Alright so now we've seen what realism actually can do to games, make them better or make them worse and we've surely all been argueing over GTA 4 whether it was too goddamn realistic or not. To be honest i hated all the realism in GTA4 (read my review if you want to), due to the fact that they took it to an almost extreme sim-like level, such as taking out five of your friends one at a time, take em to some hideous activity pretending to enjoy yourself half an hour and then drive them back, or watching extremely bad TV, or go on the internet which you can do practically nothing with except writing emails to your ingame friends. But worst off all is probably the colors, everything is brownish, and everything that ain't browinsh is gray, dark or blurred out. it just plain and simply took out alot of the fun.
I mean i can take realism to a certain degree, such as having to feed your character in a rpg (except for the system in GTASA where you could go on for months without as much as a biscuit) but then it just about stops, all that ingame friendship and TV and internet is just simply the boring stale potatoes that in reality is what fills you up instead of the big fat juicy steak you actually paid for instead of a load of potatoes and... (well you see where i am going with this)
So basically, your opinion on realism in games, good? bad?
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