these are the games that i wanna choose from
cod:waw, gears of war 2, fallout 3, cod 4, rock band 1 or 2, or 1 year gold trial
i dont hav xbox live gold right now but i have 50 dollars in my wallet. so what should i buy with the 50 dollars. i can buy any of top but with 10 dollars more and get another at christmas.
right now most of my school friends are playing cod waw and im thinking wat if they go back to cod4 so wat should i get cod waw or cod 4, also 2 of my other friends are getting cod waw.
for gears of war 2, i hav gears 1 but i liked the campaign, but i wasnt really good at muliplayer. but its still fun and the horde mode looks good but theres also zombie mode with cod waw.
with fallout 3, i never played oblvion but i already have fable 2, which i havent beat yet so should i get fallout 3 still? exploring looks good and it looks long.
for rock band 1 or 2, its too expensive but its a game me and my family can play, i already play rock band 1 at my friends house and its fun but should i even get a party game? my siblings want to get it so maybe i should
or should i get 1 year gold trial so i can play mult
so i can choose 2 of the choices up there. which one should i get. and also about recomondation thread, i find this easier because i get answerd faster and mostly none replies to my posts. also i already did alot of research. from watching videoes on youtube to forums and looking at game gradings but i need a final help Â
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