Are you liking your Xbox One so far?
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Loving my set up! Just got my extra HD space, and with all these free xbl games and deals I'm looking to upgrade my 360 HD as well. MS is doing well by me!
Oh yes, enjoying it very only problem is finding the time to play the games I want. Just got the new WOlfenstien and it is great!
sold it and bought the other guy. i didn't like the fact that the X1 scratches so easy and was too big. will get the slim version probably.
I would be more if the selection of FPS wasn't limited to Call of Duty and now Wolfenstein or if there were better games in general
A question to y'all.
How essential do you think Kinect is in X1? And how much do you actually use it? Have the X1 games been designed Kinect in mind? etc.. Because I already have a PS4 and was thinking of buying the cheaper "Kinect-less" version for exclusives this summer. And to play MP games like Destiny & Halo with my cuz.
A question to y'all.
How essential do you think Kinect is in X1? And how much do you actually use it? Have the X1 games been designed Kinect in mind? etc.. Because I already have a PS4 and was thinking of buying the cheaper "Kinect-less" version for exclusives this summer. And to play MP games like Destiny & Halo with my cuz.
It's not essential and I unplugged it awhile back. It works fine without it. The Xbone games haven't been designed with Kinect in mind, instead they throw out little gimmicks that aren't really needed and you won't need. Basically, it's like the Kinect 360 experience.
This is why they can sell a Kinectless Xbone, because Kinect isn't essential and going forward it will be even less essential due to this new Sku.
There are games that use Kinect, but they aren't good games imo. The people that loved Kinect on 360 probably love it on Xbone (I'll never be able to relate). You can navigate the Xbone with it, but it's a chore and aggravating at times and ended with me grabbing the controller anyways.
Yeah. I figured as much.
Besides, MS will most likely start selling Kinect separately at some point, so it's not like I can't buy it later if I feel like it.
@behardy24: Not really, underwhelmed is the word. Too few games and by far the annoyance is Live Gold for some regular services like YouTube (for heavens sake!) and even to play campaign mode on major titles. One collects dust while I use my iPad to watch YouTube and have't bought Titanfall. A black colored white elephant. Could be redeemed by some sensible pricing and service decisions by Micro$oft but that seems a far-off wish.
Too few games is always a new-release problem though, isn't it? I remember playing nothing but GUN for the 360 when I got the console - there was hardly anything decent for it out there. I didn't even like the game, I was just desperate to play something on it, lol!
At least Titanfall is a decent game, if you like that genre, and now there's Watch Dogs, which is also fun - again, if you already like that kind of thing, as I don't think it will make converts of anyone.
Going by past console releases I wouldn't expect to see anything special until the end of this year.
I use it all day every day. Watch Dogs and Titanfall are the two games I play most right now. I was pretty disappointed with NBA 2k14 and Madden 25 but that's on the developers. Forza 5 is also very solid and good for a play every now and then. Kinect is gimmicky still, but I do find the voice commands rather useful. And of course, I also like to use it for the other apps like NFL Network, Youtube, Netflix, Xbox Music, etc.... I have no complaints so far.
As of right now, it's really just collecting dust atm. There aren't any "must have" games that I personally want to play on it. But, seeing as how the console is still relatively new, I'm sure that'll change over the coming months.
Oh yes, enjoying it very only problem is finding the time to play the games I want. Just got the new WOlfenstien and it is great!
Yes The New Wolfenstein is my fav FPS on the xbox one I'm having so much fun with the game.
Do you guys think it's worth a buy or a rent? Here in Australia games are very expensive and it'd cost me close to $100, so if I could beat it in 3 nights I might as well rent it. Do you lot know how long the game is? Cheers.
Oh yes, enjoying it very only problem is finding the time to play the games I want. Just got the new WOlfenstien and it is great!
Yes The New Wolfenstein is my fav FPS on the xbox one I'm having so much fun with the game.
Do you guys think it's worth a buy or a rent? Here in Australia games are very expensive and it'd cost me close to $100, so if I could beat it in 3 nights I might as well rent it. Do you lot know how long the game is? Cheers.
I've heard the game will last you around 15 or 20 hours if you collect all the collectibles in the game it's a good game bro.
In the UK the games are also very expensive too but i think if you're not sure whether you should buy the game i would at least rent it lol.
Oh yes, enjoying it very only problem is finding the time to play the games I want. Just got the new WOlfenstien and it is great!
