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This one time this one guy brought another guys sexual orientation into question, it was quite the riot.vendettared468
The funniest thing that ever happened to me is this guy was fighting with this one guy and the guy was pretty good so i asked him what his gun was then the guy thought i was the other guy and he yelled in the mic SHUT THE F**K UP YOU LITTLE PUNK A$$ B****. Then the next day we were in the same game again. :) (COD 5 Beta).
one time i said me so horny in a asain voice and some guy was like thats cute almost as cute as my daughter and tehn i was like i bet i could kick your daughters ass and he kept swearing and calling my racist names all game it was teh best Obsession55LMFAO. Oooo I love this thread. I've laughed at loud at many of these posts... best thread :P
During cod4 on ps3, my friend was playing. And after a while he realised that he had come in a team with Hungarians. That´s kind of funny because we are swed/ Hungarians....and when they begun to swear, we know that they really were hungariens...seriosly if you want to play with the most violent players on the planet, just search for hungarians.
This one time in Halo my freind kept being a jerk to his teamate and swearing at him. Then after game we kept joining his game and saying stupid stuff in an indian accent (like u wanna have the sex). Then he started playing Cod so we joined him again. He got pissed and called us a jerk and stopped playing. The next day i sent him a friend request and he accepted it. shameer93With people like you it's no surprise that Halo has the worst community.
You guys have some lame/racist/hate speech stories, let your game do the talking. For example.
Start of a BTB game in Halo 3: I was on blue team, and some guy on red team was saying "Blue team is gonna get owned, ready for a loss blue team?" etc.
I think we won 100-8, and no that's not a type, we beat them by 92 kills. Safe to say, he wasn't talking trash no more.
Now, one of the most ignorant forms of trash talking/being rude on Live was about 3 nights ago. I was playing with my usual friends I play Halo 3 (Spillboy a 33 year old man, and RampagingPixie a 23 year old girl). Now Spillboy is one of the funniest guys I've met on Live, I'm 17 and we share the same mentality and we get along great, even for the 16 year gap. We play a lot of social slayer, and we tend to mind our own business, talk amongst the three of us and we don't harass anyone. We just play for fun and have a good conversation between us three. Now because we play Social Slayer, we sometimes get split up, and one game Spillboy was on the other team while me and Pixie were on the other, and because Spillboy is just a good natured person, he says "Pixie, you are going down, girls can't play Halo or video games, and I'll prove it to you." We had a good laugh about that. Then, in the middle of the game (not Spillboy) but the other three guys on his team would NOT leave Pixie alone, they called her every single female slander in the books, and everytime they killed her they all corpse humped her just because she was a girl, they left our other two teammates and I alone, and just picked on her the whole time and harassed her all because she's female. This frusturated her so bad, she actually quit playing Halo altogether that night and Spillboy both agreed that those guys were losers, and figured that's why there's not more girl gamers online if they just get harrassed.
Here's a hint to anyone who treats a girl differently on a game. DON'T! DON'T acknowledge the fact that they are girls, DON't talk to them more than other players, DON'T be especially nice to them. Treat them like everyone else. All the girls on my friends list can't stand it when guys are either super nice to them or super mean.
me too dude, i love to sing to my enemys in halo 3 before i assassinate them, or before i snipe them (even tho they cant hear me when i snipe emI prefer my insults to be sung to me.
On that note, if you hear any players burst into (profane) song during gameplay, it may be me!
not realy smack talking but i was playing gta 4 race mode online. sombody saids "hey u know if u press Y u can turbo boost to go faster" then u hear like 5 people say somthing like hey i got out of my car. i was laughing so hard. another time me and my friends were playing halo 3 online some kid kept killing me and t-bagging. i finaly killed him and i yelled "its L I T T L E idiot" his gamertag had lil in it. iam2greeni did that with my brother when he was in the chopper. i was like ME: hey dude, you know the Y button fires homing rockets right? BROTHER: really? awesome, thanks man! ME: no problem dude BROTHER: hey...wait..NOOOO THAT BUTTON DOSENT FIRE A ROCKET AT ALL! ME: did you just tap it? BROTHER: yeah, why? Me: you gotta hold it. Brother: ohhh, ok. *spawns chopper and gets up pretty high* ok, so just hold it? me: uh huh brother: hey! DUDE, FRIGGIN WEAK.
