I trying to get all the silver keys and i ran into a problem. One silver key your can get is down a cliff when thunder fights you for lady greys hand in marriage. However, i turned lady grey in for murder and didn't do that quest. Is there anything i can do or am i out of luck? and in Fable the lost chapters what is in side that chest you need for 30 silver keys?
you can have infinite just before the roses house something like that where u have to rescue the boy from the hobbe cave entering go to the right and use the shovel (where there some flowers) hero save the game and the key should stay there do this all times u want (u have to hero save then reload the game to do this)
man im also haviong the same problem as you, but if you continue to play, you'll discover another problem, near the Grey House, theres a Demon Door that requires you to Mary lady grey, but we both did the quest so we cant do that OR get that silver key
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