Ok I know this is going to start some controversy, but lets try to be civil here. There is one simple reason why I think host advantage is being exaggerated a bit, and I actually thought about it last night while playing.
I tend to host games, mostly because it helps avoid people teaming up in the games I play, and I get to play games exactly the way I want to play them (number or rounds, map, etc.). Of course, I do tend to do better as host, but Im really not that good. I have never been great at videogames but I do enjoy them very much. As host Ill usually get about 6 or 8 kills in a 5 round match, while if im not hosting Ill get between 3 and 5. However, I always DO get some kills even when im not hosting, and the difference is not that big between being host and not being host (for me at least).
But the real reason why I think its being exaggerated to the point where its annoying is that people are USUALLY wrong when they try to guess who is the host. I am usually quiet while playing, but I listen to what people say. And I would say that about 8 times out of 10, people guess wrong. Ill be host, then someone else will kill two people with a shotgun or not die after being shot with the shot gun, and they are automatically labeled host when in reality it is me that is the host. Today there were 3 people in a match I was hosting that were really going at it with each other, all three of them accusing each other of being host, and not ONCE did they say to me that I was host (even though there was one instance where I might have gotten a little lucky). Two days ago I was not hosting, I wasnt even playing particularly well, and something happened (dont remember what) and sudenly everyone was convinced I was host. I put on my mic and told them I wasnt, but to no avail. Everyone was convinced I was host, then I had to listen to "you must really suck cuz you are doing pretty bad even though you are host" for 7 more rounds.
So if the host advantage was so big...if its really that big of a deal, then how is it possible that in the majority of matches I play people are so incorrect at guessing who the host is? All I hear is "omg he is the host ahhhh" and ill be sitting there knowing full well that I am the host and that dude was just really good at the game. If the hosts advantage was actually that big, then more people would actaully be able to tell that it is me that is hosting. Try it out for yourself...you will see many occasions where people actaully cant accureately guess who the host is, even though they are trying really hard. To me, that means that the host advantage is not that big. Does it exist? Of course it does and there is not much that can be done about it. But I think that people are just being way too paranoid about it and really blwoing it out of proportion. If not, then explain to me how most people are wrong about this in game where it counts.
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