Lol all so funny.
One time on Halo 3, one of my team members was called Brownie and after we lost the match one of our enemies said "Brownie you just browned your pants."
Another time on Halo 3 I got put on a team with a bunch of scouser kids (Kids from liverpool england where even the adults voices are high) they were obviously new to the game because we were playing the 'plant the bomb game' and as soon as one of them PICKED UP the bomb they all started screeming "We won, we won, I got the bomb, Yay!"
Then they got owned.
This one time this dude was all like, diff'rent from me, so I totally made fun of him because I'm a dead-behind-the-eyes teenager with zero wit, intelligence, or imagination. I made fun of him on accounta cuz he was different and whatnot. Anyone who is different from me is obviously a retawrd. Then I told him "you're mom!" and that he was GAYEE and I totally owned and powned and pizzowned him LOL LMAO ROTFL NASA!!! Then I yelled that camping sux and then we were BFF TTFN TTYL!!!!! :)
You children are pathetic. 9 out of every 10 posters on here really thinks that saying "your mom" is the height of sizzling wit? What are you, 12? Oh yeah- most of you probably are. Making fun of some kid from the south is about as intelligent as me making fun of you for not being able to string together a complete sentence. The only difference? He can't help that he's from the south. You on the other hand could finish 4th grade and educate yourself. You could learn how to spell, punctuate, and put together a coherent thought. Despite what what your other cackling preteen friends might lead you believe, smart actually counts for something in the real world, once you've elevated yourself past junior high. Maybe if you spent more time reading books than watching Gossip Girl on the WB you'd know these things.
You are not funny. Not one of you. The things you've written on here are embarrassing. What's really sad is that none of you have the class to be embarrassed for yourselves. I have to be embarrassed FOR you. It's no wonder intelligent, well educated people from other countries think Americans are fat and stupid and lazy. All you idiots can come up with are "your mom" jokes and xenophobia. Way to prove them RIGHT, idiots.
Now THAT'S the best trash talk you've ever heard, so shut the F up, grow the F up, and move on. End of Thread.
gotta agree with the first half, this one time i just unloaded on these 2 kids on live and when it was all said and down i was like "damn, i really lost my cool there"
but for the americans part, you have no idea where the posters are from so dont act like you do, im from america and im most likely smarter than you if thats you idea of "coherent thought"
I'm sorry to say, but you just contradicted yourself. You come out saying that people that talk trash are childish, while you turn around and bash people.This one time this dude was all like, diff'rent from me, so I totally made fun of him because I'm a dead-behind-the-eyes teenager with zero wit, intelligence, or imagination. I made fun of him on accounta cuz he was different and whatnot. Anyone who is different from me is obviously a retawrd. Then I told him "you're mom!" and that he was GAYEE and I totally owned and powned and pizzowned him LOL LMAO ROTFL NASA!!! Then I yelled that camping sux and then we were BFF TTFN TTYL!!!!! :)
You children are pathetic. 9 out of every 10 posters on here really thinks that saying "your mom" is the height of sizzling wit? What are you, 12? Oh yeah- most of you probably are. Making fun of some kid from the south is about as intelligent as me making fun of you for not being able to string together a complete sentence. The only difference? He can't help that he's from the south. You on the other hand could finish 4th grade and educate yourself. You could learn how to spell, punctuate, and put together a coherent thought. Despite what what your other cackling preteen friends might lead you believe, smart actually counts for something in the real world, once you've elevated yourself past junior high. Maybe if you spent more time reading books than watching Gossip Girl on the WB you'd know these things.
You are not funny. Not one of you. The things you've written on here are embarrassing. What's really sad is that none of you have the class to be embarrassed for yourselves. I have to be embarrassed FOR you. It's no wonder intelligent, well educated people from other countries think Americans are fat and stupid and lazy. All you idiots can come up with are "your mom" jokes and xenophobia. Way to prove them RIGHT, idiots.
