was hoping you would say leave it the way it is, lol... but thanks. Imma try to make it open
The trick is if you're using a router you are doing a double NAT, which probably breaks uPNP. uPNP typically only works when the device supporting uPNP is sitting directly on the internet as your router is. The problem is since your laptop is behind the router, it's not directly on the internet. uPNP dynamically opens ports on the supporting device, so forwarding the XBL ports to your laptop would not have the desired effect (it would allow Games for Windows played on your laptop to support Open NAT, but not your Xbox behind your laptop).
I -have- gotten this to work in the past, but the method is not ideal. If you DMZ your laptop on the router, that forwards all ports not explicitly defined to go elsewhere to your laptop. That would allow uPNP to work, but it basically is the same as putting your laptop directly on the internet. If you go that route you'll want to firewall your laptop, which may adversely effect your ability to play online (or it may not).
Bottom line is you may just want to spring for the wireless adapter for the 360 (I assume that's why you are going to this trouble).
I failed to mention that I'm not using a lap top...I'm sorry. I connect my xbox directly to a router. However, I get a message on Halo 3 that says my NAT type is not open. I was wondering if i still need to open it. thanks for the info though in case I do use a lap top in the future, lol
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