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You didn't know this already that Gamestop (and stores like it) totally screw you? I always sell my stuff on Craigslist and my local online classifieds. I got $150 for my 360 that was a launch system!!! Totally skip the stores if you actually want to get some decent money.nickdastick
Hahaha nice, what a sucker...did they even ask when it was made?
Well, I decided to trade-in my 360 at Gamestop for cash. It's the premium console with 20GB HDD, 1 Wireless controller.... etc. Now I understand that there was a price drop for the 360's, but they expected me to hand over my 'like new' 360 to them for a mere $85... What are they smoking? To make matters worse, I called about 2 weeks ago and I was told it would be roughly $160 and now it's half of that. I just wanted to make this thread so anyone out there thinking about trading stuff in to Gamestop, don't do it!!! You're better off using eBay or something like that or even just keeping the stuff, which I ended up doing... just keeping it. I know they have to make money, but they've gone beyond the reasonable limit to flat out r*ping their customers. Use eBay or sell to a friend, but don't line Gamestops pockets. Another reason I made this thread is to let people know the current going rate for 360 trade-ins at Gamestop. Sorry if this isn't in the correct forum, if it's not in the right place please feel free to move or delete this thread. Take care!Xerphon
I found out a long time ago that Gamestop is nitorious for holding secret promotional sales, pass it off as if its been store policy all along. So 2 weeks later when you go in expecting the same deal they tell you "Oh, that was a limited sales special" then act as if it was common knowledge despite the serious lack of advertising they do for this.
[QUOTE="Xerphon"]Well, I decided to trade-in my 360 at Gamestop for cash. It's the premium console with 20GB HDD, 1 Wireless controller.... etc. Now I understand that there was a price drop for the 360's, but they expected me to hand over my 'like new' 360 to them for a mere $85... What are they smoking? To make matters worse, I called about 2 weeks ago and I was told it would be roughly $160 and now it's half of that. I just wanted to make this thread so anyone out there thinking about trading stuff in to Gamestop, don't do it!!! You're better off using eBay or something like that or even just keeping the stuff, which I ended up doing... just keeping it. I know they have to make money, but they've gone beyond the reasonable limit to flat out r*ping their customers. Use eBay or sell to a friend, but don't line Gamestops pockets. Another reason I made this thread is to let people know the current going rate for 360 trade-ins at Gamestop. Sorry if this isn't in the correct forum, if it's not in the right place please feel free to move or delete this thread. Take care!EvilAshTwin
I found out a long time ago that Gamestop is nitorious for holding secret promotional sales, pass it off as if its been store policy all along. So 2 weeks later when you go in expecting the same deal they tell you "Oh, that was a limited sales special" then act as if it was common knowledge despite the serious lack of advertising they do for this.
You mean the weekly adds they have set up around there cashwrap?
Either the store near you fails or you need to open your eyes.
[QUOTE="EvilAshTwin"][QUOTE="Xerphon"]Well, I decided to trade-in my 360 at Gamestop for cash. It's the premium console with 20GB HDD, 1 Wireless controller.... etc. Now I understand that there was a price drop for the 360's, but they expected me to hand over my 'like new' 360 to them for a mere $85... What are they smoking? To make matters worse, I called about 2 weeks ago and I was told it would be roughly $160 and now it's half of that. I just wanted to make this thread so anyone out there thinking about trading stuff in to Gamestop, don't do it!!! You're better off using eBay or something like that or even just keeping the stuff, which I ended up doing... just keeping it. I know they have to make money, but they've gone beyond the reasonable limit to flat out r*ping their customers. Use eBay or sell to a friend, but don't line Gamestops pockets. Another reason I made this thread is to let people know the current going rate for 360 trade-ins at Gamestop. Sorry if this isn't in the correct forum, if it's not in the right place please feel free to move or delete this thread. Take care!Childeater10
I found out a long time ago that Gamestop is nitorious for holding secret promotional sales, pass it off as if its been store policy all along. So 2 weeks later when you go in expecting the same deal they tell you "Oh, that was a limited sales special" then act as if it was common knowledge despite the serious lack of advertising they do for this.
You mean the weekly adds they have set up around there cashwrap?
Either the store near you fails or you need to open your eyes.
stop defending EB games/Gamestop... notice how ppl in this thread and my thread pretty much all hate that stupid store?
I agree. They're not hiding their pricing from you and they're not forcing you to sell it back to them. If you do it, that's your own choice and if you feel cheated, you only have yourself to blame. And as far as selling it back to eb for a cheap price and then EB selling it marked up, that's a practice done by many businesses----it's business 101 and it happens with cars, homes, etc...
