/or WrightTime please continue*
*The Following happen on Friday Night Smackdown*
*Mind Storm By Joe Satriani Blairs through out the Pepsi Center, and The Crowd goes into a buch of Cheers, and The Player comes out on to the Stage, and speaks.*
The Player: I think everyone here knows what I'm about to say but that's really beside the Point, I will do what have to win, just like I said on Twitter, I will walk into MITB as the WOTU X-Division Champion and also walk in with a Hockey Stick and walk out still Champ, also with a Hockey Stick, and also a Win.
(Crowd Cheers and Chants Player Player Player.)
The Player: I also have to state that I'm going on record and saying I hope that Spidey and WrightTime win over KillerBand and Tmac, but in the end I want to say that even though Spidey and KillerBand are going on to SummerSlam to fight for the WOTU Championship, I'm just wanting to say that I'm throwing my name into ther Hat, but I know for a fact that these fans here in Denver, Colorado, the best damn fans here in Colorado................... But But, I wanteveryoen to start sending Tweets to @WOTUGMSN3 that is Spidey's twitter username. Thank you and Good Night.
(As The Player is leaveing we see alot of the people in the crowd on there Cell Phones.)
@WOTUGMSN3 Come on Spidey, give the Player what he really really really wants and you know what that is. :)
WOTUhashtag1Fan Twitter
@WOTUGMSN3 The Player needs to knock out KillerBand just like "Awesome" Austin Aries did to Bobby Roode at Destination X. :D
AVSorWOTU Twitter
@WOTUGMSN3 I think what you have to do is give Killerband something that he won't see coming and that would be making a Triple Threat match at SummerSlam, The Player Vs. KillerBand Vs. Spidey. :)
BroncosGirl Twitter
@ThePlayer what is this #DestinationX where you think you can just sacrifice your #XDivisionChampionship for a shot at MY #WOTUChampionship? That ppv was long over and you missed out on your chance. You're definitely out of your rocker if you think that's gonna happen anytime soon. #SomePeopleAreJustSoDesperate
Killerband Twitter
@Killerband yeah I know I know, but that's not me sending out stuff to Spideys Twitter, so I think if anything I wouldn't get mad at me, I would get upset at the WOTU Fans, but I think they mean well. #ImTryingToTellHim
Theplayer8505 Twitter
Thanks to @ThePlayer's statement on Smackdown!, my phone has been blowing up with notifications that I was mentioned in a tweet. Let it be know that I'm glad @ThePlayer thinks he is ready to jump into the main event... However, as long as he is #X-DivisionChampion, he can't compete for the WOTU Championship unless he earns a shot... In that case he'd have to drop his other title. If he loses at #MITB, we'll chat, but the Summerslam main event is set in stone. @Killerband vs. @WOTUGMSN3 for the WOTU Championship. The fans wanted it, the fans DEMANDED it, and now the fans get it. #BiggestPartyOfTheSummerWOTUGMSN3 Twitter
@WOTUGMSN3 The fans mean nothing. I earned my spot, and got screwed over by an old Arachnid General Manager who should no longer be anywhere near a wrestling ring, let alone the main event for the HIS companies world title. You are no better then Mick Foley was a few years ago in TNA. @WrightTime should just abandon you while she can.CpmanFrato Twitter
*part 2 on New NXT*
*gamer is at the announe table with striker and regal*
striker: what a nght we have had and joining us here is WOTU MITB competitor Gamer thank you for joining us
Gamer: my pleasure guys
roberts: the followin divas bout is set for one fll introducing first in the ring KELLY KELLY
*kelly kelly has a look of fear in her eyes and she grabs a mic*
kelly kelly: k this has gon on long enough i get it i was a jerk to all of you please stop PLEASE
*beth's theme plays as she make her entrance and the match begins*
strker: now Gamer are you nervous about the MITB match ?
Gamer: a little but i think i can pull it off but the competition is crazy
*beth clothlines kelly kelly*
striker: so whats going on with kelly kelly ?
Gamer: shes had string of bad luck but even ill admit she terrorized all the divas especaily the bellas and natalya
*beth lifts up kelly kelly and slams her to the mat*
striker: well your right on that *laughs*
*beth phoenix then drags kelly kelly to the middle of the ring grabs her legs and swings her around for a few seconds*
*after that beth glam slams kelly kelly and pins her for the win*
*after beth leaves gamer comes to the ring*
Gamer: hey you ok ?
*kelly kelly gets up and gives gamer a death stare*
*she then leaves he ring screaming at the top of her lungs*
*segment ends*
*On Smackdown- Legenkiller is shown walking to the ring to get ready for a promo with Jedi when all of a sudden a door slams into him from behing and I appear from behind him * Stomping away at him, and tossing him up against the wall
 *Get up you idiot! Get up!
