It's probably been done [Numerous times] thought i'd get a small opinion...
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Going by how the game played, it was good. However, as an addition to the CoD franchise, it really wasn't something that added anything new, and if anything, had too many of those "typical CoD" moments.
I find BO a really downgraded MW2 in almost every aspect.
The only good thing about it is the lack of campers, but just because the maps have toooooooooooooooooooooons of obstacles on them.
Every time I play BO I feel like I'm a teletubbie trying to kill everyone with toy weapons.
And it is sad because I really tried hard to like the game, but it's not possible. The thing I like about it is Zombie mode, but that's it.
Loved the story and online is pretty good. Wager matchs are my thing though very very addictive. Zombie mode is a fun addition
On the negative as people say the hit detection is a bit strange sometimes and personally I find the graphgics to be hit and miss. Not bad by a long shot but it doesnt feel quite as polished as some other cods by another company.
Still easily my fav cod since 2.
For me Black Ops is a bit more "back to basics" i.e. CoD 4ish gameplay. The multiplayer is very well balanced in my opinion. No longer can you just sit in a corner or a bush are rip off 10 kills. There are simply too many ways to get around the maps. The fact that under barrels like nade launchers and shot guns are not subject to the Warlord (Bling in MW 2) perk has really nullified the noob tubers substantially. The lack of the Stopping Power and Juggernaught perks keeps the gun play grounded and more realistic as the guns are what they are and nobody in invulnerable to clips of ammo. The customizations in Black ops for your load outs exceed both CoD 4 and MW 2 by miles Imo. Also the monetary system that is used to unlock weapons, attachments and perks is an amazing concept that is well carried out.
The game isn't without its faults though. The lag is still an issue in far too many matches and the host migration/disconnects are far to prevelant. I also think that the spawning on some of the maps (Nuketown in particular) is plain bad as I have spawned and been instantly killed far too many times. Overall, Id say the Black Ops is a more complete product than MW 2 and is close to being the series leader, but CoD 4 still holds that crown.
It is a pretty well played out game, for the multilayer at least, never tried the campaign will do in the next few days.
I cant say im disappointed in black ops. I never expected it to be a game changer like so many did for some reason. No COD game from now on can be a game changer. Those take more than a year to produce and actually add new innovative things. I expected it to just be another COD game with tweaks to the MP to try and fix the many issues MW2 and that's exactly what it is. Not all of the tweaks are for the better though and there's still many issues. Most surprising is the game engine. The frame rate is just awful especially on ground war which used to run silky smooth in MW2. something simple like dropping a napalm strike on some maps cause the game to drop its FPS in more than half for a few moments. There's a ton of texture pop in online and many textures are just plain ol fugly.
My question is where does COD go from here? My guess is even die hard fans wont be feeling next years release unless they actually try to create a new game which they wont.
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