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#51 julianwelton
Member since 2006 • 2526 Posts

well me and me friend were talking about it and we think the only achievements that matter are the ones that say you beat the game because that shows everyone that you beat it.FPSunionOWNS

Yeah thats pretty much what I think I hate when they have all these achievements for doing stupid stuff and almost none for beating difficult parts in the game and what not.

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#52 Dreski83
Member since 2003 • 1104 Posts

When the 360 was first announced and the idea of gamer scores and achievements would be implemented into games, I was stuck on what to say... I thought it was a bit silly and almost useless. After being a owner nearly 2 years, I can honestly say its quite the addictive feeling :oops:

I rather not spend hours on a meaningless accomplishment that is damn near impossible, but it does feel kind of good to be given props for doing stuff you would usually do in vids. Search all the boxes, headshot every baddie, aquire the hidden item and so forth... its all decent ways to extend the life of a alreadysolid game.
Now if its a garbage gameor some kiddie title and achievements are given for simply pressing start, some lames out there actually prey on these games. If you really want to flex some gaming muscle,check out a players profile and call'em out on lame attempts to improve scores. It makes for greatconversation starters ;)