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and honestly people, gears came out less than a year ago and it took over five years to make the first one, so why are people already looking to info on the sequal. they prolly are not even finished creating the story yet. just keep playing gears 1 and be patient, the sequal might not even come out on the current (360) consoleicecoldkilla78He is write.
[QUOTE="icecoldkilla78"]and honestly people, gears came out less than a year ago and it took over five years to make the first one, so why are people already looking to info on the sequal. they prolly are not even finished creating the story yet. just keep playing gears 1 and be patient, the sequal might not even come out on the current (360) consoletaylorb522He is write.
Well, he is right except that last bit. gears 2 is a lock for the 360, the only question is whether they will pull a halo and save gears 3 for the next Xbox console.
He is write.[QUOTE="taylorb522"][QUOTE="icecoldkilla78"]and honestly people, gears came out less than a year ago and it took over five years to make the first one, so why are people already looking to info on the sequal. they prolly are not even finished creating the story yet. just keep playing gears 1 and be patient, the sequal might not even come out on the current (360) consoleRebornInFlames
Well, he is right except that last bit. gears 2 is a lock for the 360, the only question is whether they will pull a halo and save gears 3 for the next Xbox console
i hope that it comes out one the 369 because i dont want to buy anothe console just the finish the game, but if epic takes their time like i want them to to make the game great it might be time for a new console to be coming out. but i hope thats not the case
yall are thinkin inside the box, they might want to use a different engine in the upcoming games. alot of games are using unreal 3 and thats why people arestarting to see similar gameplay in shooters, who else be epic.... or maybe bungie, can come up with a great new engine tomake a great game. and if they use a different engine that will add at least a year to the development of gears 2icecoldkilla78
[QUOTE="icecoldkilla78"]yall are thinkin inside the box, they might want to use a different engine in the upcoming games. alot of games are using unreal 3 and thats why people arestarting to see similar gameplay in shooters, who else be epic.... or maybe bungie, can come up with a great new engine tomake a great game. and if they use a different engine that will add at least a year to the development of gears 2Warlock89
those are two games using the engine but there are multiple game coming soon that will also be using that same engine, and i argee they can make the best games on it but by the time that gears 2 come out that engine will be a kinda old (in video game terms) and it might be best if they use a new engine/
[QUOTE="icecoldkilla78"][QUOTE="Warlock89"][QUOTE="icecoldkilla78"]yall are thinkin inside the box, they might want to use a different engine in the upcoming games. alot of games are using unreal 3 and thats why people arestarting to see similar gameplay in shooters, who else be epic.... or maybe bungie, can come up with a great new engine tomake a great game. and if they use a different engine that will add at least a year to the development of gears 2magicalclick
those are two games using the engine but there are multiple game coming soon that will also be using that same engine, and i argee they can make the best games on it but by the time that gears 2 come out that engine will be a kinda old (in video game terms) and it might be best if they use a new engine/
You don't need a new engine. Halo2 was using the same Halo engine, but modified version. Gears2 will use the modifed UE3 as well. And UE3 games looks very different, Mass Effect, Too Human, Last Reminent, Lost Odyesse, are all RPGs using UE3 and they looks very different.
and the reason why it might not be a bad idea to use a new engine is because so many games are using that engine, eventually he potential of it will be reached. im sure they can and will modify itif they have to. but alot of people bash the halo series because the gameplay is so similar. i still lke halo eventhough it is similar but it seems like people want something different when they next version of a game comes out. if they didnt make a new engine it wouldnt be a bad idea because if what they have makes gears great then keep it, but if they make a new engine it wont hurt, at least i hope it wont. but this is still all speculation
epic is furious with moneysoft. They forced them to charge money for there content. Usually epic hands it out for free. I think if ms doesnt lighten up, the nex tGOW will be on PS3.jdub03
Not a chance in hell something so little as charging for extra content will make Epic make Gears 2 for the PS3...
The first game in a series always takes the longest...
