A few weeks ago I signed up to talk on Epic Forums. I waited and waited until finally I could start new threads on their forums. My first thread was about how the smokes in gears of war 2 sucked. The next day I looked at my thread I had two pages of replies to what I said. A few days after that I was playing gears and was getting mad at how horrible the game play was. I started to think to myself, this is not the game I bought, this is not even as good as gears one. So I went back on the forum mad a new thread called "I am done with GOW2." Now on this thread I put down what was on my mind. I said that the game was good but eventually the game just got worse and worse as the game began to age. I then wrote a list of ten things how the game was bad. Then I ended the thread by saying that I was going to sell gears of war 2 and either buy Section 8 or WET. The nextt morning I check to see if anybody replied to my thread. I couldn't even get on the forums, I can't even look at the forums any more. I was banned from Epic forums. The only thing it says when I try to look at the forums is that I am banned for bye and that the ban will be lifted never. I laughed when I saw this. The only thing I can say is that Epic is a bunch of babies. I give them criticism about their game on their forum and so they ban me. Now I think Epic is just about of grown babies that produce games for the masses with so many faults in them that it makes the game not fun a week after its release. Here is how I see it; a man walks into my house and says "Your house is dirty." Now its my house and I can do what I want with it. I have two ways to respond to this; one way is the responsible way. I say "Yes my house is dirty and I will try to clean it." Now my second response is "How about you get out of my house you stupid scum bag my house if perfectly fine the way it is." Do you see the difference? I could take responsibility for my house and clean it or completely deny that my house is dirty and tell them to shut up. Now Epic picked the second response by banning me for talking bad about their game when every body knows that I am right. If you want to see my ten reasons of why Gears of War 2 is not a good game check out my profile and I should have it up. Thank you for reading.
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