I returned MWF2 and picked this up.I was a little unsure but feltin the mood for a fantasy RPG.This is close to my favourite all time RPG on consoles and its only competitor is Mass Effect. For meBioware just know how to make outstanding RPG's or at least one that I can really connect to.
I was and still am surprised at how much I am loving this game. The dialogue trees are thorough and far reaching, the character customisation is decent and I have been able to create a class and character that I really enjoy. The combat is good and the story is rich, deep and very well put togther. Of all the games I currently own, this is the one I look forward to the most. A real surprise!
what do you like about the combat , is fun? look really dull in videos
First let me say, I will happily address this question but I will also say a few things that make this game really come alive for me and why it has been a good suprise in terms of quality, fun gaming.
For methe big thing about the combat was finding a character class that suited the gamesstyle of combat. The way it works is that you press a button once and target an enemy and your character will repeatedly attack the charater with the spell or comboassigned to that button once it replenishes. Of course you can mix it up by pressing the other buttons that have assigned abilities mapped to them too and you will need to.But it feels a bit different toother real time combat games. Infact it doesn't exactly feel 'real time' but it iscertainly not turn based.
My first attempt at playing this game I created a male human warrior and I found the combat a bit clunky. On top of that I played the game as though I was the warrior. The decisions I made were the decisions I would really make given the context. Now, I did quite like my warrior and I could tolerate the combat but a little way in I thought 'if this game lasts around 100 hours, I really should create a character that I would find fun and that I think I would like to see in this kind of story'. I am not a big RPG guy but I love stories, classic novels, good movies and thisis where DA:O just got me.
So I decided to start over doing something I have never done with an RPG before and that is create a characterwith a make believe personality different to my own and play the game and make decisions based on what I think my character would do and not what I would do. Immediately this gave the game a brand new appeal and became instantly more immersive. Most of you RPG nuts are probably thinking 'you just figured this out?' and the answer is yes haha, I don't play many RPG's.
Secondly, I wanted to focus on the story telling elements and let them be the driving force of the game and not the combat (which is not my preferred style but really works for me with this game. Also given that I just picked up AC2 that more than satisfies my desire for action and combat.) So I dropped the difficulty setting down to casual which means the fights are far easier to get through (I haven't died yet and only one party member has been injured). But this lets me really get on and enjoy the game as an immersive unfolding story played through the eyes of the make believe character I have created.
Lastly, the character I created was a female Elf Mage. I have found the combat in this game for me really suits Mages. It feels better to be blasting spells from afar than getting up close and trading death blowswith a blade.
To finish off. I chose a female Elf Mage because I love how the game makes deliberate differentiations between classes and races and how this impacts upon dialogue and interaction. Elves are looked down upon by the human class and the Mage backstory is one where family ties are destroyed so it really fitted in with the type of personality I wanted to give my character.To me, my female Elf Mage is a strong willed cynical young womanoverly confident in her own abilities with little respect or love for humans and a disregard for compassion or empathy toward anyone or anything. Yet at the core she is uncertain and doesn't believe she is worthy and thisgives her an unrelenting determination to prove her value in the sight of others.Its just heaps of fun to imagine my character being challenged and shaped and transformed by the experiences she has as the story progresses. Also, the way the other characters react to my Mages persoanlity are very well done and add to the overall depth of the game. Dragon Age Originshas analmost organic feel about it because of it.
I have typed heaps. I just love this game!
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