So, i am wondering what the general peeps out their think. I know the reviewers didnt score NV as high as FO3 mainly, to my understanding, because of glitches and bugs.
Now that its been out for awhile, I'm assuming its had its major problems fixed. Therefore, assuming that NV in its fixed forum is going head to head with FO3 i am wondering what people think now.
I really liked FO3, but for some reason i have no desire to play that game after i played it for like 100 plus. However, some of the plus i have heard about NV is the hardcore mode which makes surviability more of a challenge and also some what like a simulation. Also, i've heard that there are more settlements, guilds conflict with each other and the enviorment feels more lived in. Besides the fact of the bugs, according to the Gamdspot's review, I've heard the story in FONV is less that engadging and has less wow moments. i could really careless about the story in FONVcause the story in these open world games suck anyway. If i want story time i go to Bio Ware.
So, after all this, I'm wondering if youve voted for FO3, then why?
Is there other things i didnt mention thats better in FO3 than NV? (I plan on buying on NV tommorrow so this is not a game recommendation thread). Is the graphics the same? ect.
Anyhow, just from my general research, having hardcore mode, more cities, better guild interactions. Thus, i wouldnt be surprise if i like NV better unless i'm missing the smoking gun that makes FO3 WAY better than NV.
Edit: Please note that Answer 2 is supposed to read " I like FO:NV WAY better than FO3"
BTW, i bought FO:NV and i'm really digging hardcore mod. I think if it wasnt for that and for iron sights it would have been the same thing. However, hardcore mode makes it a lot more interesting in the sense of surviving.
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