I don't get why people are so annoyed by little kids on xbox live. Have you never had little kids speak to you in person, do you find it annoying when you speak to your own children, cousin, brother or nephew? I do find it annoying however when little children speak as if they are the best at the game, but I find it just as bad when adults do it as well.
Also, violent video games don't corrupt children, bad parenting does. My brothers and I have been playing violent video games since Doom was released and we've never had a sense of aggression afterward, unless I was beat by one of them in multiplayer, but that could be any game.
I agree entirely with what you said about them not being annoyed by there kids,nephews etc. but even if they are annoying you you should'nt let them get to you just ignore them,they don't know any better and there just trying to fit in online cuz they probably heard an adult trash talking online before so they thought"Well if they do it and there big maybee i'll do it and they'll think im a big kid too":P so again it's actually the older ones fault because little kids copy older people to make them selves feel important.
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