Well if I was running a forum for a game I created and you came on there bashing my game and calling me unoriginal... I would have banned you too...
How does "Epic = garbage" for banning a person criticizing them... I understand this argument if you made a thread with constructive criticism... like "your movement system causes me to get stuck on objects"... that is complaining, but doing it in a way that they can address the issue and hopefully correct it... if they banned you for something like that, you have a right to be angry... but flatout gong on THEIR forum, bashing THEIR game, and bashing THEIR company is a good reason to ban someone...
Obviosly you have some sort of emotional problem since you can't seem to get over it and you had to come here and make this thread...
I suggest you seek help...
1.how am i bashing a game for correcting people on the forum saying other games are "ripping-off" game play when everything in gears has been done by another game
2.how do i have some emotional problem for finding this hillarious and posting it here for other people that might find it funny as well?
1. You can't not be bashing something when you list off factors that you sayGoW got from elsewhere. Seriously, from anyone else's perspective, that's bashing. Even if you don't think so, every else does. Welcome to the Internet.
2. You probably sat there at your keyboard steaming for a minute of two over getting banned before coming to this forum to post a thread bashing the developer that owned you when you tried bashing them in their own home field. Seriously, no one believes you just politely laughed this off and swigged a little coffee as you wrote this new bash thread.
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