Is it just me or is anyone else overwhelmed by the quantity of amazing games that are coming out in the fall. Don't get me wrong I welcome it. I'm just a little bit concerned that some of these fine titles will get run over by the mega blockbusters. It makes since that the game companies are doing this (since moms and dads buy thier kids games for the holidays). I was planning on also getting a PS3, but there are just too many games that I need to get. My ten games are as followed:
- Bio Shock
-Halo 3
- Assassin's Creed
- Blue Dragon
-Lost Odyssey (X360)
- Mass Effect
- Eternal Sonata
- Unreal 3
- Blacksite: Area 51 (loved the demo. It looks amazing and the controls were fantastic.)
Anybody else have a top ten list? (Also I can't wait untill Bomberman comes to Live Arcade!) Gamertag: YouKnowIt 77
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