Hello everyone thanks for taking the time to read my post,
I am usually a PC gamer but I am in the market for a console, I have researched back and forth to pick either the XBOX 360 or the Playstation 3. I have been told since I own a PSP and had owned a Playstation 2 previously that the Playstation 3 was the obvious choice, but a few things made me change my mind to pick the 360 including; online play, better games library, cheaper £300 for PS3 80gb and about £170 for Xbox 360 premium 60gb.
Then I read about the so called "Red Ring Of Death" that a lot of 360 users have suffered from. Reliability for me is a big issue I like things to last, so my question is, has this problem been fixed? Am I making a mistake purchasing a 360? Please share your opinions on this matter it would help me greatly. Thank you.
Best Regards
Definitely not a mistake. Yes, the MAJORITY of 360 owners have suffered hardware issues, but the overall result is the Xbox 360 is a gaming powerhouse. Xbox Live is incredibly fun, quick, well organized, and the game selection - The game selection is debatable with the PS2's for best-ever. You can't really go wrong. I have both the PS3 and Xbox 360, and I will say that if you choose the PS3, you're not making a bad choice at all, it's just the 360 is a bit of a better choice. Hope I helped.
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