Phantasy Star Universe: I was a HUGE fan of Phantasy Star Online (which was last gen's equivalent of Borderlands), so I was hoping for a similar experience with PSU. My god I can't believe they actually charge a monthly fee for that ass backwards piece of garbage. I thought a sequel was supposed to make improvements.
Resident Evil 5: I loved Resident Evil 4. I really couldn't get into the co-op, and the big deal breaker for me was the fact that you can't pause the game while you check out your inventory.
The Last Remnant: I tried to overlook the bland, generic story because the combat system looked interesting. But, putting a lot of combatants on the field didn't necessarily translate to deep engaging gameplay. This game turned out to be deceptively shallow with disappointingly restrictive customization options. This is the last time I buy a game just because it says Square on the cover.
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