So Fable II has won the G4TV's Game of the Year. What are your feelings on this? Do you agree with G4?
I personally haven't played it yet, but it looks great.
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So Fable II has won the G4TV's Game of the Year. What are your feelings on this? Do you agree with G4?
I personally haven't played it yet, but it looks great.
interesting pick, i wont completely disagree with their decision but i wouldn't have picked it for game of the year
fable 2 is in my fav 5 for 2008
Nay i dont believe fable 2 won goty thats so stupid, how the hell did this win but mgs4,gta4 and gears2 didn't i was so surprised and dissapointed:(Niko_Bellic19i have not played MGS4 but Gears 2 and GTAIV were not what was expected. Don't get me wrong they r both good games but GTAIV got rly boring after a while and Gears 2 had a good campaing but rly needed an amazing MP 2 get goty, all the glitches, lag and bad matchmaking killed it 4 a lot of people like me and i was a hardcore fan.
It a sick game, it definitly is a contender. not sure if it should have got it. Im just glad it beat out GTAIV, dam that game is way over rated. Un4givingAsault
i agree with you gta is bad!
Yeah well said, same thoughts here. Great game, but fails in the fact that it is far too easy. My top 3 are GTA IV, Fallout 3 and Braid (no order there). I can't decide on GOTY. :Dinteresting pick, i wont completely disagree with their decision but i wouldn't have picked it for game of the year
fable 2 is in my fav 5 for 2008
Fable II is a great game, worth the buy, but Metal Gear Solid 4 probably should win. I don't own a PS3, but my bud does and that game almost makes me buy one.
*btw GTA IV should not even be a candidate for GOTY on any site.
I really liked the game. But I did end up trading it in.
I don't think it should have GOTY. Thats a bit of a stretch.
To me MGS4 was the obvious GOTY game this year whilst next years obvious GOTY game will be Dragon Age:Origins, only possible toppled by FFXIII or White Knight Story, but seeing as how BioWare are the true masters of roleplaying games they shouldn't be able to lose that fight.
Fable 2 was a good game, but not much more then a 1-time playthrough game as there wasn't really that much variation to the side-quests and the story was, frankly, quite weak, always felt like they still were trapped a bit too much in Fable 1 territory where combat was in focus a bit much.
Other obvious contestants for GOTY, for many at least, would've been GTAIV which was a good game, but unfortunatley not great to me. Like many games today with multiplayer, GTAIV fell into the same trap. Instead of making a perfect singelplayer experience they focus on less in that area to spit out a less than mediocre mplayer part. See The Darkness for another obvious example of this.
One game I was hoping for to be GOTY material was Prince of Persia, story-wise and character-wise it would've had a chance, but it was just so ridicilously easy, especially for PoP veteran like me where the first 5 minutes of The Two Thrones is harder then the whole game combined.
Other games that could've been up there, obviously, are GoW2 and Dead Space, GoW2's multiplayer ruined a lot for me unfortunatley, not for everyone I'm sure but for me it did, and Dead Space just didn't really scare me. Got more scared of BioShock to be honest, but both of those were still good singelplayer experience with good stories.
To, aswell as them obviously, Fable 2 does actually hold something over all those other games and actually managed to deliver a co-op that didn't feel awkward, sure it was a bit pointless but could be decent fun, and out of place. Can't really hold its own against MGS4, but the rest of the games it can definatley hold its own to.
Fallout 3 should get is a sandbox RPG shooter survival horror everygame in one! Runner up should be MGS4 and then GTA4. Fable 2 is definitley top 5 material, and is tied with Gears 2, IMO.
1. Fallout 3
2. GTA4
3. MGS4
4. Gears 2
5. Fable 2
6. Resistence 2
7. Rock Band 2
8. Braid
9. Dead Space
10. Guitar Hero: World Tour
i own fable 2 and i love it. In my opinion out of all the games i played this year (Fallout 3, Devil May Cry 4, Dead Space & More) Fable 2 is my favoritebmsaareaglesYes fable is the game i have played the most its like crack! although I donnot own a ps3 so idk how good games like little big planet or mgs4 are in comparison
Fallout 3 should get is a sandbox RPG shooter survival horror everygame in one! Runner up should be MGS4 and then GTA4. Fable 2 is definitley top 5 material, and is tied with Gears 2, IMO.
1. Fallout 3
2. GTA4
3. MGS4
4. Gears 2
5. Fable 2
6. Resistence 2
7. Rock Band 2
8. Braid
9. Dead Space
10. Guitar Hero: World Tour
look at all those sequels
I own fable 2 and I got it just because I like the first one .........
and I'm sorry it's good but not that good ..
Microsoft maybe did a great Job on Halo 3 and Gears of war 2 but Fable 2 is a complete disappointment
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