sigh*, you think this stuff happens instantly? Its not like, OMG STARBUCKS IS HANDING OUT FREE COFFEE! LETS GIVE OUR CUSTOMERS CASH! It never happens like that. It will probably happen near the end of this year or somewhere along 08. Even then I find no problem, I have 360, if nessessary I can buy another one, infact I should have chosen to own two 360s when my mother asked if I wanted the elite :p Other than that its all good, store warrenty, and preordered every game under the sun.
Ws anybody really expecting a price drop after microsoft just annoced the three year warentee thingy that is going to cost them a ,lot of money already.
Even if the Premium dropped in price, despite Microsoft needing to extend the warranty even further because of their massive past hardware failure, they wouldn't drop the price of the Elite anytime soon. That is wishful thinking. That package came out not too long ago and has too much stuff in it to warrant even a $50 price drop. Just because one company (Sony) does it... that doesn't mean the rest will follow. Such as the Wii. No reason to lower the $250 price tag when the system is selling just fine. Sony needed to drop the price on theirs because people just weren't buying into the idea of $600 for what they were getting. In my opinion the price was worth it but many consumers didn't feel the same. Now that the price has dropped I've heard ALOT of people at work talking about getting one where as before they were completely against paying so much. With the 360's warranty being increased to 3 years, Microsoft is taking a 1 to 2 billion dollar shot in the groin and that means no price drop soon. Gonna have to make the money back somehow.
I don't see what the big deal is. Right now most 360's on shelves are probably defective so you'd still want to wait a while even if there was a drop. Plus the games don't really pick up til the holidays, and by that time there will probably be a price drop.
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