well ill end up with novembers releases ,, of quantum of solace for wii and 360 ,
and wwe 2009 for one of the 3 i plan to get all 3 some time ,
thats pretty much it unless nfs is good,
bk3 i think ill pass. i dont think it wil be like bk1 because the original teams all lef t rare to form their own or go with other companies,
so its hard for me to decide on that as ive already been disappointed 4 times this gen by rare 1 is the ds version of the n64 game of dkr, its buggy always tells me to reinsert card then the 360 games like pd0 kameo vivapinata all were lame at best even when pd64 was awsome ,
to top it off xbox1s games werent that good even the port of n64s conker bfd lacked cursing which n64 had odlly as it sounded, the part with he big mighty poo was all sensored ,lol then the ghoolies whic was good but only for one time through it not like goldeneye bk1 or jfg not even pd64
rare just disapponted me since they went over to microsoft,
decmbers ill get cod5 , and i think one of ps3s exclusives unless wii animal crossing is good ,
never played one , but as far as mirrors edge i know little about the series, i dont expect much from a new comer to the game industry, ive seen far to many already that failed, miserablly- lair 4.0 too human 4,5 star wars -which was a suprise 7/5 360 ps3 6.0 ps2 wii
so im not gonna take any chances with any of the following
mirrors edge
little big planet,
or wii music
these 3 look like their destined to fail ,
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