Now THAT'S the best trash talk you've ever heard, so shut the F up, grow the F up, and move on. End of Thread.
This one time this dude was all like, diff'rent from me, so I totally made fun of him because I'm a dead-behind-the-eyes teenager with zero wit, intelligence, or imagination. I made fun of him on accounta cuz he was different and whatnot. Anyone who is different from me is obviously a retawrd. Then I told him "you're mom!" and that he was GAYEE and I totally owned and powned and pizzowned him LOL LMAO ROTFL NASA!!! Then I yelled that camping sux and then we were BFF TTFN TTYL!!!!! :)
You children are pathetic. 9 out of every 10 posters on here really thinks that saying "your mom" is the height of sizzling wit? What are you, 12? Oh yeah- most of you probably are. Making fun of some kid from the south is about as intelligent as me making fun of you for not being able to string together a complete sentence. The only difference? He can't help that he's from the south. You on the other hand could finish 4th grade and educate yourself. You could learn how to spell, punctuate, and put together a coherent thought. Despite what what your other cackling preteen friends might lead you believe, smart actually counts for something in the real world, once you've elevated yourself past junior high. Maybe if you spent more time reading books than watching Gossip Girl on the WB you'd know these things.
You are not funny. Not one of you. The things you've written on here are embarrassing. What's really sad is that none of you have the class to be embarrassed for yourselves. I have to be embarrassed FOR you. It's no wonder intelligent, well educated people from other countries think Americans are fat and stupid and lazy. All you idiots can come up with are "your mom" jokes and xenophobia. Way to prove them RIGHT, idiots.
Now THAT'S the best trash talk you've ever heard, so shut the F up, grow the F up, and move on. End of Thread.
I'm sorry to say, but you just contradicted yourself. You come out saying that people that talk trash are childish, while you turn around and bash people.Bravo.
Yeah Majeztiic. you show him. That was one of the most painful and dumb posts i think i have read on here. All in good fun though.I honestly love it when the little 8-12 year olds threaten to kill you XD
I just say bring it lets see if you find me
funniest moment id have to say was the one game where an Iraqi kid started bashing on Canadians and Americans on Halo 3 and they just unloaded on him with insults
he got banned :P
Lol that is great!Again, starts with the high pitched voices of little kids.
some guy asked him, "Put your mom on the mic, I need to talk to her, cause I don't feel this game is appropriate for you"
The little kid PUT HIS MOM ON THE MIC and they actually discussed it.
I can't really figure out who "fail"ed, the guy who asked, or the little kid...
Again, starts with the high pitched voices of little kids.
some guy asked him, "Put your mom on the mic, I need to talk to her, cause I don't feel this game is appropriate for you"
The little kid PUT HIS MOM ON THE MIC and they actually discussed it.
I can't really figure out who "fail"ed, the guy who asked, or the little kid...
Lol that is great! HAHAHA! I had something similar to that but you could just hear the mom in the backround. You could hear her saying "Jimmy" (or whatever his name was) tell your friends to stop swearing. So he would tell us to stop over and over and we wouldn't. Than randomly halfway through the round of search in destroy in CoD:WaW he got off of live. I kinda hope his mom turned it off.not smack talk but when I was playing Halo 3 someone said if Dora the Explorer was 17, shed be super hot
I thought that kind of funny, yet disturbing at the same time.
My friend got a message yesterday while we were playing CoD4 from a guy that had quite saying "Get a F***** Life! since my friend was just first rank but was owning everyone. (He was first rank because he got a new account.). There was no smack talk since we were in a party.
My friend replied with a :) face.
I remember playing gears of war with a couple of friends and a guy couldn't stand losing to us so he just kept on cursing and cursing and trying to diss us and ended it off by saying to one of my boys "why don't you take the wire from your control and go hang yourself" that's when everybody got quiet....................................................................and my boy responds "uh dude................. the controls are wireless" lol evrybody even from his team was cracking up on him,that moment was priceless.
