Get very good at hip firing at close range, Get very good with the M16, MP5 and P90 and whatever you do don't rush in with a group of people in team death match, instead just run around and flank the opposing team when they are concentrating on your team via the "RUN IN AND JUST FIRE GROUP".
Instead just take your time and "THINK" you will see most of the time people do the same exact thing in the game like when you kill a camper in room X almost 80% of the time he is going right back to that same room/area to get you or just camp there again, I don't know why they do this but anyway all you have to do is just find a spot outside of the place he just got killed and wait for him because most of the time you can get the jump on him because he is prolly thinking youare still in the room he got killed in and is not expecting you to have moved. I have got several kills on the same person in the same building but the whole time he was coming back I was just in a different area in building and I guess he was not expecting that or something hell I don't know but sooner than later you need to find another room or just get out of that area because he might bring the whole team next time.
It works most of the time for me but be careful because a good player that is "THINKING" will Flash/Stun bang and cook grenade the place to death if you're not careful that's why you always always have to move when you make a kill and have the opportunity to do so. Most of the time when someone kills me they just sit in the same place, im thinking like man you should have at least moved to the corner or something I mean you know try and fake me out or something.
Trust me for some reason when you kill a person in COD4 they are coming back to that same place to find you and "KILL "you and if they Know the map very well like others have said for you to do they can get to you pretty quickly and kill you when you are trying to find another area to wait in or just leaving that area. So its up to you to either move outside of the area or just find another area inside whatever building you are in and wait for that one guy to come back because if you do not move fast enough they can be there in about 10 sec or less on the smaller maps sometimes faster than that.
I have over 36000+ kills and 16000 deaths i can get 25+ kills consistently sometimes 40+ if i play with a bunch of noobs ..........not to offend you or anything. I went 28 and 0 in free for all and I have pretty decent ratio's……. and most of that is from common sense and quick reflexes.
I'm quiet/laidback online because I just like to "THINK" and "PLAY" and I can't "THINK" and talk at the same time I think that's why most of the time I get more kills then the people who talk a lot online not saying that there are not people who talk a lot and can put the smack down on you it's just most of the time when people talk its like they can't concentrate on the game and they start cursing the gun whey they don't get a headshot or it's the levels fault that their not doing good and the whole time I'm thinking you dumb*** its prolly because you're talking to much STFU and PLAY lol.
No I'm just kidding I know xbox live is a "Social" type thing and people are going to talk because that's just what they are going to do that's prolly just their way of having fun, my way of having fun is trying to outsmart that one person who keeps camping in that building or that one guy who is going around with a silenced MP5 and uav jammer and so forth. That's why i don't talk to much on live but typing that's another story.
BTW I might sound like I'm bragging which most people will think I am anyway even if I was to say that I'm not, it's just that I'm confident in my tactics and my game play style, this game is really no more than just common sense, quick reflexes and "THINKING so if you need help let me know my gamertag is in my sig peace.
NOTE: sorry for the grammar issues I was in a rush.
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