Me: See your ass made one fatal mistake, for starters you jumped me. Thats probably one of the stupidest things anyone could ever do. 2 you didn't finish the job. I mean if you're gonna jump me... at least be smart enough to take me out. Cause if you don't. This happen, your career gets cut tragically short-
Before dropping the mic and going back to assaulting Legenkiller
*Me- I TOLD YOU karma was a b*tch didn't I! I TOLD You. I told your sorry ass! *shoving him into a bunch of crates * Refs run in to try and break things up- Refs: Hey hey! thats enough! get it back! Break it up! come on!Â
*Meanwhile I simply stare down at him and laugh at him, mock him before hitting the Curb stomp on him*
*And grabbing the mic to continue to the ring--
Me: I feel pretty damn good right about now! and I'm sure that I'm gonna be made into the bad guy over this but, this fool jumped me twice. Once on RAW and then weeks ago. So it felt great taking out the trash! I'm actually for the 1st time interested in knowing. See to understand you i've gotta bring myself down a few pegs to your level. Are you people that bias that when he and his ring leader Jedi jumped me. Everything was all well and good in the world.
But the second I get a little bit of payback for myself. Its all " Lock that guy up! arrest him! he's one dangerous criminal" "He is Evul!" " What a fiend! that Icon wont he please think of the children?!" In a way to me you people are as confusing as the "fashion statements and media of 2012.You all get sheeped into what businesses wants you to do. If they stick some crappy slogan on something, you suckers eat it up. Cause if we go back in time, Legenkiller wasn't exactly a hero to you people was he? he's no saint himself! Nah I seem remember him and Saiga's wanna-be little Dress up New DX phase. And you people go nuts for the guy now. Getting played like sega!
We cant forget the ring leader either, and Jedi consider yourself lucky i took your lackey out instead of you. Cause that could've and probably shoud've been you! You're so obessesed with VIP man. And part of me thinks that you becoming the only VIP reject in history pretty much destroyed your psyhe. Listen to a guy with a PHD.
Because you've been sooo traumatized be being rejected you promise, and promise, and then promise some more that you're gonna "eliinate VIP, save the company. Be mr white knight in shining armor!"So Jedi, you're clearly have some pretty strong ass delusions. So do yourself a favor and keep your mind in check with your own wacked out reality. Becaue the reality that I and everyone else lives in, is gonna be a winner of the MITB ladder matches. And be honest yourself because deep down. You know that person wont be you
*Continue on-
So I'm a "very weak girl who can barely stand on her own two feet," huh? I don't know where @killerband got that idea. He's seen me walking around the halls without the use of a cane or any sort of support to keep me up!WrightTimeRT
In all seriousness, the only way to shut up doubters is to prove them wrong, so that's what I intend to do at #MitB. If they think I'm weak, let them prove it.WrightTimeRT
And if they can't even beat a "weak little girl," then I hope they can deal with the embarrassment.WrightTimeRT
- Continuing at where Icon and Jedi left off-
Me: Bonjour! *Crowd- Booooooooooo! so is this what I think it is? Money in the bank! and that person is guaranteed a world title shot. Now that itself is the opportunity of a lifetime! but do you want to know what I find ironic about the name. Its in Washington DC for starters. And everybody with a brain knows Washington DC is where the white house is. Its where the president and congress lead this country. They govern it, you name it! this countries faith is put in the hands of them.. To keep them out of debt, ohh... wait... wait a second! that didn't work out so well did it! and lets think about the name for a moment. Money in the Bank. How many people in this country can say they've got money in the bank? so very few its almost unbelievable! is wasn't over 3 years ago that banks sent this company into poverty and the economy to the toilet. So all of that aside, this is the most fitting for me. Not just because I am one of the most well developed athletes. But because the country I come from. Beautiful France? at least there people have money! they aren't collecting unemployment checks! no! they have REAL money. In France you have things that people here could never dream of affording. So when I win this money in the bank. I will at least protect it! I'll keep it safe and away from some hack who loses it, wastes the breifcase and has nothing. Just like how in this country money gets wasted everyday
-Continue anyone
@Killerband sure does have his hopes up for our match tonight. Can't wait to see the look on his face when I pin him in the middle of the ring. #ExpectTheUnexpectedWOTUGMSN3 Twitter
Who's ready for #MitB tonight? I'm FINALLY getting used to this outfit. *a picture is attached of her in her new "girl next door" outfit she'll be coming out in*WrightTimeRT
Don't forget, I'm not just competing tonight! I'm also a valet! So if you're a fan, shame on you if you don't buy this ppv! #MitBWrightTimeRT
Y'all might be seeing me sooner than expected. BTW: How's Phoenix this time of year? Twister Twitter
@Twister Stay gone. Please. We dont need you running around too. @WrightTime, congrats on the girl next door gimmick. I believe you look a lot more fitting as my valet dress this way. Good luck with all those idiots tonight, and try and to get hurt.CpmanFrato Twitter
@CpmanFrato You sure? The WOTU needs a good, strong rookie to take the world by storm, and that's me. And lemme tell you, YOU'RE NEXT! #Twistify Twister Twitter
@WOTUGMSN3 pin me tonight? LOL, I laugh at the sound of that, he'll be lucky if his partner will do any work it will most likely be a handicap match tonight. #SpideyHasNoChanceInHellOfWinningTonight
Killerband Twitter
Tables, ladders, and chairs Oh My without the tables and chairs. The Snob wants the world to take notice of all the inferior talent at Money in the Bank. #MITB #Weaksauce
StaticKornSlipX Twitter
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