Good God, Far Cry 2 is the WORST FPS ive ever played this year. Man seriously WTF is this? It sucks so much ass. Im about 2hrs into the campaign and im already bored of it, its so bland and meh! Its all drive here, go there, go here, clear camps and make them your safehouses, seriously wtf! Dont look for a story because there aint one, all these missions are a sorry excuse to increase game time. And the multiplayer is at an all new level of CRAPFEST. Other than Enemy Territory Quake Wars I cant think of one single FPS whos MP is this horrible.
* Laughable sprint feature, its pretty much pointless. You speed up like 0.5mph and the whole screen blurs as though your running at 100mph. BFBC's sprint (which sucks as well) feature feels like a God in front of this.
* wow gun sounds are so amazing /sarcasm. What the hell did they use to make those sounds?? Hitting sticks on a wall probably??
* Movement - Oh man what can go so wrong on such a simple thing like this?? Why is that my character walks as though he has got an artificial leg?? When i run its like my legs will fly off from my body any minute.
* Accuracy - Yea go on give the enemy 1000% accuracy so that they can shoot me from a kilometer away and can make all their bullets hit me but when i try to hit an enemy that is only a few hundred meters away the bullet spreads like an umbrella. Then there is that stupid red damage indicator, half the time it does not even point to the right direction (the direction which the enemy is shooting me from)
* MP Maps - Who ever made those in-built maps is an idiot, most of the maps lack balancing and one team has the perfect base while the other has the worst base. Devs first priority for a proper MP implementation are the maps, no one will stick to your game if your maps suck balls. Sure you can retort saying they've given you the map editor, ya right but the thing is will you be able to find 16 players with that same map of yours in 5-10mins?
* NO matchmaking, no party system and yea you cant play ranked matches with your friends
* Also negative EXP?? wtf! I gained about 330 in one game and i lost 280XP in the next and lost a rank. umm hello?? whats going on??
* All that pulling bullets from your body is just a gimmick, its ridiculously frustrating in MP because when you manage to find some cover to pull out the bullet, you're giving ample amount of time for the enemy to come to you and rape your face
* Respawn time - OH MA GAWD wth! you can take a short nap while it counts down. One of the longest respawn counters in any game. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
* SP lacks action and MP lacks fun
I can go on and on but this is enough and im so mad right now. To people who think the graphics are great lol I bet you that the graphics will get old in less than 15 mins, because thats what it is, its the same boring scenario everywhere and LOL ive not seen rock textures so horrible in any game, its like liquid **** sprayed all over the rock. And then there is this mountable turret effects, you know the fireblasts when you shoot?? they look 2D. Wth parveer, shadows are ridiculously dithered, this game is like every other X360 game, there are absolutely NO shadow improvements. And oh good one more FPS with a floating camera, why cant i see my god damn legs when i move/when i remove bullets from my hand?? So much for realism when dated games had them.
Also if you're thinking that this game (Multiplayer) is going to be like CoD4, then you'll be extremely disappointed. I honestly believe that this game will be dead in less than 2 weeks, MP lobbies are not even crowded during the launch week, so just think about it down the road.
Anyways, for pirates you guys go ahead and do w/e you want, my rant is for the people who are going to spend $$ on this. If I were you I would not buy this game, save your $$ for Gears or CoD WaW or any other game but not this (its still your choice, im just throwing it out) because it WONT last long. Damn im sooo freaking mad right now, absolute waste of 60$.
This is NOT a sophisticated/polished shooter, its a sorry excuse for a FPS an open world FPS that is. As of now id give it a 5/10 and that is quite generous if you ask me.
PS: Im talking about the X360 version and i cant say the same for other versions.
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