[QUOTE="mattbrw08"][QUOTE="the_kidisblack"] Lol that is great!TheHumanDoveHAHAHA! I had something similar to that but you could just hear the mom in the backround. You could hear her saying "Jimmy" (or whatever his name was) tell your friends to stop swearing. So he would tell us to stop over and over and we wouldn't. Than randomly halfway through the round of search in destroy in CoD:WaW he got off of live. I kinda hope his mom turned it off. **** you for reviving this thread. *****
huh? im confused as to the problem...did u think before typing?
[QUOTE="MaJezTiiC"][QUOTE="j_royall"]I'm sorry to say, but you just contradicted yourself. You come out saying that people that talk trash are childish, while you turn around and bash people.This one time this dude was all like, diff'rent from me, so I totally made fun of him because I'm a dead-behind-the-eyes teenager with zero wit, intelligence, or imagination. I made fun of him on accounta cuz he was different and whatnot. Anyone who is different from me is obviously a retawrd. Then I told him "you're mom!" and that he was GAYEE and I totally owned and powned and pizzowned him LOL LMAO ROTFL NASA!!! Then I yelled that camping sux and then we were BFF TTFN TTYL!!!!! :)
You children are pathetic. 9 out of every 10 posters on here really thinks that saying "your mom" is the height of sizzling wit? What are you, 12? Oh yeah- most of you probably are. Making fun of some kid from the south is about as intelligent as me making fun of you for not being able to string together a complete sentence. The only difference? He can't help that he's from the south. You on the other hand could finish 4th grade and educate yourself. You could learn how to spell, punctuate, and put together a coherent thought. Despite what what your other cackling preteen friends might lead you believe, smart actually counts for something in the real world, once you've elevated yourself past junior high. Maybe if you spent more time reading books than watching Gossip Girl on the WB you'd know these things.
You are not funny. Not one of you. The things you've written on here are embarrassing. What's really sad is that none of you have the class to be embarrassed for yourselves. I have to be embarrassed FOR you. It's no wonder intelligent, well educated people from other countries think Americans are fat and stupid and lazy. All you idiots can come up with are "your mom" jokes and xenophobia. Way to prove them RIGHT, idiots.
Now THAT'S the best trash talk you've ever heard, so shut the F up, grow the F up, and move on. End of Thread.
Yeah Majeztiic. you show him. That was one of the most painful and dumb posts i think i have read on here. All in good fun though.Yeah, right. That was the most intelligent post in this thread! Everything he wrote in his post is pretty much true. Not all, but a lot of stuff not only in this thread but on live as well comes down to nothing but offensive little kids thinking they are `hard`. Someone else in this thread posted about how funny it was when his mate was taking the piss out of someone because their mother was dead - what the f**k is that all about? Can you really get any lower? Its bloody disgusting as far as im concerned - but if you kids find that funny...... Racism, sexism anything to try and offend other people who use live to play multiplayer, GROW UP!
Also, like said in the above post, you lot ARE giving Americans a bad name. Guarantee, the majority of posters here are from the us. Im British, 30 year old male. Apart from a couple games i play on live, most are filled with young American males trying to be `ganstas` doing the kind of things that are posted here. I used to play GTA4 with a bunch of other uk lads, everytime we were in a game or just the lobby the American kids would always kick off - just because we were British. Some of the stuff they used to come out with was extraordinary to say the least! Why? What is the point? So yeah, a minority (debatable) of American youth is making you all look like idiots.
Use Live, play the games. Just for f**ks sake, start growing up a bit.
mostly its smack free when im playing, but usually if there is any smack talk its a racial joke or a momma jokejust wanted to see if you guys have any smack talk funny moments in your live history that are memorable or just funny. and you can also talk about just the annoying ones.
man i have had a lot of funny times but along time ago i was playing halo 2. i was just sitting in a lobdy when my friend was there with me. we were just talking and stuff then his mom came in.. wow he go owned....
Mom: Danny! what the F#@$ is the matter with you godd@$%^!!!!!!!!!!!
D: Mom i told you i would give the dog a bath later today!
mom: BullS#@%!!!!!!!!!
mom: whatever you're grounded for 3 weeks.. no tv phone or ANYTHING!!!!!!!
D: Wait i jus----
click :) she puleed the plug. lol it was so funny because he is like 17 yrsold xD
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