The game is perfectly balanced, more than happy with this. Can anyone actually disect the demo and prove how they dislike it? validate themselves please?KorruptRaidenHas anyone EVER changed your opinion of a game by telling why you SHOULD or SHOULD NOT like it? Seriously, I don't see why anyone should have to validate their opinion on a game for someone else - it's kind of silly and it won't change anyone's view. If you want reasons why I personally did not like it, as in my own opinion, not a statement of fact, I would say the top reasons were I thought the environment/map in the demo is bland and dull (by the 4th match I didn't feel any excitement to play again), the attack options as an alien seemed like natural (light or heavy attack or x from behind) choices but none felt particularly fun to execute and honestly I began to feel a sense of repetition very quickly, which is something that either happens in a game or doesn't, it almost more of a "feel" thing than anything you can put in to words as ALL multiplayer is repetition, it's a matter of how fun it is to experience again. I thought it was a bit weak that the x attacks take so long to execute that you could basically just run around looking for people in mid attack and attack them, and then someone could attack you so you have this daisy chain of back attacks going on. In another game this might be a fun aspect, but in the demo I thought it just got kind of old fast. Visually it didn't excite my eyes at all, it felt very bland in design and lighting - like I was running around in a game from several years ago. And lastly I did not care for the way the alien transitioning from floor to wall to ceiling was handled - I got used to it fairly quickly but found the design of the map had too many obstructions in places where it didn't need them, so I'd wind up running in to an area on the ceiling I could not crawl over etc and sometimes would get disoriented and not be sure if I was on the floor wall ceiling or what because it seemed like I was running in to obstructions that I should be able to move over - having the visual indicator that tells me I am on the ceiling would not be necessary if the environment was not so dark and generic - it just didn't play as intuitive and fluid as it should feel being an alien. All this stuff pulled me out of the game and just zapped away much of the fun. Since the alien class was the thing I was most interested in, that was pretty much it for me and this game.
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