I'm really tired of everyone saying 09' will be terrible. This about these games that should be coming out, and how aweosme of a year it will be. Now i know I made some typo's or a few of these will definately get dealyed, but really does it actually look like a bad year?
Rage- (John Carmack: ultimate code writer wrote a new engine for this game, expect big things)
Borderlands- 4 player coop in a mad max kind of setting, this game will be awesome.
Brutal Legend- (not that excited but people seem to be, plus Tim Schafer is very good)
Street fighter 4- Nuff Said
Alan Wake????- who knows, but they've already put in a reported $7 million into development, so if it does come out hopefully its awesome
Fight Night round 4- seriously round 3 was one of the best fighting games ever. I've been playing it since the original XBox
Batman Arkham Asylum- it looks like Batman meets chronicles of riddick which should be very cool
Chronicles of Riddick- Basically 2 games for 1, plus if you played the original on XBOX you are more than excited for this remake and expansion.
Resident Evil 5- this is going to be so fun with co-op
Alpha Protocol- A modern day spy action rpg made by the same people who make KOTOR 2
Dark Void- Looks like a cooler lost planet with jetpacks
Skate 2- the tony hawk killer returns
Ghostbuster's the game- tell me you havent wanted to play this, wait maybe you're too young
Aliens: colonial marines- 4 player co op through an aliens game- this may be #1 for me if it turns out right.
Halo Wars- not really an RTS fan, but this has to be up there for some people
Final Fnatasy 13- again if your into this sort of thing you must be foaming at the mouth
Star Ocean 4- see above comment
Bioshock 2- If this was the only game to relase this year, it would still be a good year
Tom Clancy Games- Hawx, and the new splinter cell should be releasing, and both look awesome for their respective genres
Prototype: Open world game with unreal powers, should be very fun
on top of all of this we are getting new Fallout content, new GTA content, a new Halo experience, hopefully lots of suport for left 4 dead, and way more downloads for the music games. so overall I'd say this year may actually be better than last year
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