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its definately not the leap in graphics that Halo 2 was from Halo 1. ajefferism
I strongly disagree.
And to the original question. Yes I noticed a huge difference because I have both my Xbox and my 360 hooked up to the same HDTV. I loaded both games up on Zanzibar & Last Resort and made comparisons with the push of a remote button. If you think Halo 3 doesn't look way better than two, that's your opinion, but might I suggest that your memory is being far too kind to Halo 2.
Halo 3's graphics, particularly in the campaign, are a dramatic improvement over those in Halo 2. There's just no comparison. The textures are better, the lighting is superb and everything has far more detail. Play Halo 2 again - it's hard to go back.
Stylistically, the games all look very similar. That's part of what makes them Halo. If Halo 3 didn't look stylistically similar and "feel like" the first two, people would have been in uproar!
its definately not the leap in graphics that Halo 2 was from Halo 1. but the graphics are nice and the gameplay and online are awesome.... great game and my favorite of the 3.ajefferism
are you kidding me? you're saying halo 2 was a bigger jump over halo 1 than halo 3 was over 2? i think you should go play those games again. are you using a HD tv?
When playing the game you think, oh these graphics really make my jaw drop.. but then you think well I thought this way way back with halo 1, and also 2. Hell I thought the same way of Dreamcast graphics.. and then I youtubed them and cried...
Like people have said 'our memories are too kind' when recollecting graphics of our favourite games. Just like when you got with that chick at that party that night and you thought.. she wasn't THAT bad and then you see a pic and cry.
So no need to hate Halo3. The graphics are great, people are just hating on the game because they don't 'get it' and they don't understand why everyone else loves it. That's fine but you don't need to express your opinion and look like a fool. People who thinks the graphics are bad must be playing it on their LG internet fridge.
Halo 3 really does kick it up a notch, I believe there are a few things they could have improved on ie. textures on the marines and whatnot - however Bungie is always on a tight time schedule and the game turned out great. So lets not diss the game, we all love it, and we're all playing it =)
I'm not a graphics nerd but Halo 3 has got some of the best lighting effects I've ever seenvitriolboy
Agree, the lightingin halo 2 was horrible, i would say thatthe lightingwould be the BIGGEST achievemnt for halo 3
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