I like the Halo 3 MP maps, ok. But I miss playing the Halo 2 maps. I don't play the Halo 3 MP to much, anymore. Playing the same map 30 times in a row sucks. Halo 3 MP lasted for about 3 days, for me. I liked playing one game type for a while. But the limited maps suck and switching out vehicles and gun drops. Doesn't make it any better.
I still think Halo 3 was way to early. Shouldn't have come out for months, with double the game play. Beating a final part to a huge trilogy... shouldn't take a few hours in one sitting.... Feels cheap and wrong.
But, I guess it's still early in the next gen's life. To expect major effort in content. People still buy graphics alone. So they can still sell just graphics, easy. Going to be a few years till people start to want more then pretty colors, again. Remember how much content games had around the end of last gen?
S@&T! Even MoH Pacific Sun(SP) was longer then Halo 3, and HL eps. 1 and 2.....
In conclusion... yeah! Halo 3 MP maps are to few. To keep my attention, anymore. Matches are to easy to join and leave. Then it's over to fast. Same thing every time. Run to gun drops, flag... whatever. No time to sit and dig yourself into that perfect sniping point. With just the right angel(sp?). I keep thinking when i play Halo 3 MP.... "Oh! This again..."
edit: L0L! Not sure if it's spelled Angel or Angle. Hot Fuzz has me all confuzed! 8)
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