Yes The New Wolfenstein is my fav FPS on the xbox one I'm having so much fun with the game.
Do you guys think it's worth a buy or a rent? Here in Australia games are very expensive and it'd cost me close to $100, so if I could beat it in 3 nights I might as well rent it. Do you lot know how long the game is? Cheers.
I've heard the game will last you around 15 or 20 hours if you collect all the collectibles in the game it's a good game bro.
In the UK the games are also very expensive too but i think if you're not sure whether you should buy the game i would at least rent it lol.
Thanks for the reply, yeah in that case I guess if you don't collect everything and just run through the campaign it should take about 10-12 hours max. I think I will rent it.
Oh yes, enjoying it very only problem is finding the time to play the games I want. Just got the new WOlfenstien and it is great!
Yes The New Wolfenstein is my fav FPS on the xbox one I'm having so much fun with the game.
Do you guys think it's worth a buy or a rent? Here in Australia games are very expensive and it'd cost me close to $100, so if I could beat it in 3 nights I might as well rent it. Do you lot know how long the game is? Cheers.
I've heard the game will last you around 15 or 20 hours if you collect all the collectibles in the game it's a good game bro.
In the UK the games are also very expensive too but i think if you're not sure whether you should buy the game i would at least rent it lol.
Thanks for the reply, yeah in that case I guess if you don't collect everything and just run through the campaign it should take about 10-12 hours max. I think I will rent it.
Thats correct then it should take you around 10 hours or so i hope that helps.
Yes , its a Great console , but the game library is a bit lacking . I mean , i wish i had waited until November this year and bought it with more games and cheaper price . right now its just me and my brother's " Forza 5 machine " :| I'm more excited to play some older games on my Xbox 360.
but beside the games , the console itself is amazing , Online service is fast and good even with Iran's crappy internet , Mutliplayer is faster , Console is fast , switching between apps and everything is great and you can nearly do anything without getting out of the game . and Kinect can be used for many awesome stuff and has a lot potential .
and damn did you see Ryse's Graphics ? man .....
also the hardware , I know its a bit weaker than PS4 , but there isn't really noticeable difference in games and PS fans are just screaming about the resolution and stuff to prove their console is better . while its not . Hardware is the only thing that's better in PS4 . Xbox's online service , game line up and UI is much better in my opinion .
another awesome thing about X1 is that its really well made . unlike Xbox 360 which always has some problems ( mine has Disk drive problems :( ) X1 is very reliable , it looks strong , it doesn't even make a noise , and even after 5 hours of playing its pretty cold .
So i love Xbox one but I bought it a bit too soon :/ .
@behardy24: Not really, underwhelmed is the word. Too few games and by far the annoyance is Live Gold for some regular services like YouTube (for heavens sake!) and even to play campaign mode on major titles. One collects dust while I use my iPad to watch YouTube and have't bought Titanfall. A black colored white elephant. Could be redeemed by some sensible pricing and service decisions by Micro$oft but that seems a far-off wish.
Dude, YouTube and all non-gaming related services no longer require Gold. Gold is now only required for online gaming, and offers access to Games With Gold.
@behardy24: Not really, underwhelmed is the word. Too few games and by far the annoyance is Live Gold for some regular services like YouTube (for heavens sake!) and even to play campaign mode on major titles. One collects dust while I use my iPad to watch YouTube and have't bought Titanfall. A black colored white elephant. Could be redeemed by some sensible pricing and service decisions by Micro$oft but that seems a far-off wish.
Dude, YouTube and all non-gaming related services no longer require Gold. Gold is now only required for online gaming, and offers access to Games With Gold.
This is true.
A question to y'all.
How essential do you think Kinect is in X1? And how much do you actually use it? Have the X1 games been designed Kinect in mind? etc.. Because I already have a PS4 and was thinking of buying the cheaper "Kinect-less" version for exclusives this summer. And to play MP games like Destiny & Halo with my cuz.
If you already have a PS4 then I would get the Xbox One WITH the Kinect. It just gives you more options. I believe they made the console in a way where if you totally did not like Kinect or did not want to use it, you wouldn't have to use it. So, I don't believe that it's that essential to the console. BUT--I really feel if you're trying to enjoy the Xbox One and use it to it's full capability then you HAVE to get the Kinect with it. If you're the type of person that has no intention on using voice commands then don't get it. I enjoy turning the console on and off with voice commands. If I'm in the middle of a match I enjoy snapping tv or any other app just with voice commands. I also like that I can give it a command to record video just with my voice and not wasting time going thru a menu or pressing a button. It give you plenty of options. I like that all I have to do is sit in front of the console and it recognizes me, and it can differentiate me from anyone else. Also it can recognize my voice as well. If you use apps like Skype or you want to broadcast on twitch you can....right out of the box with the Kinect. Do I make use of those things? Yes. But I'm the type of guy that does.
