personally im kinda mad at the new games coming out as none have been any good. I bought LOTRO online and really it isn't even worth calling an mmo. Fury was pathetic, halo 3's online play was average...i got mad and stopped playin from all the glitches i encountered ( dont flame me halo lovers...good game just im sayin buggy for me. ). since all the reasont new games have sucked, i think you should, BEFORE BUYING ANY GAME, wait a week and read 3 seperate reviews, THEN decide to buy it. In the past few months ive wasted over 100 dollars on games that i stoped playing after a few days. I'm sticking with world of warcraft for now.
Game I recommend checking out? Spore. It's completely different and I'm tired of all MMO being "i want to be WoW" all rts being "I want to be C&C or AOE! " and all the fps being typical either space age kill stoof, WW2 kill stoof, and uh..nvm thats all.
But still..wait and read the reviews. Games these days are too expensive to blow that amount of money on something you'll never play.
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