amazing..another vs thread..and i thought berserver vs big daddy vs nemesis was a bit off, this is just ridiculous... and yeah, masterchief would own them all...if a guy can take down raam who was a tough s.o.b. by just shooting and ducking, then master chief, oh come on...this is dumb, now i'm actually trying to rationalize all this...who cares, berserker and mc are the top dawgz...snake is old and every time he sneaks up on someone and gets caught that stupid noise sounds, mario is old as hell and last i checked there were no pipes in gears or it goes like this... mario meets up w/ big daddy, mario jumps on him and does nothing but land on his drill, he's dead, then snake takes on big daddy and he has a heart attack and just pits over and dies, then general raam takes out big daddy by using his crows cuz for some reason bees worked on big daddy even though he's in a water tight suit, then the berserker steps on raam and for good measure sits on him and then master chief comes out with a rocket launcher, fires it at berserker along w/ a plazma grenade right on his crotch, and as a final tough, tea bags berserker... there you have post something else....
him/her..whatever, he gave the chick blue balls...the end.
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