Does anyone know of any good role-playing games for Xbox?
If you want a quikie get Fable, it doesnt last very long but its a nie game.
But if you want a huge RPG with so many things to do that you cant choose (almost litteraly), then go for Morrowind, the game is huge, you can easily spend over 100 hours on this game. But beware the Cliff Racers!
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is great, although short. Some very cool minigames (racing and a variation of Blackjack called Pazaak). Excellent character/party-based RPG. Makes great use of the D20 system. Excellent story. Main quest can be done in about 25 hours easily, sidequests are very limited as everything pretty much works into teh main quest.
Fable is very accessible, very easy to get into. Very hard to die and very easy to become an uber-character. Very short, mediocre revenge tale. Great sense of humour (especially if you like Monty Python or Black Adder), brutal combat and cool spells (thanks to excellent visuals). Main quest can be done in about7 hours, and the game has probably another 9 or so hours of sidequests. Expansion in Lost Chapters is about an hour and a half to two hours long.
Morrowind Game of the Year Editionso far has given me the most replay, but the game is enormous and hard to get into. Difficulty does not scale with character, and while some encounters do pretty much require higher-levelled characters, they are easy to surpass. Very indepth character development, good story, combat could have been more interesting and spell casting seems slightly unbalanced. You can do virtually anything - including murdering and thieving, you just need to be aware that there are legal consequences to bear. Playing the game without glitching or cheating, the main quest will probably take 30 - 50 hours, depending on how you level and equip your character. Beyond that, the game probably has about 200 or so hours of sidequests. Tribunal normally takes me about 20 hours to finish and Bloodmoon is slightly longer.
Well, to add a few that haven't already been mentioned:
Sudeki- this is a wonderful game and is a quick fix for after you've beaten Fable, since it looks and plays very similarly.
LOTR: The Third Age- also a fun game, am currently playing it now. Kind of long and a tad repetitive, but it is challenging and gorgeous graphically! You don't play as the main characters from the movie (except in certain parts), but the storyline is something that would make a nice novel or something. Really good.
Dungeons and Dragons: Heroes- just got this game the other day, and its your typical D&D style top-down hack-n-slash, but for your X-Box instead of PC. I don't know how it will stack up in the long run, since I just got it, but its okay so far.
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II
Fable: Lost Chapters
Jade Empire
Deus Ex
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