I think it depends on who you talk about. I think the developers are actually trying to make the game as fun as possible, but the publisher is all about money. And since they are pretty much funding the project they kind of have more say in the project. Release date, amount of people who work on the project, and amount of funds.
I mean look at Blizzard. Yes they are with what Vivendi or whatever, but they have been self publishing games for years. Their quality today is still as good as it was ten years ago. World of Warcraft was truly amazing in my eyes (i am just to cheap for $15 a month). You also look at Betheseda. I played Oblivion for about 200 hours (yes 200 hours......... ruffly). I know not everyone played it like that, but i know many did. The problem now-a-days is that many publishers want to cash in on games. Take Activision for example. Infinity War made Call of Duty and it was really good, but then they decided to get Treyarch invovled (mabye Treyarch voluntered who knows) and they have been making not as good as previous Call of Duty titles yet Activision just keeps letting them pump out their games.
Publishers are greedy in my eyes... you know EA, Ubisoft (even though i do like many of their games... i see them as the much much better EA that can actually make good games that are in house), Activision, and others. They pump out a title year after year which is pretty much the exact same games with slight improvements (Any EA sport franchise, Guitar Hero, and Tom Clancy games like R:6 or GR with their main title and expansion for each game....).
Look at movie games for example. Is it the developers fault the game sucks? Not really... The Publishers who get their hands on the IP give the developer a small amount of funds and short development times so they can cash in on it without spending almost anything.
I really put about 90% of the blame on the publishers now a days. The Developers are trying to make the games as fun as possible, but when you don't get crap from the people funding the project it is hard to do it.
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