Again--if you're putting it in a bedroom or In a small space, I'd say get it without the Kinect. If it's in the middle of your living room--and you intend on using it, it will make everything easier. Like I stated, I feel like they made the game where you can function everything without the Kinect--but the Kinect is another option that makes the xbox one easy to use and if you don't have it, you just wont be able to enjoy the full xbox one experience. IMO.
There is a limited selection of games and the games out that I wanted to play have already been played. The only reason, at the moment, I turn my Xbox on is to play Battlefield or Ghosts, but it's rare. I'll play it more as a wider selection comes though. I am happy, so far, it just doesnt get used much. I had the money so I figured I would buy it while I had the money, instead of waiting for games and unable to afford an Xbox 1 when the games are here, ha.
I've been using mine a fair bit - however I'm hating the fact I've nearly used all my HDD space with only 7 games installed -.-
I'm happy to say I finally picked up an Xbone today (without Kinect) :). I've been wanting to play Dead Rising 3 and Titanfall (I don't have a gaming pc), and I am really looking forward to Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizons (maybe), an the Halo Collection, which ultimately convinced me to make the plunge.
I now have a PS4 and Xbone. I'm planning on using my PS4 as my main console, while sticking to Xbone for exclusives and maybe occasional multi plats where I have friends who own a certain game I want.
I'll post impressions once I get a feel for the Xbone.
I will once I get one! Just can't bring myself to get a PS4, it just doesn't feel right. Microsoft has more soul than Sony...if you get me.
Nothing but problems. Hard resets, lots of freezing. TV input doesn't work at all like its supposed to, kinect is an utter joke.
Another reason why I'm hesitant to get an Xbox one. Lots of technical problems, plus it's just soooooooooo BIG! It's gigantic!
It does not have technical problems. The Xbox One is the most reliable console MS has made.
Nothing but problems. Hard resets, lots of freezing. TV input doesn't work at all like its supposed to, kinect is an utter joke.
Another reason why I'm hesitant to get an Xbox one. Lots of technical problems, plus it's just soooooooooo BIG! It's gigantic!
It does not have technical problems. The Xbox One is the most reliable console MS has made.
But you don't own Xbone, I am not sure how you can honestly claim that.
As an Xbone owner, I would say that the most reliable console from them is the original Xbox imo as far as freezes and tech issues. Xbone is a nice second though.
I will once I get one! Just can't bring myself to get a PS4, it just doesn't feel right. Microsoft has more soul than Sony...if you get me.
I just don't see how you can say that. More soul? Even with the whole Kinect thing up until recently?
I'm not sure either. More soul? All I can do is look at 1st party output over the last decade and to me one company has more of a gaming identity than the other, but I'm not sure if that's what he means by soul.
I just got the XBO on Thursday, and I really like it already. There aren't a lot of games out now, but I'm sure there's at least something interesting for everyone out now. Whether that's Titanfall, Forza 5, Dead Rising 3, or one of those other notable games.
I downloaded Halo Spartan Assault and that's actually pretty addictive, also got Crimson Dragon and that has its moments. I know a lot of people like Titanfall and that is kind of tempting, but I'm gonna hold out since I'd rather play Halo multiplayer when that comes out. I do wonder about Plants VS Zombies Garden Warfare, but that game is like only online, and I'm still not sure about that one. I will try the demo of Dead Rising 3, since there was something kind of appealing to me about the first game, but I don't know if I'm enough of a zombie fan to really get into it. I remember the original game was kind of frantic and nerve-wracking to play, though.
I didn't get the Kinect, and I'm not especially anxious about the device. But, if at some future date it did seem appealing for use in some game, or some other cool feature, then I might not be opposed to getting one. It does seem like a lot of menu commands can be executed more quickly that way. Until Microsoft decides to create a new chatpad for the XBO controller, the Kinect is probably a better alternative to hunt-typing.
So far no major issues, though the system makes kind of a loud humming noise during use and I had one game freeze on me at startup. But that all seems pretty normal.