Thats when they're first figuring out the game mechanics, and building a game engine that can do the things they want it to do. Overcoming initial obsticals, like environment and lighting rendering, creating all the animation, setting up character scripts, etc...
For GOW2, they'll tack on new things to the engine, but they don't have to create the whole thing from scratch. A lot of the assests created in GoW can be modified to fit GoW2. Developing GoW2 should only take 1/2 the time it took to develop GoW1.
and honestly people, gears came out less than a year ago and it took over five years to make the first one, so why are people already looking to info on the sequal. they prolly are not even finished creating the story yet. just keep playing gears 1 and be patient, the sequal might not even come out on the current (360) consoleicecoldkilla78
uh you realize that like three of the five years was developing the engine right? we will see the next gears game by christmas '08/spring '09 most likely
I'm not ready to be reading/hearing crap about GoW2 already. It's going to be awhile before it comes out but people are gonna be talking about it like it will be coming out next month for the next year...
did that make sense? ehh, whatever...
and honestly people, gears came out less than a year ago and it took over five years to make the first one, so why are people already looking to info on the sequal. they prolly are not even finished creating the story yet. just keep playing gears 1 and be patient, the sequal might not even come out on the current (360) consoleicecoldkilla78
if you know anything about videogames...they use the same engines usually which takes probably the longest out of gears2 could be done in 1-2 years
why is everyone asking if gears will go to ps3 or if halo will go to wii? ITs a FReaking FIRST-PARTY game!!!!! have u ever seen a first-party agme that is on more than one console?! besides PCkingobaid
Developed by Epic. Epic is not first party. That said MS published it so they pretty much funded it, so no Gears on PS3 sorries D:
epic is furious with moneysoft. They forced them to charge money for there content. Usually epic hands it out for free. I think if ms doesnt lighten up, the nex tGOW will be on PS3.jdub03
Mark Rein seems to like moneysoft:
don't burn him to hard for expecting a sequel so soon,
look at Ghost recon series and all of the sports series and need for speed they pump out a sequel at least a new one every year so what else could u expect
hopefully epic wont do that because then the quality will go down the tube like the afformentioned series'
and honestly people, gears came out less than a year ago and it took over five years to make the first one, so why are people already looking to info on the sequal. they prolly are not even finished creating the story yet. just keep playing gears 1 and be patient, the sequal might not even come out on the current (360) consoleicecoldkilla78
That included UT3 development as well as the entire engine for the game. I doubt they will make a new engine for Gears 2. It should take them 2 years to complete that game or maybe a little bit more. I would expect it somewhere 2009 or maybe even end 2008.
and honestly people, gears came out less than a year ago and it took over five years to make the first one, so why are people already looking to info on the sequal. they prolly are not even finished creating the story yet. just keep playing gears 1 and be patient, the sequal might not even come out on the current (360) consoleicecoldkilla78
actually they took 5 years because they were making a new engine , game-play etc. now they have it so is only to change the game etc. soo it wont be to long to make it i think gears 2 will come out like in 2009
epic is furious with moneysoft. They forced them to charge money for there content. Usually epic hands it out for free. I think if ms doesnt lighten up, the nex tGOW will be on PS3.jdub03
I doubt it, like Halo Gears was published by M$ so like Halo again they probably bought the rights to the franchise hence Gears will not be on a different console.
yall are thinkin inside the box, they might want to use a different engine in the upcoming games. alot of games are using unreal 3 and thats why people are starting to see similar gameplay in shooters, who else be epic.... or maybe bungie, can come up with a great new engine tomake a great game. and if they use a different engine that will add at least a year to the development of gears 2icecoldkilla78
Uh, why would they use a different engine when the Unreal Engine made they're game famous not to mention ITS THEIR ENGINE THEY CREATED IT! which means they don't have to make a deal for a lot of money to use someone elses game engine when they have one of the best game engines out right now so it would be stupid to use a different one.
P.S. I think Epic only uses the Unreal Engine anyway.
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