The problem on my console started today.....well yesterday actually. I got an achievement when I was playing crackdown and at the same time the game was saving, and as you know you shouldn't switch the console off but the screen just froze at this vital time and I just looked in horror for a few seconds. I waited....and waited but nothing happened so I restarted the console and I knew something was going to happen and something did happen. Now I can't play a game/demo for even a minute, either the screen just freezes or it shows the three red lights.
Phoned Microsoft Customer Support and they told me that the console has to be sent in to them to be checked. BUT they mentioned nothing about the cost or whether I got any warranty. So I was just wondering whether I will have to pay anything.
Quote from BBC:
"Customers who suffer the problems will now be given a free three-year warranty, the company said.
The failures are indicated by three red flashing lights on the console.
It added that the move - which will also see some people reimbursed for postage and repairs on consoles which were out of warranty - was aimed at keeping the loyalty of its customers."
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