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Devil may cry, ninja gaiden, and the god of war series are very similar. Guess you could call them, button mashers with depth.
Their not made by the same team, but its a popular action trade these days. Some do some things better than others. Ninja gaiden has the precise gameplay, while devil may cry has more style involved.
Thats like asking why the early CoD series and MoH series are similar, they apart of the same "Hack N Slash" genre.Danold
Actually with the CoD and MoH series, the development team responsible for CoD (Infinity Ward) actually revealed the game at E3 and some of the development guys who helped make MOH:AA and Frontline came over and decided to help out. Looking at both the games though, they both pretty much just copied Saving Private Ryan. This had nothing to do with the topic...but I couldn't help but share my love for the WWII genre...even if it has been overdone.
Meh... I don't know enough about gaming to know which came first. Looks like it doesn't really matter anyway since the same friggin game was released with a different face.
Speaking of facts. It probably would have made sense to title my post with DMC4=MG instead of DMG4=NG. I'm a idiot. My stupid performance apprasial at work was righ... "you need to focus on attention to detail." F the man.
WTF is dmg4? Maybe u meant DMC4. ANyway you could say Halo and Doom are the same or any similar games. Maybe McDonalds copied the Whopper or Coke copied Pepsi or...........
Meh.. its not a similar style of gameplay that makes me scratch me head, its that fact that its the same friggin game. Right down the sounds the menu makes to the stuff you can buy/skill up that's wierd. If I was a NG developer, I'd be calling a lawyer cuz someone stole my stuff...jayjay7117
The only problem is Devil May Cry (1) was released before Ninja Gaiden, they've also used those menu sounds since DMC (1) and as mentioned before you cant sue someone over making a game in the same genre as yours.
I really don't think you can compare the current edition of Devil May Cry to Ninja Gaiden; and for the record, Ninja Gaiden was here a LONG time before Devil May Cry was even thought about in a concept stage.
Devil May Cry looks bland now, and doesn't really offer the same experience that Ninja Gaiden has and will continue to offer. Ninja Gaiden is punishment, and is a real sense of accomplishment when you advance. I'm not saying Devil May Cry is a bad game, I'm just saying it isn't "great"in terms of what it has to offer. Pretty, yes, fun, sure, repetative and mindless; yes.
As for the original poster and his inquiries; not at all the same developer or someone being ripped off. Two totally different teams with two totally different goals, creating two totally different experiences. If you play and love Ninja Gaiden or Devil May Cry, you will experience something totally different when you switch to the other game.
OK, so without doing any research... Why is Devil May Cry 4 the same game as Ninja Gaiden? Are they the same development team or did someone rip someone off? Like right down to the sound effects and menus, its the same game. Style is a bit different in terms of game play (guns vs bows/arrows). I feel like I'm playing NG. Random.jayjay7117
Nobody ripped anyone off but they are both made in a traditional japaneese type of way also if anyone did rip someone off it would be gaiden since DMC series was started first and DMC4 is pretty much the same as all the other DMC games.
Meh.. its not a similar style of gameplay that makes me scratch me head, its that fact that its the same friggin game. Right down the sounds the menu makes to the stuff you can buy/skill up that's wierd. If I was a NG developer, I'd be calling a lawyer cuz someone stole my stuff...jayjay7117
DMC was released before the first 3D NG so maybe NG Team Ninja'd the ideas from Capcom :P. Personally I preferred DMC3 to NG2 and found the gameplay was deeper and allowed for ridiculous combos, its just down to your preference.
dude it is like you are saying COD4 is a Halo rip off because it is a FPS. (Don't think that at all and anyone that does must have never played more than two games in their entire life) If you can't tell the difference bettween NG and DMC then everyone should agreee with me in saying your an idiot. If you are familiure with games in general. All games belong to a certain Genre. Lost Oddessy is not like Mass Effect but It is from the same genre of RPG. But Mass Effect is similar to Star Wars KOTR the combat system for instance. I seriouly can't figure out how you came up with that is in your right mind. Niga Gaiden has a much different figting engin than DMC. Ninga Gaiden is more Position and stealth Manuvering. DMC is style and straight forward action. I love both personally. If your not into Action adventure then hey to each his own but to state DMC = NG I can only assume you are stupid! and in fact have non of the basic skils to distinguish an apple from and orange even though they are both fruit!
Ninja Gaiden is better the DMC in every way in my opinion. But that doesnt mean DMC isnt a great game, because it sure is a very good game. I just preffer Ninja Gaiden's story, controls, fighting and story.kozzy1234ya exactly Ninja guiden is better in every way but i have dmc4 and i love it. its nust team ninja knows how to make a beast game
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