I love my 360 and up until now had no trouble defending the system or the price of xbox live. Lately I find myself drifting over to the darkside of PS3. I own a PS3 and barely played it until I read reviews of Uncharted 2 and that prompted me to go out and buy the first game and its sequel. Needless to say I have played and finished both games and I think they might be two of the best games I have ever played and owned. Not only does it seem like PS3 is offering better experiences lately, but Microsofts terrible marketplace pricing, there refusal to drop hard drive prices or the network adapter price is really making me wonder if they give a rats *** about the consumer anymore. They forced Valve into a wall and charged for L4D content that should have been free as it is to those who own the pc version. Needless to say if Microsoft keeps milking the cow the **** are going to fall off real soon. An ace card that xbox live has had up to
this date has been Netflix. They have even lost the exclusive to that property as well. This would not be a big deal if it wasnt for the fact Sony doesnt charge a penny for PSN and everyone has the same rights and privilages. You dont need some Gold BS! I guess thats the problem with being #1 in this business...they get cocky and arrogant.
I cant even defend the xbox for the games anymore either. I used to love Gears of War mulitplayer but #2 had completely turned me from it. When someone invites me to a game I just cringe at the thought of getting owned by the cheaters, terrible lag, or all the pimply snot nosed kids that play all freaking day and want to play for these stupid acheivements. Take all the achievements out of mulitplayer and it will a much better experience for everyone I think.
I do love my 360 and I have enjoyed it to the fullest since its inception back in 2005, but lately I argue its relivance and Microsofts infuriating business practices. It is actions like these that got Sony into the trouble they are currently in and you think that maybe the competition would have learned from this. Dont make the consumer pay for all the money you have lost on the RROD issue. That is an issue that shouldnt have gone on as long as it did.
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