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read that please i'm having so much trouble posting in here it's telling me the ***** message is blank over and over.
I think it's a ripoff, but seriously, this topic comes up like every two days.
"I think it's awesome!! I'd pay a bajillion dollers 4 it becuz microsoft are godz!"
"No, it's too expensive cuz u aren't rely paying for ne thing!"
"Well ur a doody head!"
"Well ur st00pid"
"Well I reporting u to teh modz becuz you sed you thought liev wuz 2 expensive in a topic taht axed if it wuz 2 expensive an ur not alowed 2 post here unles u worship microsawft!!"
There, summed up the next 10 pages. Topic closed.
I've never seen those before. You sir, are probably a little kid.
We pay the equivalent of $80 for a year, but considering how much I use it, it works out at next to nothing per hour.
Not having it would feel very restrictive
Doesnt bother me one bit. Glad to pay my 50 bucks...gntolnx
How can you be glad to pay $50?
The reason XBL is better than PSN or Nintendo Online is because MS cares about online; not because we waste our money on it.
Sony did not go into the PS2 pushing online. They half committed to it this gen and it shows. Bottom line is we are paying for P2P online gaming that should be free.
Considering the time I'm on xbox live... it's one of my cheapest recreation...... If I play 60 hours a month... time 12= 720 hours for 50 bucks... nope... studying in a coffee shop everyday (which i do) is much more expensive... Actually, everytime I get coffee, I could pay for a month of xboxlive...
To be honnest, I'd rather have it free, but since we have better online option and gaming than the competition I have no problem spending the money on it...
lol thats rediculous...if your bothered by paying it you should not be playing online because ps3's online is nowhere near as good.JuanaSmokeHave you actually played the PS3 online? Every game I ahve played online on my PS3 played just fine In many ways, it has becone XBLs equivalent...and it is free.
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