No doubt. I knew I wanted something that plays games, and has other functions. I remember when I got a PS3, I liked that it did more than play games. Funny how now that's somehow bad to some. Watching the Olympics in Feb, and instantly switching to my game was cool to me. Is it needed? None of this hobby is.
A huge move would be 360 BC. With PSNow coming, if MS gives BC for free it would be awesome.
Nothing but problems. Hard resets, lots of freezing. TV input doesn't work at all like its supposed to, kinect is an utter joke.
Another reason why I'm hesitant to get an Xbox one. Lots of technical problems, plus it's just soooooooooo BIG! It's gigantic!
It does not have technical problems. The Xbox One is the most reliable console MS has made.
But you don't own Xbone, I am not sure how you can honestly claim that.
As an Xbone owner, I would say that the most reliable console from them is the original Xbox imo as far as freezes and tech issues. Xbone is a nice second though.
I agree because its so early in the gen. I have not had one issue with my X1 technically.
Some updated impressions:
- I don't like that it takes more clicks to get a party going with your friends than it does on the 360.
- The UI needs to be smoother, specifically when switching between apps and games.
- For the love of god, just let me sign in automatically when I turn on my console instead of forcing me to stand in front of the Kinect to identify myself.
- The controller needs some improvements already. One of the backplates on the left palm side has already came loose and there's no way for me to tighten it back up. Also, the LB and RB buttons are not good. I understand how they were designed, but it still doesn't feel natural only partially pressing the button with the side of your finger than your whole finger like with the 360 controller.
- Microsoft needs to keep finding ways to preserve less processing power for the Kinect so that we can get more 1080p games in the future.
- I dislike that nearly every feature (including Friends, achievements, messages, etc...) is separated in to its own app just like a computer. Makes for longer loading times. Some of these things need to be consolidated into one app.
- E3 didn't seem promising in the way of exclusives compared to the Wii U and PS4
- 500gb is proving to not be nearly enough room for the next 5-7 years. I already have half my space taken up and I only have 5 games installed with a few other apps.
+ I've really enjoyed nearly every game I've played on it.
+ I'm glad they came out with free games for Gold already for Xbox One
+ The controller, despite its shortcomings, is still the best controller to date(better than PS4, and I have a PS4)
+ Still the best social experience for gaming(Twitch, skype, party up, watch TV while playing game while talking to friends), the number of things you can do at once while gaming seem endless
+ Microsoft keeps providing us with many useful updates and it seems the sky is the limit with the UI
+ Kinect is pretty cool(not perfect tho) and I find it pretty useful with voice commands. Having the Kinect does make you feel like you're getting the full Xbox One experience
Even though it doesn't add up, the positives I listed are more important to me than the negatives I've listed. I find myself using the Xbox One all day every day and it's been worth every penny even at $500. So, I think the new $400 price tag w/o Kinect is well worth it for anyone looking to get an Xbox One.
So I've gotten to play my Xbone for about a week now, and so far, I am liking it a lot. Here are some positives and negatives:
- Voice commands work really well..I bought a used Kinect for $50 off of ebay instead of buying the $500 Xbone, and I am impressed with the quickness and accuracy of the commands.
- Lots of apps and multimedia features.
- I have 2 games so far, Dead Rising 3 and Titanfall. I'm new to the Dead Rising series, and I am really enjoying it. Titanfall is great too, although I wish it had more guns.
- I like the new triggers and the controller as a whole.
- GWG has started on the One.
- UI looks sleek and feels like it's your own personal UI.
- Setting up a party chat has become more difficult...I hope MS can fix this in a future update.
- The bumpers on the controller suck...IMO it's the one shortcoming in the controller.
- Like another poster said, I'm not too thrilled about how every feature (achievements, messages, etc) are just like an app with their own scree and feels weird and cumbersome.
- I wish the console was smaller, but this isn't a big deal.
Just wanted to add that I made my decision to buy the XB1 after E3...I wanted to enjoy DR3 and Titanfall today, and I'm really looking forward to Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizons, and (most of all) the Master Chief Collection later this year.
I like it. I'm glad I bought it over the PS4. I just wish it had more games that aren't a bunch of shooters and "mature" titles. I wish it had more 3D platformers and adventure games. Like another Banjo Kazooie.
I mainly bought it as a secondary console, for 3rd party games and a few exclusives.
I can't wait for the Halo Collection, Halo 5 and Sunset Overdrive.
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