I'll keep defending it thank you. I know there are people out there who have had great experiences at Gamestop. And I will continue to do so. If you don't like it don't shop there. Its as simple as that. it's not going to effect them at all.Childeater10
What really makes me mad is how they train their employees to just assume that the customer wants a "used" copy when they ask for a game. I would gladly pay the extra 5 dollars for the new unused copy. Don't ram your stupid scam down my throat! I banned them years ago.
What really makes me mad is how they train their employees to just assume that the customer wants a "used" copy when they ask for a game. I would gladly pay the extra 5 dollars for the new unused copy. Don't ram your stupid scam down my throat! I banned them years ago.
THIS is why people are getting fed up with Gamestop, its shady business practises like this, where they assume customer's want to get screwed over. The last time I went to GS, I took in a bunch of games to trade in. One of the games I took in they seriously offered me 30 cents for a game I saw priced at 20 dollars. They just assumed I would be happy with that because they didnt even bother to tell me the total before they took the games off the counter and then refused me a refund when I saw how much credit they offered me. This was the last time I went in there.
I agree. They're not hiding their pricing from you and they're not forcing you to sell it back to them. If you do it, that's your own choice and if you feel cheated, you only have yourself to blame. And as far as selling it back to eb for a cheap price and then EB selling it marked up, that's a practice done by many businesses----it's business 101 and it happens with cars, homes, etc...
[QUOTE="Childeater10"]I'll keep defending it thank you. I know there are people out there who have had great experiences at Gamestop. And I will continue to do so. If you don't like it don't shop there. Its as simple as that. it's not going to effect them at all.feryl06
I agree as well. I never use Gamestop for trading in games, just like I'd never use a car dealership to trade in a car. Sure, it's more convenient but you'll make more money selling it yourself. Over the years I've bought a ton of PS2 and 360 games super-cheap from EB\Gamestop because I combine my 10% edge card with the weekly email coupons they send me, so I'm constantly cashing in on 20% off (plus my 10% off) or buy 2 get 1 free sales. You just have to keep track of w/e special they're running that particular week, or get on their mailing list and they'll send you a coupon every Friday.
I'll keep defending it thank you. I know there are people out there who have had great experiences at Gamestop. And I will continue to do so. If you don't like it don't shop there. Its as simple as that. it's not going to effect them at all.Childeater10
yeah dude i remember i traded in halo. i bought the game at target for like 45bucks they had a sale on it. then when i traded it in they gave me 38 at gamestop. six months after i bought the game.
To answer a question poster earlier, I was in need of some fast cash that's the only reason I was going to sell it in the first place. I'm keeping the 360 now and won't be getting rid of it in any way shape or form... I just figured I could get the money I needed as well as upgrade to an Elite system around the holidays, but it's just not worth it. I'm glad to see that most people already know that they're nothing but a giant rip-off. I just hate to see people getting taken advantage of by big companies and if my post helped one person decide to use eBay or any other way of getting rid of something they no longer want than I'm happy enough with that.
You shouldn't have to warn people about Gamestop's poor trade in values, as they should already know. How do you think they have grown as large as they are??? It you don't know, basically just by screwing people over. I realized that the first time I went there, & since I've never gone back. If you like to give money away then Gamestop is just the place for you & I've been saying that forever.
Now your options are getting slim these days. Ebay has put into effect changes that have basically killed the little man when it comes to Selling. I've been selling on there for years, but now unless you are selling mass amounts you still will be getting screwed. If you sell a game for $25.00, it will cost you almost $4.00 in fees not including the fee for receiving a Pay Pal payment & you can only charge a max of $4.00 for shipping. If you sell a certain amount per month you get a discount.
Since Ebay has made these changes I've quit selling there. Check out They give the best Trade In values I've seen any where. They give credit or cash just like Gamestop. You have to ship your trade ins to them. Now they give Instant Credit, where you can place an order for trade ins & also select what you want to use the credit on & they will ship it to you before they receive your games. However, if you wait until they receive them they will credit you for your shipping expenses.
80 bucks is what i got for 36 snes games alone at a flea market thats not the system lol, if id brought a working console id bet it be well over 100 lol,
so ya you got ripped off big time, if you did that deal whats worst is when i brouht my ps2 in early 2003 a brand new one in box everything in tact bags etc what ever came with it they only offered 25 dollars , i dont think thats as low as what i got offered but still you totally got a gimped deal
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