Any good arcade games out or coming out soon?
Geometery Wars 2 has just come out, I advise the purchase of it. Otherwise, Portal Still Alive is on its way.
Of recent releases, Mega Man 9 and Bionic Commando Rearmed are a lot of fun if you are down for a challenge. Duke Nukem 3D is another good one.
What about castle Crashers?sparda012I've only played the demo but it seems like it can be a good co-op game to play with friends.
Castle Crashers, Braid, CV: SOTN, Ikaruga and Aces of the Galaxy are all great XBLA games. And yes, CC is worth it even without online co-op.
Not really, but the Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3 expansion is coming out soon....How is this related to Xbox 360?
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