Ok, to all you who hate it, stop complaining and throw the DAMN Grenade Back!
You have 2.5 Seconds after the grenade indicators apears to throw it, or run away form it. It comes really useful in enclosed small areas. USE IT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE!!! I've gotten quite a few kills from it.
I get sick and tired of people who complain about it, theREAL problem with the game is Stopping Power. It makes ANY gun OverPowered. (Except in Hardcore) But too many people are too ignorant to realize it. Becasue everyone is accustomed to use iton 4/5 of their guns, they blame it on Juggernaut. Which is stupid because Stopping Power is the EXACT same thing as Juggernaut just the opposite.
Juggernaut %40 Health - Stopping Power %40 Increased damage, if fighting Against each other, IT CANCELS OUT
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