I havn't been on gamespot as much lately, especially the xbox section but I had to make this thread. Forza Horizon 2 is flipping amazing. It looks gorgeous, the gameplay is top notch, it is full of content and it is just a JOY to play. I played for about 6-7 hour straight today when I said I would only play 1-2 hours.
I game on both PC and consoles and I must say there is times when I forget I am on my xbox one, it looks just gorgeous! Havn't had any lag or FPS drops either. It is like a combination of my fav racing games.... I always wanted a racing game like this with the racing gameplay of Forza or GT, mixed with the DIRT series, but in an open world with other players.
If you don't own the game, love racing games or have been waiting for that killer app for the Xbox One, this is the game to get. I thought there was some cool parts to Horizon 1 but overall I wasn't all that stoked on it.This new one is better in every aspect, it has the tunning/upgrading of Forza Motorsport now and we also have night and day cycles, along with rain,etc..
Wonderful game so far, after about 7-8 hour I must say this is up there for my GOTY for 2014 with Wasteland 2 and Divinity Original Sin.
If anyone wants to add me for some of Forza sometime let me know. KOZZY420
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