the other day i was looking up the force unleashed prices and i found this . it sounds kinda cool so i got a reserve for it at gamestop. i actually traded the first one in a few weeks after getting it cuz i got bored of it but this sounds ok and its not 60 bucks lol.
i was dissapointed with TFU just because the story sucked in my opinion and the voice acting was corny and the apprentice sounded like a little girl alot of the time, plus i was expecting more from the ephoria (remember how we were gonna be able to throw storm troopers through walls? dont remember seeing any of that in the game lol), and i dunno there wasnt really any cool force moves (i was hoping for some of the ones like there are in the kotor games like force scream etc).
but apparently in this edition theres more force powers so im gonna get it. so what are your opinions on this and are you gonna get it?
oh yeah heres the trailer and heres a walkthrough of the trailer.
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