I didn't find it hard, I found it to be challenging at points, but as far as hardness goes it's nothing compared to some of the old NES games I have.
Couldnt of said it better myself.
 " Ninja Gaiden is not hard simply put. It's just a challenge which is lacking in most games now. Games are being made way too easy. It's nice to see one where you actually die quite abit. "
This is what I hate about the internet. Anytime someone says somthing is too easy when its hard allot of people will agree. Where are the damn real opinons at in here? Video games are not being made " way to easy" who ever said that needs their f****** a** kicked good and hard. I can name plenty of challenging games. The thing is there are more than just " one type of gamer " meaning everyone in the world isn't going to play a game that is frustraiting for them. The gaming industry doesnt even have half the many fans as it did years ago because allot of people are losing interest in them.
 If I craved respect as bad as most of you people on these forums did I would be on IGN saying " contra series isn't all that hard on hard mode" just to see how many people will agree with me. But its like this I know dozens of people who play video games and many of them who go online to play with real people to see just how tough they really are. I know for a fact there are lots of people who get mad when they die allot in games, get pissed at the games, etc. You come online and fake like the games are easy to get the respect . If Ninja Gaiden was so easy on hard, you must have either used a game shark ? Or you dont have much of a real life.
 Plus why would any of you still be debating on wether or not Ninja Gaiden is hard or easy? People don't even play that damn game anymore ever since Xbox360 came out. I can't imagen what age some of you might be or what you even do in real life besides lying on the internet. This room has about 100 and somthing replies and allot of you agree on the same sh*t. I wouldn't be surprised if your all in it together. I've had my post removed for swearing before on forum boards..and why ? Because liars know when Im telling the truth its somthing you can't handle. Every game forum has the same old discussion. If its related to difficulty there is always going to be a large amount of people saying that its easy.
 So Ninja Gaiden is probably easy for you that is. But just drop the topic all ready if there aren't going to be at least 1 or 2 people besides myself that can be honest for once.
Chill out, sheesh. Plus why would any of you still be debating on wether or not Ninja Gaiden is hard or easy? People don't even play that damn game anymore ever since Xbox360 came out. I can't imagen what age some of you might be or what you even do in real life besides lying on the internet. This room has about 100 and somthing replies and allot of you agree on the same sh*t. I wouldn't be surprised if your all in it together. I've had my post removed for swearing before on forum boards..and why ? Because liars know when Im telling the truth its somthing you can't handle. Every game forum has the same old discussion. If its related to difficulty there is always going to be a large amount of people saying that its easy.
 So Ninja Gaiden is probably easy for you that is. But just drop the topic all ready if there aren't going to be at least 1 or 2 people besides myself that can be honest for once.
I put over 250 hours in to NGB and Ive beat it on normal more than 6 times and beat it on hard 2 times, very hard once, and master ninja once. Its one of my favorite games of all time.:D
The first play through on normal is pretty tough though but its far from "insanely hard", very hard and master ninja are "insanely hard", those are so hard they'll melt your nervous system.:evil:
You really enjoy digging up dead threads don't you?
Anyways I thought this game was hard but not as hard as I anticipated.
well...that depends...i played through the game on normal difficulty and it wasnt that hard, but i tried the higher difficulties...i got my ass handed to me even by those stupid white ninjassniperd00deAfter I got to chapters 6-7, I didn't have an ass to get handed:evil:.
It gets VERY hard when you have to run around for a while and kill hundreds of almost never-ending skeleton zombies (in a tiny room lol) and then fight a boss, then escape the underground tunnels you are in while skeleton zombies are shooting arrows at you when you are jumping across platforms...
yeah that just about sums up one of the hardest parts of the game for me :D
After the first boss I thought that it was pretty easy. I almost always had full healing items.As i read the preview of NG Black, i see the quote, "widow-making gameplay" used in regard to the 1st xbox Ninja Gaiden. Like my topic states: OMG, Ninja Gaiden was not that hard!!
Plz reply, hopefully someone will agree with me. thnx
It gets VERY hard when you have to run around for a while and kill hundreds of almost never-ending skeleton zombies (in a tiny room lol) and then fight a boss, then escape the underground tunnels you are in while skeleton zombies are shooting arrows at you when you are jumping across platforms...
yeah that just about sums up one of the hardest parts of the game for me :D
I only just beat this and yeah, that was really tough to get past. I had to play for a few days to get past that, no kidding I was stuck for potions and I had to do the whole run from collecting the grail to killing the Bone Dragon with one energy bar! It was the best achievement I ever felt from playing a game when I finally beat it!
I still havent finished the game but i'm going to get there one day.
I had a lot of difficulty with NG because a lot of times I play games just for fun and relaxation. I don't intend to sit there are learn how to approach different things. However, Ninja Gaiden is a game where you have to learn the moves, you have to pay attention to what is going on, and so forth. Therefore, it was very difficult for me for a long time. Recently I started playing it again and really paid attention to what was going on and my moves, and so on. And I got a lot better. Still not great, but a lot better than I was.muthsera666I agree with you man, I only started playing this game and its probably one of the most challenging I've played in a while. There are some areas of the game where you simply must learn all of the combo's and how to execute them, however I found that you cant execute those combo's unless your fighting an actual opponent (so you cant practice combo's while fighting air ;) ). It would have been nice if there was a dummy opponent that you could have practiced on... or maybe there is and I just don't know where it is yet... It is getting easier to fight because of the different weapons and scrolls that can be picked up. Then again, the opponents are getting a bit tougher too... -hiro
Ninja gaiden is challenging but never frustrating. It is very rewarding, and you will get out what you put in.tylea002
There are several times when it becomes frustrating. Since you die in about five hits or so...
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