So recently I received an E-74 error on my 360 while I was playing BF 1943, and I tried the towel trick to no avail, then proceeded to call Microsoft and found my warranty was out, and that I'd have to pay $120 to get it fixed. I then did a little researching, and found a how to guide on Youtube that involves buying a kit and fixing the Xbox yourself. The question I have is, lets say I buy the kit and fix it myself, would I potentially get banned for doing this the next time I go on Live ? I am just curious, because I have seen a few people say that you would get banned because Microsoft would think you were modding or something to that effect. Im just hoping to save a bit of money here if I possibly can by fixing it myself, so would it be a good idea to do this myself (considering I no longer have a warranty) and save some cash or should I just cough up the cash and have it sent to Microsoft ? Anyone who has done the self fix, I would greatly appreciate your input, thanks in advance.
I had the same problem as you except my xbox overheated and my warranty was out also. I just shoved the xbox and the power supply in the freezer for the day,then left it to warm up the next day, taking a hair dryer to it. Works fine now.
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